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  1. Categorical and latent profile approaches to temperamental infant reactivity and early trajectories of socioemotional adjustment.
  2. Editorial.
  3. From parents to children and back again: Bidirectional processes in the transmission and development of depression and anxiety
  4. Mobile Eye Tracking Captures Changes in Attention Over Time During a Naturalistic Threat Paradigm in Behaviorally Inhibited Children
  5. The relation between early behavioural inhibition and later social anxiety, independent of attentional biases to threat
  6. Sharing in the Family System: Contributions of Parental Emotional Expressiveness and Children’s Physiological Regulation
  7. Editorial: Moments in History as a Catalyst for Science: Placing the Individual Within a Specific Time and Place
  8. Dyadic behavioral synchrony between behaviorally inhibited and non-inhibited peers is associated with concordance in EEG frontal Alpha asymmetry and Delta-Beta coupling
  9. Individual differences in infancy research: Letting the baby stand out from the crowd
  10. The importance of using multiple outcome measures in infant research
  11. Navigating Through the Experienced Environment: Insights From Mobile Eye Tracking
  12. Young children’s behavioral and neural responses to peer feedback relate to internalizing problems
  13. Threat-related attention bias in socioemotional development: A critical review and methodological considerations
  14. Integrating high-density ERP and fMRI measures of face-elicited brain activity in 9–12-year-old children: An ERP source localization study
  15. Young children's neural processing of their mother’s voice: An fMRI study
  16. Developmental patterns of anger from infancy to middle childhood predict problem behaviors at age 8.
  17. Developmental Pathways from Early Behavioral Inhibition to Later Anxiety: An Integrative Review of Developmental Psychopathology Research and Translational Implications
  18. A Methodological Case Study with Mobile Eye-Tracking of Child Interaction in a Science Museum
  19. Opportunities for Neurodevelopmental Plasticity From Infancy Through Early Adulthood
  20. Personality development in the context of individual traits and parenting dynamics
  21. Biobehavioral Markers of Attention Bias Modification in Temperamental Risk for Anxiety: A Randomized Control Trial
  22. Trajectories of Infants’ Biobehavioral Development: Timing and Rate of A-Not-B Performance Gains and EEG Maturation
  23. Behavioral Inhibition
  24. Next Steps: Behavioral Inhibition as a Model System
  25. Attention Mechanisms in Behavioral Inhibition: Exploring and Exploiting the Environment
  26. Neural correlates of attention bias to masked facial threat cues: Examining children at-risk for social anxiety disorder
  27. Association between attention bias to threat and anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents
  28. The impact of negative affect on attention patterns to threat across the first 2 years of life.
  29. Digital disruption? Maternal mobile device use is related to infant social-emotional functioning
  30. Maternal anxiety predicts attentional bias towards threat in infancy.
  31. Deficits in inhibitory force control in young adults with ADHD
  32. Developmental Relations Among Behavioral Inhibition, Anxiety, and Attention Biases to Threat and Positive Information
  33. Frontolimbic functioning during threat-related attention: Relations to early behavioral inhibition and anxiety in children
  34. Developmental Differences in Infants' Attention to Social and Nonsocial Threats
  35. A developmental neuroscience perspective on affect-biased attention
  36. Neural correlates of attention biases, behavioral inhibition, and social anxiety in children: An ERP study
  38. Patterns of attention to threat across tasks in behaviorally inhibited children at risk for anxiety
  39. Impact of attention biases to threat and effortful control on individual variations in negative affect and social withdrawal in very young children
  40. Psychophysiological Methods for the Study of Developmental Psychopathology
  41. Longitudinal relations among exuberance, externalizing behaviors, and attentional bias to reward: the mediating role of effortful control
  42. Temperament and Parenting Styles in Early Childhood Differentially Influence Neural Response to Peer Evaluation in Adolescence
  43. Temperament Development, Theories of
  44. Attention Biases Towards and Away from Threat Mark the Relation between Early Dysregulated Fear and the Later Emergence of Social Withdrawal
  45. Alterations in amygdala functional connectivity reflect early temperament
  46. Emerging Adulthood Brain Development
  47. Longitudinal study of striatal activation to reward and loss anticipation from mid-adolescence into late adolescence/early adulthood
