All Stories

  1. Archives, genealogies and narratives in women workers’ education
  2. The ethics of storytelling: narrative hermeneutics, history and the possible
  3. Living and thinking the event
  4. Book Review: Considering Emma Goldman: Feminist political ambivalence and the imaginative archive
  5. Painting the Body: Feminist Musings on Visual Autographies
  6. Action as narration/narration as action: reading Maud Gonne’s auto/biographical writings as marginalized knowledges of the historiographical operation
  7. The joy of learning: Feminist materialist pedagogies and the freedom of education
  8. The Visual Turn and the Digital Revolution
  9. Women Workers' Education, Life Narratives and Politics
  10. Education as action/the adventure of education: thinking with Arendt and Whitehead
  11. Political Aesthetics
  12. The Work of Memory: embodiment, materiality and home in Jeanne Bouvier's autobiographical writings
  13. Feeling narrative in the archive: the question of serendipity
  14. Place, perspective and the politics of knowledge: A Forum of responses to Marília Carvalho’s Viewpoint: ‘Gender and Education: a view from Latin America’ (2014)
  15. Education (Primary and Secondary Schools) and Gender
  16. The artpolitics of May Stevens' work: Disrupting the distribution of the sensible
  17. The autobiographical you: letters in the gendered politics of the labour movement
  18. ‘Not everything that the bourgeois world created is bad’: aesthetics and politics in women workers' education
  19. imagining and living the revolution: an Arendtian reading of Rosa Luxemburg’s letters and writings
  20. Educating the seamstress: studying and writing the memory of work
  21. Farewell to the Self: Between the Letter and the Self-Portrait
  22. Archival research: unravelling space/time/matter entanglements and fragments
  23. Love, Narratives, Politics: Encounters between Hannah Arendt and Rosa Luxemburg
  24. Truth telling in Foucault and Arendt: parrhesia, the pariah and academics in dark times
  25. Looking back, looking forward: a short introduction from the new editorial team ofGender and Education
  26. Heterotopic and holey spaces as tents for the nomad: rereading Gwen John's letters
  27. Interfaces in narrative research: letters as technologies of the self and as traces of social forces
  28. Rethinking the private hypothesis: Epistolary topographies in Carrington’s letters
  29. Charting cartographies of resistance: lines of flight in women artists’ narratives
  30. Relational narratives: Auto/biography and the portrait
  31. Narratives from within: an Arendtian approach to life histories and the writing of history
  32. Commentary on Hyvärinen
  33. Working With Stories As Multiplicities, Opening up the Black Box of the Archive
  35. Machinic assemblages: women, art education and space
  36. Re-imagining the narratable subject
  37. Educating the other
  38. Power, desire and emotions in education: revisiting the epistolary narratives of three women in apartheid South Africa
  39. Tracing heterotopias: writing women educators in Greece
  40. Writing Feminist Genealogies
  41. Women, Education and the Self
  42. Erasing Sexuality from the Blackboard
  43. The Paradox of Being a Woman Teacher
  44. History and Ethnography: Interfaces and Juxtapositions