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  1. Cross-cultural validity and reliability of the comprehensive assessment of acceptance and commitment therapy processes (CompACT) in people with multiple sclerosis
  2. Opportunities in Multiple Sclerosis Care Partner Research: An Interview
  3. The mediating role of psychological flexibility in the relationship between resilience and distress and quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis
  4. Fluctuations in mental health in students accessing a university-wide online mental health promotion intervention before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
  5. Identification of psychological flexibility and inflexibility profiles during the COVID‐19 pandemic
  6. A Pilot Randomised Control Trial of an Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Resilience Training Program for People with Multiple Sclerosis
  7. Caregiving Responsibilities and Mental Health Outcomes in Young Adult Carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study
  8. Psychosocial palliative care: Patients’ preferred intervention medium, target domains, and well-being priorities
  9. Post-traumatic growth in people experiencing high post-traumatic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: The protective role of psychological flexibility
  10. The trajectories of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic and the protective role of psychological flexibility: A four-wave longitudinal study
  11. A group resilience training program for people with multiple sclerosis: Study protocol of a multi-centre cluster-randomized controlled trial (multi-READY for MS)
  12. The role of psychological flexibility in palliative care
  13. Young Adult Carers during the Pandemic: The Effects of Parental Illness and Other Ill Family Members on COVID-19-Related and General Mental Health Outcomes
  14. Cross-Country Adaptation of a Psychological Flexibility Measure: The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Processes
  15. Evaluation of a program for training psychologists in an acceptance and commitment therapy resilience intervention for people with multiple sclerosis: a single-arm longitudinal design with a nested qualitative study
  16. Predictors of Mental Health in Aid Workers: Meaning, Resilience, and Psychological Flexibility as Personal Resources for Increased Wellbeing and Reduced Distress
  17. A mixed-methods evaluation of experiential intervention exercises for values and committed action from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) mental health promotion program for university students
  18. Effectiveness of a group resilience intervention for people with multiple sclerosis delivered via frontline services
  19. The Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI): Discriminant validity of psychological flexibility with distress
  20. Italian validation of the Italian multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory (MPFI)
  21. Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness Program for People with Multiple Sclerosis Delivered in the Community Over Five Years
  22. A Model of the Effects of Parental Illness on Youth Adjustment and Family Functioning: The Moderating Effects of Psychological Flexibility on Youth Caregiving and Stress
  23. Quality of life and fear of cancer recurrence in patients and survivors of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  24. The mental health of aid workers: risk and protective factors in relation to job context, working conditions, and demographics
  25. Examination of the tripartite model of youth caregiving in the context of parental illness
  26. Health Anxiety and Mental Health Outcome During COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy: The Mediating and Moderating Roles of Psychological Flexibility
  27. A clinical effectiveness trial comparing ACT and CBT for inpatients with depressive and mixed mental disorders
  28. The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Italy
  29. Validation of the Italian Young Carer of Parents Inventory-Revised (YCOPI-R)
  30. A resilience group training program for people with multiple sclerosis: Results of a pilot single-blind randomized controlled trial and nested qualitative study
  31. Psychosocial adjustment of young offspring in the context of parental type 1 and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review
  32. Randomized controlled trial of a web‐based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) program to promote mental health in university students
  33. A pilot evaluation of a group acceptance and commitment therapy‐informed resilience training program for people with diabetes
  34. Perspectives on Suicide Prevention Amongst Members of Christian Faith-Based Organizations
  35. Suicide prevention training for Christian faith-based organizations using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a pilot controlled trial of The HOLLY Program
  36. A suicide prevention program for faith based communities
  37. Thematic analysis of aid workers’ stressors and coping strategies: work, psychological, lifestyle and social dimensions
  38. Pilot evaluation of the impacts of a personal practice informed undergraduate psychotherapy curriculum on student learning and wellbeing
  39. Christian perspectives on suicide.
  40. Pilot evaluation of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program to promote mental health skills in university students
  41. Effects of Benefit Finding, Social Support and Caregiving on Youth Adjustment in a Parental Illness Context
  42. Resilience Training for People Living with Multiple Sclerosis
  43. Short Report: Evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training for Psychologists Working with People with Multiple Sclerosis
  44. The International Parenting Survey: Rationale, Development, and Potential Applications
  45. Evaluation of a brief community-based mindfulness intervention for people with multiple sclerosis: A pilot study
  46. The Stress-Buffering Role of Mindfulness in the Relationship Between Perceived Stress and Psychological Adjustment
  47. Cross-Culture Validation of the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale: The Development of a Revised Chinese Version
  48. Patients Who Receive Androgen Deprivation Therapy Risk Adverse Cognitive Changes
  49. Comment on “The Self‐Care of Psychologists and Mental Health Professionals” (Dattilio, 2015)
  50. A Reply to the Commentaries of Drs DiBenedetto and Pakenham
  51. Investigation of the utility of the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) framework for fostering self-care in clinical psychology trainees.