  48. Behavioral Inhibition: Temperament or Prodrome?
  49. Can't stop believing: inhibitory control and resistance to misleading testimony
  50. Identification of emotional facial expressions among behaviorally inhibited adolescents with lifetime anxiety disorders
  51. Representation of response alternatives in human presupplementary motor area: Multi-voxel pattern analysis in a go/no-go task
  52. Lasting associations between early-childhood temperament and late-adolescent reward-circuitry response to peer feedback
  53. Sensitivity to social and non-social threats in temperamentally shy children at-risk for anxiety
  54. Patterns of Neural Connectivity During an Attention Bias Task Moderate Associations Between Early Childhood Temperament and Internalizing Symptoms in Young Adulthood
  55. The relation between electroencephalogram asymmetry and attention biases to threat at baseline and under stress
  57. DRD4 and striatal modulation of the link between childhood behavioral inhibition and adolescent anxiety
  58. Temperament and Attention as Core Mechanisms in the Early Emergence of Anxiety
  59. Young Children's Affective Responses to Acceptance and Rejection From Peers: A Computer-based Task Sensitive to Variation in Temperamental Shyness and Gender
  60. Early childhood temperament predicts substance use in young adults
  61. Speech presentation cues moderate frontal EEG asymmetry in socially withdrawn young adults
  62. Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  63. Striatal Functional Alteration During Incentive Anticipation in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
  64. Attention biases, anxiety, and development: toward or away from threats or rewards?
  65. The role of classroom quality in ameliorating the academic and social risks associated with difficult temperament.
  66. The role of temperament in somatic complaints among young female adults
  67. Attention Biases to Threat Link Behavioral Inhibition to Social Withdrawal over Time in Very Young Children
  68. Striatal responses to negative monetary outcomes differ between temperamentally inhibited and non-inhibited adolescents
  69. Early temperament, propensity for risk-taking and adolescent substance-related problems: A prospective multi-method investigation
  70. Variations in the serotonin-transporter gene are associated with attention bias patterns to positive and negative emotion faces
  71. Attention biases to threat and behavioral inhibition in early childhood shape adolescent social withdrawal.
  72. Patterns of sustained attention in infancy shape the developmental trajectory of social behavior from toddlerhood through adolescence.
  73. Attention to novelty in behaviorally inhibited adolescents moderates risk for anxiety
  74. Stable Early Maternal Report of Behavioral Inhibition Predicts Lifetime Social Anxiety Disorder in Adolescence
  75. Neural Correlates of Reward Processing in Adolescents With a History of Inhibited Temperament
  76. Linking Gene, Brain, and Behavior
  77. Impact of Behavioral Inhibition and Parenting Style on Internalizing and Externalizing Problems from Early Childhood through Adolescence
  78. Startle Response in Behaviorally Inhibited Adolescents With a Lifetime Occurrence of Anxiety Disorders
  79. A History of Childhood Behavioral Inhibition and Enhanced Response Monitoring in Adolescence Are Linked to Clinical Anxiety
  80. Salivary cortisol levels and infant temperament shape developmental trajectories in boys at risk for behavioral maladjustment
  81. Temperamental contributions to children’s performance in an emotion-word processing task: A behavioral and electrophysiological study
  82. Attention alters neural responses to evocative faces in behaviorally inhibited adolescents
  83. Variations of the flanker paradigm: Assessing selective attention in young children
  84. Behavioral and Electrophysiological Markers of Selective Attention in Children of Parents with a History of Depression
  85. Striatal Functional Alteration in Adolescents Characterized by Early Childhood Behavioral Inhibition
  86. Reward and punishment sensitivity in shy and non-shy adults: Relations between social and motivated behavior
  87. Temperament and Anxiety Disorders
  88. The Impact of Reward, Punishment, and Frustration on Attention in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
  89. A Behavioral and Electrophysiological Study of Children's Selective Attention Under Neutral and Affective Conditions
  90. Individual differences in children’s performance during an emotional Stroop task: A behavioral and electrophysiological study
  91. The emergence of childhood bipolar disorder: a prospective study from 4 months to 7 years of age
  92. Association of DRD4 with attention problems in normal childhood development
  93. Effortful Control in Adolescence: Individual Differences within a Unique DevelopmentalWindow
  94. Application of Cognitive Neuroscience Techniques to the Study of Anxiety-Related Processing Biases in Children