All Stories

  1. Evaluating the Accuracy of Small P-Values In Genetic Association Studies Using Edgeworth Expansions
  2. The Gini index is not sensitive to changes in the middle of the distribtition
  3. Adversarial and Amiable Inference in Medical Diagnosis, Reliability and Survival Analysis
  4. Analysis of Genetic Association Studies Incorporating Prior Information of Genetic Models
  5. A murky business
  6. Screening and Selection
  7. Cornfield's Inequality
  8. Medico-Legal Cases and Statistics
  9. Epidemiology as Legal Evidence
  10. Runs Tests for Symmetry
  11. Uniformity, Measures of
  12. Scores
  13. New Statistical Tests for Detecting Disparate Impact Arising From Two-Stage Selection Processes
  14. Cox proportional hazards models with frailty for negatively correlated employment processes
  15. Adaptive procedures for nested processes: application to equal employment
  16. Estimating restricted mean job tenures in semi-competing risk data compensating victims of discrimination
  17. Single Marker Association Analysis for Unrelated Samples
  18. Dare you buy a Henry Moore on eBay?
  19. Presentation of Statistical Testimony
  20. Local linear logistic Peters–Belson regression and its application in employment discrimination cases
  21. The Impact of Levene’s Test of Equality of Variances on Statistical Theory and Practice
  22. Impact of Population Substructure on Trend Tests for Genetic Case-Control Association Studies
  23. A new two stage adaptive nonparametric test for paired differences
  24. The use of the risk percentile curve in the analysis of epidemiologic data
  25. Simultaneous sensitivity analysis for observational studies using full matching or matching with multiple controls
  26. Epidemiology as Legal Evidence
  27. A robust modification of the Jarque–Bera test of normality
  28. A graphical summary of disparities in health care and related summary measures
  29. Robust directed tests of normality against heavy-tailed alternatives
  30. Introduction
  31. Statistical Issues Arising in Disparate Impact Cases and the Use of the Expectancy Curve in Assessing the Validity of Pre-Employment Tests
  33. Law and Environmental Statistics
  34. Symmetry, Runs Tests For- II
  35. Uniformity, Measures of
  36. R -Estimates vs. GMM: A Theoretical Case Study of Validity and Efficiency
  37. A Cautionary Note on Estimating the Standard Error of the Gini Index of Inequality*
  38. Robust Genomic Control for Association Studies
  39. On estimation of the variance in Cochran–Armitage trend tests for genetic association using case–control studies
  40. Cornfield's Inequality
  41. Epidemiology as Legal Evidence
  42. Medico-Legal Cases and Statistics
  43. Scores
  44. Genomic Control for Association Studies under Various Genetic Models
  45. A cautionary note on the use of non-parametric tests in the Analysis of Environmental Data
  46. Using the Peters–Belson method to measure health care disparities from complex survey data
  47. A Note on Appropriate Use of Statistical Tests of Mutation Rates from Ordered Groups
  48. Symmetry, Runs Tests for, II
  49. Measures of Uniformity
  50. The Effect of Dependence on Confidence Intervals for a Population Proportion
  51. Choice of Scores in Trend Tests for Case-Control Studies of Candidate-Gene Associations
  52. Issues arising in using samples as evidence in trademark cases
  53. The use of the ?reverse Cornfield inequality? to assess the sensitivity of a non-significant association to an omitted variable
  54. Estimation of upper quantiles under model and parameter uncertainty
  55. Statistical Properties of Teng and Risch’s Sibship Type Tests for Detecting an Association between Disease and a Candidate Allele
  56. Trend Tests for Case-Control Studies of Genetic Markers: Power, Sample Size and Robustness
  57. Efficiency of DNA pooling to estimate joint allele frequencies and measure linkage disequilibrium
  58. On the Fisher information in randomly censored data
  59. The Binary Regression Quantile Plot: Assessing the Importance of Predictors in Binary Regression Visually
  60. A weighted test using both extreme discordant and concordant sib pairs for detecting linkage
  61. Statistical Science in the Courtroom. Joseph L Gastwirth (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000. No. of pages: xxii+443. Price: $59.95. ISBN 0-387-98997-7
