All Stories

  1. The Influence of Temporal Frame on Guilt and Shame Appeals
  2. How Liberals and Conservatives Respond to Equality-Based and Proportionality-Based Rewards in Charity Advertising
  4. Charitable motivations: the role of prestige and identification
  5. Exploring the influence of mothers’ attitudes toward advertising on children's consumption of screen media
  6. Eco-harmful media perceptions and consumer response to advertising
  7. The Laugh Model: Reframing and Rebranding Public Health Through Social Media
  8. Factors affecting the relationship between environmental concern and behaviors
  9. Customer e-complaining behaviours using social media
  10. Reaching Consumers Through Effective Health Messages: A Public Health Imperative
  11. The Dimensionality of Environmental Concern: Validation of Component Measures
  12. Facebook vs. Traditional Print Advertising: Examining Influence Over Information
  13. Electronic Zipping: Ad Agency Views
  14. Industrial Buyers’ Perceptions of Salespeople: An Exploratory Investigation
  15. How Gay–Straight Alliance Groups Mitigate the Relationship Between Gay-Bias Victimization and Adolescent Suicide Attempts
  16. Measuring Service Involvement: An Adaptation of the Personal Involvement Inventory
  17. An Investigation of Effective Advertising Strategies for Recruiting Long Haul Truck Drivers
  18. The Role of Technology in Industrial Customers’ Perceptions of Logistics Service Quality and Their Future Purchase Intentions
  19. DTC HC
  20. Regulating Front‐of‐Package Nutrition Information Disclosures: A Test of Industry Self‐Regulation vs. Other Popular Options
  21. Programme--ad congruence: integrating advertising and entertainment
  22. The Moderating Role of Celebrity Worship on Attitudes Toward Celebrity Brand Extensions
  23. The role of cancer information seeking behavior in developing and disseminating effective smoking cessation strategies: A comparison of current smokers, former smokers, and never smokers
  24. Self-reported training needs of emergency responders in disasters requiring military interface
  25. Cross-cultural examination of online shopping behavior: A comparison of Norway, Germany, and the United States
  26. The Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program: I-O's Role and Involvement Opportunities
  27. Are Celebrity-Heroes Effective Endorsers? Exploring the Link between Hero, Celebrity, and Advertising Response
  28. The human lens: How anthropomorphic reasoning varies by product complexity and enhances personal value
  29. The Effectiveness of Benefit Type and Price Endings in Green Advertising
  30. Are Products More Real on Reality Shows? An Exploratory Study of Product Placement in Reality Television Programming
  31. The Use of Performance Control Charts in Business Schools: A Tool for Assessing Learning Outcomes
  32. The Public Health Implications of Consumers' Environmental Concern and Their Willingness to Pay for an Eco-Friendly Product
  33. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: Exposure, Behavior, and Policy Implications
  34. Marketing for Public Health: We Need an App for That
  35. The Evolution of Services Advertising in a Services-Driven National Economy
  36. Handling Observations with Low Interrater Agreement Values
  37. Advertising Message Appeals
  38. Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Advertising
  39. From the Editor
  40. Violence and Advertising
  41. Consumer Literacy for Credence Services: Helping the Invisible Hand
  42. Technology acceptance and satisfaction with logistics services
  43. Consuming as a family: Modes of intergenerational influence on young adults
  44. Up for sale: consumer medical information
  45. Defining and Understanding Communications Planning: A Current Assessment and an Exploratory Study
  46. The Impact of Consumers’ Health Literacy on Public Health
  47. Does marketing undermine public health?
  48. From The Editor
  49. Cautions and Concerns in Experimental Research on the Consumer Interest
  50. From the Editor
  51. An expanded model of logistics service quality: Incorporating logistics information technology
  52. Recognizing Consumer Issues in DTC Pharmaceutical Advertising
  53. Ratings Scheme Bias in E-Commerce
  54. Consumer acceptance of online auctions: An extension and revision of the TAM
  55. From The Editor
  56. Norwegian Internet Shopping Sites: An Application & Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
  57. From the Editor
  58. The differential value of information in industrial purchasing decisions
  59. From The Editor
  60. Toward a Pragmatic Understanding of the Advertising and Public Policy Literature
  61. A profitable new definition of health
  62. The Use of Pricing Information in Service Advertisements
  63. The dimensionality of environmental concern: validation of component measures
  64. The effects of reserve prices on bidding behaviour in online auctions
  65. Individual and social determinants of winning bids in online auctions
  66. PERSPECTIVES ON ADVERTISING RESEARCH: Views from Winners of the American Academy of Advertising Outstanding Contribution to Research Award
  67. INTERNATIONAL SERVICES ADVERTISING (ISA): Defining the Domain and Reviewing the Literature
  68. Identity Theft: Laws, Crimes, and Victims
  69. Determining Uses and Gratifications for the Internet
  70. The Influence of Advertising Logo Characteristics on Audience Perceptions of a Nonprofit Theatrical Organization
  71. Celebrity Images in Magazine Advertisements: An Application of the Visual Rhetoric Model
  72. Industrial buyers’ perceptions of industrial salespersons
  73. From the Guest Editor
  74. A Contingency Approach: The Effects of Spokesperson Type and Service Type on Service Advertising Perceptions
  75. The Advantages of Atypical Advertisements for Stereotyped Product Categories
  76. Age, Income, and Gender: Demographic Determinants of Community Theater Patronage
  77. Advertising the Service Offering: The Effects of Preference Heterogeneity, Message Strategy and Gender on Radio Advertising Effectiveness
  78. The Effectiveness of Tensile Pricing Tactics in the Advertising of Services
  79. International services advertising: an examination of variation in appeal use for experiential and utilitarian services
  80. An international analysis of emotional and rational appeals in services vs goods advertising
  81. Determinants of service quality and satisfaction in the auto casualty claims process
  82. Advertising Sex-Typed Services: The Effects of Sex, Service Type, and Employee Type on Consumer Attitudes
  83. Addressing the Advertising of Services: A Call to Action
  84. Age-related cues in retail services advertising: Their effects on younger consumers
  85. Tangibility in Services Advertising: An Investigation of Verbal versus Visual Cues
  86. Mechanical Commercial Avoidance: A Uses and Gratifications Perspective
  87. Demographic discriminators of service quality in the banking industry
  88. Predispositions toward Green Issues: The Potential Efficacy of Advertising Appeals
  89. Marital influence in the decision ‐making process for services
  90. Opportunities for Involvement Research: A Scale-Development Approach
  91. A Normative Model for Improving Services Quality
  92. Retail Services Advertising: The Effects of Appeal, Medium, and Service
  93. Green issues: Dimensions of environmental concern
  94. Consumer Motivations for Commercial Web Site Use
  95. Investigating Social Motivations for Internet Use
  96. Ratings Schemes in e-Commerce
  97. Identifying Motivations for the Use of Commercial Web Sites
  98. Motivations and Perceptions Related to the Acceptance of Convergent Media Delivered through the World Wide Web
  99. Motivations and Perceptions Related to the Acceptance of Convergent Media Delivered through the World Wide Web