All Stories

  1. Iterated assessment and feedback improves student outcomes
  2. Colour preferences of UK garden birds at supplementary seed feeders
  3. Conflict between background matching and social signalling in a colour-changing freshwater fish
  4. The effect of temporally variable environmental stimuli and group size on emergence behavior
  5. Handedness in fiddler crab fights
  6. Turbidity weakens selection for assortment in body size in groups
  7. Ask a clearer question, get a better answer.
  8. ‘Selfish herds’ of guppies follow complex movement rules, but not when information is limited
  9. Turbidity influences individual and group level responses to predation in guppies, Poecilia reticulata
  10. Interactive lectures: Clickers or personal devices?
  11. Consequences of variation in predator attack for the evolution of the selfish herd
  12. Prey body size mediates the predation risk associated with being "odd"
  13. Use of Feed-forward Mechanisms in a Novel Research-led Module
  14. Why is eusociality an almost exclusively terrestrial phenomenon?
  15. Prey aggregation is an effective olfactory predator avoidance strategy
  16. Initiators, Leaders, and Recruitment Mechanisms in the Collective Movements of Damselfish
  17. Costs of colour change in fish: food intake and behavioural decisions
  18. The role of individuality in collective group movement
  19. Mixed-phenotype grouping: the interaction between oddity and crypsis
  20. Artificial enhancement of an extended phenotype signal increases investment in courtship by three-spined sticklebacks
  21. Olfactory cue use by three-spined sticklebacks foraging in turbid water: prey detection or prey location?
  22. Consistency of Leadership in Shoals of Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in Novel and in Familiar Environments
  23. Social network correlates of food availability in an endangered population of killer whales, Orcinus orca
  24. Predation Risk Shapes Social Networks in Fission-Fusion Populations
  25. Measuring marginal predation in animal groups
  26. Spatial positioning in the selfish herd
  27. The temporal selfish herd: predation risk while aggregations form
  28. Colour change and assortment in the western rainbowfish
  29. Unpredictability in food supply during early life influences boldness in fish
  30. Behavioural consequences of sensory plasticity in guppies
  31. Plasticity in male courtship behaviour as a function of light intensity in guppies
  32. The Effect of Prey Density on Predators: Conspicuousness and Attack Success Are Sensitive to Spatial Scale
  33. Shoal composition determines foraging success in the guppy
  34. Association patterns and foraging behaviour in natural and artificial guppy shoals
  35. Optimal individual positions within animal groups
  36. Consensus decision making in human crowds
  37. Does defection during predator inspection affect social structure in wild shoals of guppies?
  38. Mechanisms for aggregation in animals: rule success depends on ecological variables
  39. Early interactions with adults mediate the development of predator defenses in guppies
  40. A Cost of Leadership in Human Groups
  41. Diet, familiarity and shoaling decisions in guppies
  42. Why do female migratory birds arrive later than males?
  43. Fighting in fiddler crabs Uca mjoebergi: what determines duration?
  44. Why are small males aggressive?
  45. Mate guarding, male attractiveness, and paternity under social monogamy
  46. Bridging the gap between mechanistic and adaptive explanations of territory formation
  47. Can too strong female choice deteriorate male ornamentation?
  48. Are behavioural trade-offs all they seem? Counter-intuitive resolution of the conflict between two behaviours
  49. Adaptive strategies of territory formation