All Stories

  1. Remodeling a Mobile Educational Metaverse Using a Co-Design Approach: Challenges, Issues, and Expected Features
  2. MILES Virtual World: A Three-Dimensional Avatar-Driven Metaverse-Inspired Digital School Environment for FEU Group of Schools
  3. What Do Students Think of Mobile Chemistry Games?
  4. Can ChatGPT Substitute Human Companionship for Coping with Loss and Trauma?
  5. Using AI Tools in Writing Peer Review Reports: Should Academic Journals Embrace the Use of ChatGPT?
  6. Facilitating Group Learning Using an Apprenticeship Model: Which Master is More Effective in Programming Instruction?
  7. Fostering an Innovation Culture in the Education Sector: A Scoping Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Hackathon Research
  8. Handbook of Research on Instructional Technologies in Health Education and Allied Disciplines
  9. Intelligent Tutoring System as an Instructional Technology in Learning Basic Nutrition Concepts
  10. Teaching Physical Fitness and Exercise Using Computer-Assisted Instruction
  11. An Enhanced Segmentation and Deep Learning Architecture for Early Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
  12. “We're going on a virtual trip!”: a switching-replications experiment of 360-degree videos as a physical field trip alternative in primary education
  13. Factors Affecting Adoption Intention of Productivity Software Applications Among Teachers: A Structural Equation Modeling Investigation
  14. Cognitive and affective effects of teachers’ annotations and talking heads on asynchronous video lectures in a web development course
  15. Integrating a Voice Coding into Hands-on Computer Programming Activities
  16. Chyilax: A 3D Video Game as a Marketing Tool for Mental Breakdown Awareness Campaign
  17. Corona Larona: A 2.5D Mobile Game Advocating COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Mitigation Strategies
  18. Escape from Oblivion: A 3D Hack and Slash Survival Horror Video Game for Promoting Awareness of Persistent Depressive Disorder
  19. Promoting Student Thinking and Engagement Through Question-Based and Gamified Learning
  20. Sociodemographic Profile as Moderators in the Technology Acceptance of Productivity Applications
  21. Virtual Dietitian as a Precision Nutrition Application for Gym and Fitness Enthusiasts: A Quality Improvement Initiative
  22. A Multistage Transfer Learning Approach for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Classification
  23. Cataract Detection and Grading Using Ensemble Neural Networks and Transfer Learning
  24. Hackathons as extracurricular activities: Unraveling the motivational orientation behind student participation
  25. Public Sentiment and Emotion Analyses of Twitter Data on the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
  26. Development of a Socioeconomic Inclusive Assessment Framework for Online Learning in Higher Education
  27. Socioeconomic Inclusion During an Era of Online Education
  28. Promoting Social Relationships Using a Couch Cooperative Video Game
  29. A Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Scoliosis Cobb Angle Identification
  30. TikTok as a Knowledge Source for Programming Learners: a New Form of Nanolearning?
  31. Pandemic, Higher Education, and a Developing Country: How Teachers and Students Adapt to Emergency Remote Education
  32. Chessbot: A voice-controlled chess board with self-moving pieces
  33. Gamification of E-Learning in African Universities
  34. Location-based marketing using mobile geofencing: lessons learned from a user-centred application development research
  35. Acceptability, Usability, and Quality of a Personalized Daily Meal Plan Recommender System: The Case of Virtual Dietitian
  36. Assessing the Role of Python Programming Gamified Course on Students’ Knowledge, Skills Performance, Attitude, and Self-Efficacy
  37. Designing Human-Centered Learning Analytics Dashboard for Higher Education Using a Participatory Design Approach
  38. iVital: A Mobile Health Expert System with a Wearable Vital Sign Analyzer
  39. Intention to Utilize Mobile Game-Based Learning in Nursing Education From Teachers’ Perspective: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach
  40. Mobile Bookkeeper: Personal Financial Management Application with Receipt Scanner Using Optical Character Recognition
  41. Theories Integrated With Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in Online Learning Acceptance and Continuance Intention: A Systematic Review
  42. Virtual Dietitian: A Nutrition Knowledge-Based System Using Forward Chaining Algorithm
  43. Hand Alphabet Recognition for Dactylology Conversion to English Print Using Streaming Video Segmentation
  44. Factors that could predict fake news susceptibility of college students
  45. Cooperative learning in computer programming: A quasi-experimental evaluation of Jigsaw teaching strategy with novice programmers
  46. Beast Chasers: A 3D PC-based Third Person Action RPG Game used to Spread Societal Issue Awareness
  47. Manufacturing Design Thinkers in Higher Education Institutions: The Use of Design Thinking Curriculum in the Education Landscape
  48. Sentiment Analysis of Tweets on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic from Metro Manila, Philippines
  49. E-Safety in the Use of Social Networking Application
  50. Augmented reality in history education: an immersive storytelling of American colonisation period in the Philippines
  51. Kinder Learns: An Educational Visual Novel Game as Knowledge Enhancement Tool for Early Childhood Education
  52. A Pocket-Sized Interactive Pillbox Device: Design and Development of a Microcontroller-Based System for Medicine Intake Adherence
  53. Human-Library Interaction: A Self-Service Library Management System Using Sequential Multimodal Interface
  54. Plan-Cook-Eat: A Meal Planner App with Optimal Macronutrient Distribution of Calories Based on Personal Total Daily Energy Expenditure
  55. Tomayto, Tomahto: A Machine Learning Approach for Tomato Ripening Stage Identification Using Pixel-Based Color Image Classification
  56. VITAL APP: Development and User Acceptability of an IoT-Based Patient Monitoring Device for Synchronous Measurements of Vital Signs
  57. Game Development as a Pedagogical Methodology in Learning Related ICT Skills: Perspectives of Freshmen from FEU Institute of Technology
  58. Trash Attack: A 2D Action Puzzle Video Game to Promote Environmental Awareness and Waste Segregation Behavior
  59. A Pornographic Image and Video Filtering Application Using Optimized Nudity Recognition and Detection Algorithm
  60. Logical Guessing Riddle Mobile Gaming Application Utilizing Fisher Yates Algorithm
  61. E-Learning Technology Adoption in the Philippines: An Investigation of Factors Affecting Filipino College Students' Acceptance of Learning Management Systems