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  1. COVID-19 counterfactual evidence. Estimating the effects of school closures
  2. Voting between two global crises. A NUTS3-level analysis of retrospective voting in four South-European countries
  3. What if? Using counterfactuals to evaluate the effects of structural labour market reforms: evidence from the Italian Jobs Act
  4. Twelve Votes for an Exit: Compromise and Responsiveness in the Brexit Process
  5. Looking retrospectively at the 2018 Italian general election: the state of the economy and the presence of foreigners
  6. Westminster as Usual? Three Interpretations for the UK Democracy
  7. Economy or austerity? Drivers of retrospective voting before and during the Great Recession
  8. Economic vote and globalization before and during the Great Recession
  9. Making sense of pollsters’ errors. An analysis of the 2014 second-order European election predictions
  10. The Italian 2013 election results interpreted through the theory of economic voting
  11. The economic vote at the party level
  12. Patterns of democracy reconsidered: The ambiguous relationship between corporatism and consensualism
  13. A Long Way to Tipperary: Time in the Italian Legislative Process 1987–2008
  14. Managing Uncertainty
  15. Brand New, Somewhat New or Rather Old? The Italian Legislative Process in an Age of Alternation
  16. Patterns of Consensual Law-making in the Italian Parliament
  17. Europeanization in Comparative Perspective: Institutional Fit and National Adaptation
  18. Europeanization and Italy: A Bottom-up Process?
  19. Review section
  20. Measures of Consensual Law-Making: Italian “Consociativismo”