All Stories

  1. Seeking Imperialism’s Embrace: National Identity, Decolonization, and Assimilation in the French Caribbean
  2. Towards Biopolitical Ecocriticism: The Example of theManifeste pour les ‘produits’ de haute nécessité
  3. Creolizing the Caribbean ‘Coolie’: A biopolitical reading of Indian indentured labourers and the ethnoclass hierarchy
  4. Lire et enseigner leCahier d’un retour au pays natal en Grande-Bretagne : un outil d’apprentissage en ligne
  5. Childhood, Autobiography and the Francophone Caribbean
  6. Tracing the history of Francophone Caribbean writing about childhood
  7. Gisele Pineau and Daniel Maximin
  8. Different kinds of parenting in Caribbean literature on childhood
  9. Conclusion
  10. Introduction: Childhood, Genre and the Scene of Recognition
  11. Representations of school and postcolonial alienation
  12. Raphael Confiant
  13. Maryse Conde
  14. Dany Laferriere
  15. Book Reviews
  16. The analysis links cultural output to politics (general strike of 2009)
  17. Book Reviews
  18. CORCORAN, PATRICK. The Cambridge Introduction to Francophone Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 266 pp.  14.99 (paperback);  40.00 (hardback). ISBN 978-0-52161-493-1/52184-971-5
  19. MCCUSKER, MAEVE. Patrick Chamoiseau: Recovering Memory. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007. iii + 184 pp.  50.00. ISBN 978-184631-048-5
  20. Postcolonial Violence, Culture and Identity in Francophone Africa and the Antilles. Ed. Lorna Milne. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007. 236 pp.  31.50. ISBN 978-3-03910-330-0
  21. Crime and Media in Contemporary France
  22. Book Reviews
  23. BLOUET, OLWYN M. The Contemporary Caribbean: History, Life and Culture since 1945. London: Reaktion Books (Contemporary Worlds), 2007. 160 pp.  14.95. ISBN 1-86189-313-2
  24. Reclaiming Difference: Caribbean Women Rewrite Postcolonialism
  25. Blanche et Noir
  26. Du franais-banane au crole-dragon: entretien avec Raphal Confiant
  27. J'ai toujours t une personne un peu part: questions Maryse Cond
  28. Article on childhood narratives