  52. Training in acceptance and commitment therapy fosters self-care in clinical psychology trainees
  53. The effects of parental illness and other ill family members on youth caregiving experiences
  54. Law Student Stress: Relationships Between Academic Demands, Social Isolation, Career Pressure, Study/Life Imbalance and Adjustment Outcomes in Law Students
  55. Confirmatory factor analysis and invariance testing of the Young Carer of Parents Inventory (YCOPI).
  56. Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Training on Clinical Psychology Trainee Stress, Therapist Skills and Attributes, and ACT Processes
  57. A Dyadic and Longitudinal Investigation of Adjustment in Couples Coping with Multiple Sclerosis
  58. The Effects of Parental Illness and Other Ill Family Members on the Adjustment of Children
  59. Effects of a Multiple Health Behavior Change Intervention for Colorectal Cancer Survivors on Psychosocial Outcomes and Quality of Life: a Randomized Controlled Trial
  60. The Stress-Buffering Effects of Hope on Adjustment to Multiple Sclerosis
  61. The stress-buffering effects of hope on changes in adjustment to caregiving in multiple sclerosis
  62. Parenting and Family Adjustment Scales (PAFAS): Validation of a Brief Parent-Report Measure for Use in Assessment of Parenting Skills and Family Relationships
  63. Comparisons between youth of a parent with MS and a control group on adjustment, caregiving, attachment and family functioning
  64. Effects of a Telephone-Delivered Multiple Health Behavior Change Intervention (CanChange) on Health and Behavioral Outcomes in Survivors of Colorectal Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  65. Reducing Work and Family Conflict in Teachers: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Workplace Triple P
  66. Postgraduate clinical psychology students' perceptions of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy stress management intervention and clinical training
  67. Multiple Sclerosis
  68. Couples coping with multiple sclerosis: a dyadic perspective on the roles of mindfulness and acceptance
  69. The Effectiveness of an ACT Informed Intervention for Managing Stress and Improving Therapist Qualities in Clinical Psychology Trainees
  70. Stress in Clinical Psychology Trainees: Current Research Status and Future Directions
  71. The nature of caregiving in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis from multiple sources and the associations between caregiving activities and youth adjustment overtime
  72. A structural model of the relationships among stress, coping, benefit-finding and quality of life in persons diagnosed with colorectal cancer
  73. Parenting difficulties and resources: The perspectives of parents with multiple sclerosis and their partners.
  74. Test of a model of the effects of parental illness on youth and family functioning.
  75. Relations between acceptance of multiple sclerosis and positive and negative adjustments
  76. Sense making and benefit finding in couples who have a child with Asperger syndrome: An application of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
  77. Identification of stress and coping risk and protective factors associated with changes in adjustment to caring for an adult with mental illness
  78. A Stress and Coping Model of Adjustment to Caring for an Adult with Mental Illness
  79. Caregiving Tasks in Caring for an Adult with Mental Illness and Associations with Adjustment Outcomes
  80. Associations between benefit finding and adjustment outcomes in thyroid cancer
  81. Youth adjustment to parental illness or disability: The role of illness characteristics, caregiving, and attachment
  82. Benefit-Finding and Sense-Making in Chronic Illness
  83. A Test of the Job Demands-Resources Model with HIV/AIDS Volunteers
  84. Application of a stress and coping model to positive and negative adjustment outcomes in colorectal cancer caregiving
  85. Carers’ views on respite care for adults with mental disorders
  86. The nature of youth care tasks in families experiencing chronic illness/disability: Development of the Youth Activities of Caregiving Scale (YACS)
