All Stories

  1. Hashtag swearing: Pragmatic polysemy and polyfunctionality of #FuckPutin as solidary flaming
  2. #HaStatoPutin Affinity Space: From Political Work to Autotelic Humor
  3. The life of COVID-19 mask memes: A diachronic study of the pandemic memescape
  4. Metarecipient parents’ #Bluey tweets as a distributed fandom affinity space
  5. Deception: Lying and Beyond
  6. Fidelis ad mortem: multimodal discourses and ideologies in Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter (non)humorous memes
  7. Humour and (mock) aggression: Distinguishing cyberbullying from roasting
  8. Desperately seeking intentions: Genuine and jocular insults on social media
  9. You Don’t Fool Me: On Scams, Scambaiting, Deception, and Epistemological Ambiguity at R/scambait on Reddit
  10. Creating and sharing public humour across traditional and new media
  11. Conversational Humour
  12. When Both Utterances and Appearances are Deceptive: Deception in Multimodal Film Narrative
  13. Laughter through tears: Unprofessional review comments as humor on the ShitMyReviewersSay Twitter account
  14. COVID-19 memes going viral: On the multiple multimodal voices behind face masks
  15. On being roasted, toasted and burned: (Meta)pragmatics of Wendy's Twitter humour
  16. Vigilante disparaging humour at r/IncelTears: Humour as critique of incel ideology
  17. Ad libidinem: Forms of female sexualisation in RoastMe humour
  18. On a Cross-Cultural Memescape: Switzerland through Nation Memes from within and from the Outside
  19. Caveat emptor: boycott through digital humour on the wave of the 2019 Hong Kong protests
  20. Book review
  21. Quid rides?: Targets and referents of RoastMe insults
  22. Camilla Vásquez, Language, creativity and humour online. London: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 190. Pb. £29.
  23. Arcana imperii*
  24. Ironic intentions in action and interaction
  25. Editorial
  26. Risum teneatis, amici?☆: The socio-pragmatics of RoastMe humour
  27. Irony in Language Use and Communication
  28. To Say the Least: Where Deceptively Withholding Information Ends and Lying Begins
  29. Theoretically onMock Politeness in English and Italian
  30. Taking cognisance of cognitive linguistic research on humour
  31. Issues in Humour Cognition
  32. Chapter 3. Deconstructing the myth of positively evaluative irony
  33. Irony, Deception and Humour
  34. In tragoedia risus: Analysis of dark humour in post-terrorist attack discourse
  35. The texts of analyst reports change the response of the stock market to recommendations
  36. Overt pretence as a source of conversational
  37. But seriously: On conversational humour and (un)truthfulness
  38. Introduction: On the linguistics of humour theoretically
  39. Academics vs. American scriptwriters vs. academics: A battle over the etic and emic “sarcasm” and “irony” labels
  40. Approaching conversational humour culturally: A survey of the emerging area of investigation
  41. Chapter 1. Implicitness
  42. Chapter 6. Implicitness via overt untruthfulness
  43. Implicitness
  44. Editorial
  45. 4. “Is there a tumour in your humour?”: On misunderstanding and miscommunication in conversational humour
  46. 3. Participation as audience design
  47. The Irony of Irony: Irony Based on Truthfulness
  48. 15. (Im)politeness and telecinematic discourse
  49. Two layers of overt untruthfulness
  50. New Theoretical Insights into Untruthfulness
  51. On untruthfulness, its adversaries and strange bedfellows
  52. Comparing and combining covert and overt untruthfulness
  53. A burgeoning field of research: Humorous intent in interaction
  54. With or without intentions: Accountability and (un)intentional humour in film talk
  55. Pejoration via sarcastic irony and sarcasm
  56. Humour as (im)politeness in film
  57. “Trolling is not stupid”: Internet trolling as the art of deception serving entertainment
  58. Introduction
  59. Killing Two Birds with One Deceit
  60. Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions
  61. Researching interactional forms and participant structures in public and social media
  62. Dynel Marta: Developments in Linguistic Humour Theory. Topics in Humor Research. Vol. 1
  63. Intention to deceive, bald-faced lies, and deceptive implicature: Insights into Lying at the semantics-pragmatics interface
  64. The landscape of impoliteness research
  65. Communicating Uncertainty in Financial Statement Narratives: Goodwill Impairment Testing
  66. Impoliteness in the service of verisimilitude in film interaction
  67. Participation framework underlying YouTube interaction
  68. A Survey of “Intercultural Pragmatics” and Its Outlook on the Gricean Philosophy of Communication
  69. Isn't it ironic? Defining the scope of humorous irony
  70. Linguistic approaches to (non)humorous irony
  71. On the part of ratified participants: ratified listeners in multi-party interactions
  72. Developments in Linguistic Humour Theory
  73. Humorous phenomena in dramatic discourse
  74. Review of Jokes and the Linguistic Mind and Meaning and Humour
  75. Irony from a neo-Gricean perspective: On untruthfulness and evaluative implicature
  76. On Impoliteness and Drama Discourse: An Interview with Jonathan Culpeper
  77. A view on humour theory
  78. Impoliteness as disaffiliative humour in film talk
  79. When does irony tickle the hearer?
  80. Setting our House in order: The workings of impoliteness in multi-party film discourse
  81. Swearing methodologically : the (im)politeness of expletives in anonymous commentaries on Youtube
  82. A Web of Deceit: A Neo-Gricean View on Types of Verbal Deception
  83. Turning speaker meaning on its head
  84. Stranger than Fiction? A Few Methodological Notes on Linguistic Research in Film Discourse
  85. Revisiting Goffman’s postulates on participant statuses in verbal interaction
  86. The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains
  87. “You talking to me?” The viewer as a ratified listener to film discourse
  88. Blending the Incongruity-Resolution Model and the Conceptual Integration Theory: The Case of Blends in Pictorial Advertising
  89. Two communicative levels and twofold illocutionary force in televised political debates
  90. Pragmatics and linguistic research into humour
  91. “I’ll be there for you!” On participation-based sitcom humour
  92. Joker in the pack
  93. Chapter 5. Entertaining and enraging
  94. Żarty na bok: Kognitywne mechanizmy w dowcipach
  95. On "Revolutionary Road": A Proposal for Extending the Gricean Model of Communication to Cover Multiple Hearers
  96. Editorial
  97. Beyond a Joke: Types of Conversational Humour
  98. Pragmatics and Discourse. A Resource Book for Students, 2nd Edition
  99. Book Reviews
  100. Gendered Discourse in the Professional Workplace
  101. Book reviews
  102. There Is Method in the Humorous Speaker's Madness: Humour and Grice's Model
  103. Introduction to Special Issue on Humour: A Modest Attempt at Presenting Contemporary Linguistic Approaches to Humour Studies
  104. No Aggression, Only Teasing: The Pragmatics of Teasing and Banter
  105. New Approaches to the Linguistics of Humour
  106. The Linguistics of Laughter. A Corpus-Assisted Study of Laughter-Talk
  107. Book reviews
  108. Marta Dynel
  109. Being cooperatively (im)polite: Grice’s model in the context of (im)politeness theories