All Stories

  1. Welcome to America 2.0”: Reading Waste in Gary Shteyngart’s Super Sad True Love Story
  2. Victoria Aarons (ed.), The New Jewish American Literary Studies
  3. Bernard Malamud
  4. The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture
  5. Witness Between Languages: The Translation of Holocaust Testimonies in Context, by Peter Davies
  6. Translating the Poetry of the Holocaust: Translation, Style and the Reader, by Jean Boase-Beier
  7. Between Transmission and Translation: The Rearticulation of Vladek Spiegelman's Languages in Maus
  8. Ments alterades en el segle XIX: Els relats d'Edgar Allan Poe i Guy de Moupassant
  9. Ments alterades en el segle XIX: Els relats d'Edgar Allan Poe i Guy de Moupassant