  87. Feasibility and effectiveness of psychosocial resilience training: A pilot study of theREADYprogram
  88. Relationships between quality of life and finding benefits in a diagnosis of colorectal cancer
  89. Are Psychologists Willing and Able to Promote Physical Activity as Part of Psychological Treatment?
  90. Carers of adults with mental illness: Comparison of respite care users and non-users
  91. Cortisol changes interact with the effects of a cognitive behavioural psychological preparation for surgery on 12-month outcomes for surgical heart patients
  92. Evaluating the effectiveness of psychosocial resilience training for heart health, and the added value of promoting physical activity: a cluster randomized trial of the READY program
  93. Pilot investigation of the effectiveness of respite care for carers of an adult with mental illness
  94. Resilience in children of parents with mental illness: Relations between mental health literacy, social connectedness and coping, and both adjustment and caregiving
  95. A randomised controlled trial of a tele-based lifestyle intervention for colorectal cancer survivors ('CanChange'): study protocol
  96. Development, confirmation, and validation of a measure of coping with colorectal cancer: a longitudinal investigation
  97. The dimensional structure of benefit finding in multiple sclerosis and relations with positive and negative adjustment: A longitudinal study
  98. The nature of benefit finding in parents of a child with Asperger syndrome
  99. UHV compatible 3He – 4He dilution refrigerators for STM in high magnetic field
  100. Development of the benefit finding in multiple sclerosis (MS) caregiving scale: A longitudinal study of relations between benefit finding and adjustment
  101. Making Sense of Caregiving for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): The Dimensional Structure of Sense Making and Relations with Positive and Negative Adjustment
  102. The nature of sense making in parenting a child with Asperger syndrome
  103. Self-reported information on the diagnosis of colorectal cancer was reliable but not necessarily valid
  104. Describing and predicting psychological distress after colorectal cancer
  105. Health-related quality of life in chronic fatigue syndrome: Predictors of physical functioning and psychological distress
  106. Evaluation of a Resilience-Based Intervention for Children of Parents With Mental Illness
  107. Making Sense of Illness or Disability
  108. The nature of sense making in caregiving for persons with multiple sclerosis
  109. The nature of caregiving in multiple sclerosis: development of the caregiving tasks in multiple sclerosis scale
  110. Application of a stress and coping model to antenatal depressive symptomatology
  111. The nature of benefit finding in multiple sclerosis (MS)
  112. Evaluation of an intensive psychosocial intervention for children of parents with multiple sclerosis.
  113. Making sense of multiple sclerosis.
  114. Relations between Social Support, Appraisal and Coping and Both Positive and Negative Outcomes in Young Carers
  115. The effects of preoperative preparation on postoperative outcomes: The moderating role of control appraisals.
  116. Investigation of the coping antecedents to positive outcomes and distress in multiple sclerosis (MS)
  117. Development of a measure to assess coping for auditory hallucinations
  118. Relations between social support, appraisal and coping and both positive and negative outcomes for children of a parent with multiple sclerosis and comparisons with children of healthy parents
  120. The psychosocial impact of caregiving on young people who have a parent with an illness or disability: Comparisons between young caregivers and noncaregivers.
  121. Reliability of a Measure of Prediagnosis Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors
  122. Social support and postpartum depressive symptomatology: The mediating role of maternal self-efficacy
  123. The positive impact of multiple sclerosis (MS) on carers: Associations between carer benefit finding and positive and negative adjustment domains
  124. Adjustment in mothers of children with Asperger syndrome
  125. Cognitive deficits associated with cancer: A model of subjective and objective outcomes
  126. Relations Between Coping and Positive and Negative Outcomes in Carers of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  127. Dimensions of quality of life and psychosocial variables most salient to colorectal cancer patients
  128. Benefit Finding in Multiple Sclerosis and Associations With Positive and Negative Outcomes.
  129. External health locus of control and general self-efficacy: Moderators of emotional distress among university students
  130. Mammography screening distress and pain: Changes over time and relations with breast symptoms, implants and cancer detection concerns
  131. Adaptation to being at-risk for Huntington's Disease and the availability of genetic testing: application of a stress and coping model
  133. Quality of life compared during pharmacological treatments and clinical monitoring for non-localized prostate cancer: a randomized controlled trial
  134. Finding meaning in parenting a child with Asperger syndrome: correlates of sense making and benefit finding
  135. Investigation of the benefits of HIV/AIDS caregiving and relations among caregiving adjustment, benefit finding, and stress and coping variables
  136. Quality of life and colorectal cancer: a review
  137. The efficacy of a psychosocial intervention for HIV/AIDS caregiving dyads and individual caregivers: A controlled treatment outcome study
  138. Altered cognitive function in men treated for prostate cancer with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogues and cyproterone acetate: a randomized controlled trial
  139. Coping and health-related quality of life in men with prostate cancer randomly assigned to hormonal medication or close monitoring
  140. Development of a Measure of Coping with Multiple Sclerosis Caregiving
  141. Development of the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale
  142. Irrational schematic beliefs and psychological distress in caregivers of people with traumatic brain injury.
  143. The utility of socio-demographics, knowledge and health belief model variables in predicting reattendance for mammography screening: A brief report
  144. Cancer of the Prostate
  145. Predictors of Traumatic Brain Injury Caregiver Adjustment and the Role of Irrational Beliefs: Towards a Cognitive Model
  146. Assertive Community Treatment for Persons with Severe Mental Disorders: A Controlled Treatment Outcome Study
  147. Pedictors of emotional well-being following a 'false positive' breast cancer screening result
  148. Adjustment to multiple sclerosis: Application of a stress and coping model.
  149. Couple Coping and Adjustment to Multiple Sclerosis in Care Receiver-Carer Dyads
  150. Specification of social support behaviours and network dimensions along the HIV continuum for gay men
  151. Adaptive demands along the HIV disease continuum
  152. Psychosocial adjustment along the HIV disease continuum
  153. Carers' burden and adjustment to HIV
  154. Relationship between adjustment to HIV and both social support and coping.
  155. Relationship between adjustment to HIV and both social support and coping.
  156. Family Care and Schizophrenia: The Effects of a Supportive Educational Program on Relatives' Personal and Social Adjustment