All Stories

  1. Chromatographic Characterization and Process Performance of Column-Packed Anion Exchange Fibrous Adsorbents for High Throughput and High Capacity Bioseparations
  2. Applications of cellulosic fibers in protein purification
  3. Radiation synthesized protein-based nanoparticles: A technique overview
  4. Preparation of functional currant-bun-like fumed silica/polymethacrylate nanoparticles by radiation-induced polymerization
  5. Immobilized palladium(II) ion affinity chromatography for recovery of recombinant proteins with peptide tags containing histidine and cysteine
  6. High capacity cryogel-type adsorbents for protein purification
  7. Functionalization of monolithic cryogels for biotherapeutic purification
  8. Radio-synthesized protein-based nanoparticles for biomedical purposes
  9. Emerging technologies for the integration and intensification of downstream bioprocesses
  10. Characterization of a Protein Nanoparticle, Bsanano and its Interaction With-Emodin
  11. Radiation synthesis of seroalbumin nanoparticles
  12. Synthesis and sorption performance of highly specific imprinted particles for the direct recovery of carminic acid
  13. An Arsenic Fluorescent Compound as a Novel Probe to Study Arsenic-Binding Proteins
  14. Preparation, characterization, and process performance of composite fibrous adsorbents as cation exchangers for high throughput and high capacity bioseparations
  15. Synthesis of a Fluorescently Labeled Compound for the Detection of Arsenic-induced Apoptotic HL60 Cells
  16. Synthesis and performance of 3D-Megaporous structures for enzyme immobilization and protein capture
  17. Immobilization of bacteria in microgel grafted onto macroporous polyethylene
  18. Modelado de un reactor tubular de lipasas inmovilizadas para la producción de glicerol y ácidos grasos a partir de aceites
  19. Arsenical grafted membranes for immobilization of thioredoxin-like proteins
  20. High-speed protein purification by adsorptive cation-exchange hollow-fiber cartridges
  21. Iron protoporphyrin-modified monolithic support for on-line preconcentration of angiotensin prior to CE analysis
  22. Peptide imprinted polymer synthesized by radiation-induced graft polymerization
  23. Rapid neutral protease purification by dye-affinity membrane chromatography
  24. On-line affinity selection of histidine-containing peptides using a polymeric monolithic support for capillary electrophoresis
  25. Electron-beam induced RAFT-graft polymerization of poly(acrylic acid) onto PVDF
  26. Making porous membranes by chemical etching of heavy-ion tracks in β-PVDF films
  27. Improved hollow-fibre membranes for dye-affinity chromatography
  28. Preparation and characterisation of immobilised metal ion hollow-fibre polysulphone membranes. Their application in high-speed pectic enzyme fractionation
  29. Oriented immobilization of proteins on grafted porous polymers
  30. Radiation-induced GMA/DMAA graft copolymerization onto porous PE hollow-fiber membrane
  31. From microspheres to monoliths: Synthesis of porous supports with tailored properties by radiation polymerization
  32. Immobilized metal ion affinity hollow-fibre membranes obtained by the direct grafting technique
  33. Direct lysozyme separation from egg white by dye membrane affinity chromatography
  34. Direct lysozyme separation from egg white by dye membrane affinity chromatography
  35. Fungal pectic enzyme fractionation by dye affinity chromatography
  36. A novel polymeric catalyst from hemin for oxidation reactions
  37. Structural and14N EFG Information on Solid Imidazole by13C CP/MAS NMR Data
  38. Microcomputer program based on the Beierbeck-Saunders approach for the prediction of 13C-NMR chemical shifts in acyclic hydrocarbons
  39. Microcomputer simulation of solid-state13C NMR line shapes affected by quadrupolar nuclei
  40. Analysis of13C,14N residual dipolar coupling in the13C CP/MAS NMR spectra of ribonucleosides
  41. Semiempirical calculation of 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts of acyclic hydrocarbons. Application to the stereochemical analysis of steroidal side chains
  42. High-Speed Pectic Enzyme Fractionation by Immobilised Metal Ion Affinity Membranes