All Stories

  1. Relationship Determinants of Performance in Service Triads: A Configurational Approach
  2. Sustainability assessment of food chain logistics
  3. Strategic responses to power dominance in buyer-supplier relationships
  4. Marriage of Inconvenience: Value Co-Destruction in an Inter-Dependent Supply Chain Relationship
  5. An exploration of supply chain integration in the retail product returns process
  6. Who's Seeking Whom? Coalition Behavior of a Weaker Player in Buyer-Supplier Relationships
  7. Buyer‐supplier relationships in a servitized environment
  8. Product Service Systems and supply network relationships: an exploratory case study
  9. Inter‐organisational costing approaches: the inhibiting factors
  10. Challenges in transforming manufacturing organisations into product‐service providers
  11. Towards the integrative supply chain model
  12. Inter-organisational costing approaches – the inhibiting factors