All Stories

  1. All-Possible-Subsets for MANOVA and Factorial MANOVAs:
  2. A Primer for Conducting Survey Research using MTurk
  3. What Will theHRDQFuture Be: When One Turns Into Three?
  4. Commonality Analysis: A Reference Librarian’s Tool for Decomposing Regression Effects
  5. Management, valuation, and risk for human capital and human assets: building the foundation for a multi-disciplinary, multi-level theory
  6. Investigating bias in squared regression structure coefficients
  7. Improving the Rigor of Quantitative HRD Research: Four Recommendations in Support of the General Hierarchy of Evidence
  8. Construct Overlap Between Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction: A Function of Semantic Equivalence?
  9. Toward employee work passion and performance: a validation of the Work Cognition Inventory in Korea
  10. Development of the Work Intention Inventory Short-Form
  11. Employee Engagement and HRD
  12. Validity of a Residualized Dependent Variable After Pretest Covariance Adjustments: Still the Same Variable?
  13. Using commonality analysis in multiple regressions: a tool to decompose regression effects in the face of multicollinearity
  14. How to provide high quality peer reviews.
  15. Drivers and outcomes of scenario planning: a canonical correlation analysis
  16. Can the LTSI Predict Transfer Performance? Testing intent to transfer as a proximal transfer of training outcome
  17. Explaining differences between retrospective and traditional pretest self-assessments: competing theories and empirical evidence
  18. Manager’s Emotional Intelligence, Their Perceived Use of Directive and Supportive Leader Behaviors and Resultant Employee Satisfaction
  19. The Work Intention Inventory: Initial Evidence of Construct Validity
  20. Notes from the Editors
  21. Statistical Assumptions of Substantive Analyses Across the General Linear Model: A Mini-Review
  22. Tools to Support Interpreting Multiple Regression in the Face of Multicollinearity
  23. The Assumption of a Reliable Instrument and Other Pitfalls to Avoid When Considering the Reliability of Data
  24. To Aggregate or Not and Potentially Better Questions for Clustered Data: The Need for Hierarchical Linear Modeling in CTE Research
  25. Improving the quality of quantitative research reports: A call for action
  26. The Assessment of a Multinational Using the Employee Work Passion Model
  27. A Cognitive Approach to Work Intention
  28. Regression Commonality Analysis: A Technique for Quantitative Theory Building
  29. A preliminary field test of an employee work passion model
  30. Measurement Invariance: A Foundational Principle for Quantitative Theory Building
  31. The Work Cognition Inventory: Initial evidence of construct validity
  32. Work Cognition Inventory
  33. Revisiting Interpretation of Canonical Correlation Analysis: A Tutorial and Demonstration of Canonical Commonality Analysis
  34. The effects of scenario planning on participant decision-making style
  35. Cultivating Nursing Career Connections in K-12 Education
  36. An R package to compute commonality coefficients in the multiple regression case: An introduction to the package and a practical example
  37. The importance of recognizing generational differences in HRD policy and practices: a study of workers in Qinhuangdao, China
  38. Corporate Chaplaincy Programs: An Exploratory Study Relates Corporate Chaplain Activities to Employee Assistance Programs
  39. Impact of a Covariate on the Validity of Residualized Dependent Variables: Does the Nomological Net Change?
  40. Using Fit Indices to Holistically Assess Forms of Predictor Importance in Multilevel Models
  41. Hierarchical linear modeling applications in the context of giftedness research.
  42. A Random Intercepts Model of Part-Time Employment and Standardized Testing Using SPSS