All Stories

  1. Early childhood education and cultural learning: systematic observation of the behaviour of a caregiver at the Emmi Pikler nursery school during breakfast / Educación temprana y aprendizaje cultural: observación sistemática de la conducta de la educado...
  2. Use of effective play-space by U12 FC Barcelona players: an observational study combining lag sequential analysis and T-pattern detection
  3. Evaluating the uses and environmental characteristics of 40 public parks and squares in Barcelona by means of systematic observation / Evaluación de los usos y características ambientales de 40 parques y plazas en Barcelona mediante observación sistemá...
  4. A Gesture Recognition System for Detecting Behavioral Patterns of ADHD
  5. Quantifying biopsychosocial aspects in everyday contexts: an integrative methodological approach from the behavioral sciences
  6. Tactical behaviour of winning athletes in major championship 1500-m and 5000-m track finals
  7. OC11 Tactical Analysis Of Three Top Level European Football Teams Counterattack — A Mixed Method Approach
  8. Match analysis in football: a systematic review
  9. Application of T-Pattern Detection and Analysis in Sports Research
  10. Repercussões da recuperação da posse de bola nos padrões de ataque de futebol de elite.
  11. Comparative analysis of sequentiality using SDIS-GSEQ and THEME: A concrete example in soccer
  12. Análisis de las finalizaciones de los extremos en balonmano
  13. Ball recovery patterns as a performance indicator in elite soccer
  14. Dance divergently in physical education: teaching using open-ended questions, metaphors, and models
  15. Métodos mixtos en la investigación de las ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte
  16. Knowledge of Error in Relation to the Teaching and Learning of the Osoto-Gari Judo Throw
  17. How to conduct and report a program evaluation
  18. Reporting a program evaluation: Needs, program plan, intervention, and decisions
  19. Qualitative/quantitative integration in the inductive observational study of interactive behaviour: impact of recording and coding among predominating perspectives
  20. Adapting football to the child: an application of the logistic regression model in observational methodology
  21. Dynamics of the game in soccer: Detection of T-patterns
  22. Sequences of errors in the Judo throw Morote Seoi Nage and their relationship to the learning process
  23. Lince: Multiplatform Sport Analysis Software
  24. Kinesics and proxemics communication of expert and novice PE teachers
  25. Tactical analysis of the Barcelona counter-attack
  26. Playing tactics in the English premier league, Spain's La Liga and Italy's Serie A
  27. The temporal structure of judo bouts in visually impaired men and women
  28. Identificación y análisis del aprendizaje del judo mediante la metodología observacional
  29. Automatic Detection of Dominance and Expected Interest
  30. Discovering New Ways of Moving: Observational Analysis of Motor Creativity While Dancing Contact Improvisation and the Influence of the Partner
  31. Observing the paraverbal communication of coaches in competitive match situations
  32. Methodological approach to evaluate interactive behaviors in team games
  33. Observing the paraverbal communicative style of expert and novice PE teachers by means of SOCOP: a sequential analysis
  34. Appraising the aesthetics of human movement
  35. Ball recovery in the handball tournament of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
  36. Observational methodology in football: Development of an instrument to study the offensive game in football
  37. The pivot player in handball and patterns detection – Instrument
  38. Identifying and analyzing the construction and effectiveness of offensive plays in basketball by using systematic observation
  39. Identifying and analyzing motor skill responses in body movement and dance
  40. Dominance detection in face-to-face conversations
  41. Evaluación de programas desde la metodología cualitativa [Program evaluation from Qualitative Methodology]
  42. Book Review Giuseppe Riva, M. Teresa Anguera, Brenda K. Wiederhold, Fabrizia Mantovani (Eds.). From Communication to Presence: Cognition, Emotions and Culture Towards the Ultimate Communicative Experience. Amsterdam: IOS Press US $144, ISBN 15-860-0366...
  43. Random PERT: application to physical activity/sports programs
  44. Optimising a Probabilistic Model of the Development of Play in Soccer
  45. Hidden patterns of play interaction in soccer using SOF-CODER
  46. Time Management in the Cost Evaluation of Limited Resource Programs
  47. Patrones de juego en el fútbol de alto rendimiento. Análisis secuencial del proceso ofensivo en el campeonato del mundo Corea-Japón 2002. (Tactical patterns in the higse performance soccer sequential)
  48. Detección de patrones de conducta comunicativa en un grupo terapéutico de adolescentes [Detection of communicative behavior patterns in a therapeutic group of adolescents]
  49. Hacia la búsqueda de estructuras regulares en la observación del fútbol: detección de patrones temporales. (To the search for regular structures in observational analyses in soccer: determination of temporal patterns)
  50. A Mutual Catalytic Model of Formative Evaluation
  51. Cómo apresar las competencias del bebé mediante una aplicación de la metodología observacional
  52. Estructura conductual en deportes sociomotores: fútbol
  53. Software for recording observational files
  54. Introduction
  55. Confrontación epistemológica entre conductismo y psicología cognitiva, y sus repercusiones metodológicas
  56. Observational typology
  57. Abstracts
  58. Observational Methods (General)
  59. Methodological Advances in the Assessment of Correctional Programs
  60. Correctional Programmes in Europe: A Pilot Study for a Meta-Evaluation