  62. The Efficiency of Pooling in the Detection of Rare Mutations
  63. Should the Median Test be Retired from General Use?
  64. Should the Median Test be Retired from General Use?
  65. Asymptotic separability in sensitivity analysis
  66. Changepoint Tests Designed for the Analysis of Hiring Data Arising in Employment Discrimination Cases
  67. Changepoint Tests Designed for the Analysis of Hiring Data Arising in Employment Discrimination Cases
  68. Dual group screening
  69. Statistical Science in the Courtroom
  70. A weighted test using both extreme discordant and concordant sib pairs for detecting linkage
  71. Issues Arising in the Use of Statistical Evidence in Discrimination Cases
  72. Efficiency Robust Tests for Survival or Ordered Categorical Data
  73. Unconditional Versions of Several Tests Commonly Used in the Analysis of Contingency Tables
  74. Hybrid test for the hypothesis of symmetry
  75. Asymptotic confidence bands for the Lorenz and Bonferroni curves based on the empirical Lorenz curve
  76. The Application of Change Point Tests to Data Occurring in Fair Hiring Cases
  77. The US Versus Marine Shale Processors: Statistical Issues
  78. Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence
  79. Reply: Hypotheticals and Hypotheses
  80. Reply: Unquestionably Impossible
  81. Reply: Hypotheticals and Hypotheses
  82. Reply: Unquestionably Impossible
  83. Statistical Evidence in Discrimination Cases
  84. A modified runs test for symmetry
  86. Asymptotic Efficiency of Nonparametric Tests.
  87. On Procedures for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Reinterview Survey Methods: Application to Labor Force Data
  88. On Procedures for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Reinterview Survey Methods: Application to Labor Force Data
  89. Probability Models for an Employment Problem
  90. The Joint Asymptotic Distribution of the Maximum Likelihood and Mantel-Haenszel Estimators of the Common Odds Ratio in k 2 x 2 Tables
  91. Biostatistical concepts and methods in the legal setting
  92. Phantom Risk: Scientific Inference and the Law.
  93. A Cautionary Note on Applying Scores in Stratified Data
  94. Group Testing for Sensitive Characteristics: Extension to Higher Prevalence Levels
  95. How a Court Accepted an Impossible Explanation
  96. How a Court Accepted an Impossible Explanation
  97. On non-parametric and generalized tests for the two-sample problem with location and scale change alternatives
  98. Robust Bayesian experimental design and estimation for analysis of variance models using a class of normal mixtures
  99. [Can Statistics Tell Us What We Do Not Want to Hear? The Case of Complex Salary Structures]: Comment
  100. Statistical Reasoning in the Legal Setting
  101. Statistical Reasoning in the Legal Setting
  102. The Usefulness of Exact Statistical Methods in Equal Employment Litigation
  103. Statistics for Lawyers.
  104. The Potential Effect of Unchecked Statistical Assumptions
  105. The Use of Diversity Analysis to Assess the Relative Influence of Factors Affecting the Income Distribution
  106. The Use of Diversity Analysis to Assess the Relative Influence of Factors Affecting the Income Distribution
  107. Statistical properties of measures of between-group income differentials
  108. [A Category Representation Paradox]: Comment
  109. Comment
  110. Testing the homogeneity of small error rates: application to the sensitivity of different Elisa tests for aids antibodies
  111. [Employment Discrimination and Statistical Science]: Comment
  112. Control percentile test procedures for censored data
  113. Nonparametric tests in small unbalanced samples: Application in employment-discrimination cases
  114. [The Statistical Precision of Medical Screening Procedures: Application to Polygraph and AIDS Antibodies Test Data]: Rejoinder
  115. The Statistical Precision of Medical Screening Procedures: Application to Polygraph and AIDS Antibodies Test Data
  116. Estimating a Common Relative Risk: Application in Equal Employment
  117. Estimating a Common Relative Risk: Application in Equal Employment
  118. Comment
  119. Disclosure-Limited Data Dissemination: Comment
  120. An Efficiency Robust Nonparametric Test for Scale Change for Data From a Gamma Distribution
  121. An Efficiency Robust Nonparametric Test for Scale Change for Data from a Gamma Distribution
  122. Comment on "Measurement of Economic Distance between Blacks and Whites" by H. D. Vinod
  123. Short Communications: Comment on “Measurement of Economic Distance Between Blacks and Whites” by H. D. Vinod
  124. The Use of Maximin Efficiency Robust Tests in Combining Contingency Tables and Survival Analysis
  125. The Use of Maximin Efficiency Robust Tests in Combining Contingency Tables and Survival Analysis
  126. Statistical Methods for Analyzing Claims of Employment Discrimination
  127. Interpolation from Grouped Data for Unimodal Densities
  128. On the Estimation of the Correlation Coefficient from Grouped Data
  129. On the Estimation of the Correlation Coefficient from Grouped Data
  130. Statistical properties of a measure of tax assessment uniformity
  131. The Robustness Properties of Two Tests for Serial Correlation
  132. The Robustness Properties of Two Tests for Serial Correlation
  133. A Scale-Free Goddness-of-Fit Test for the Exponential Distribution Based on the Lorenz Curve
  134. A Probability Model of a Pyramid Scheme
  135. A Probability Model of a Pyramid Scheme
  136. On Classical Tests of Normality
  137. On classical tests of normality
  138. Large Sample Theory of Some Measures of Income Inequality
  139. The Interpolation of the Lorenz Curve and Gini Index from Grouped Data
  140. On Probabilistic Models of Consumer Search for Information
  141. The Behavior of Robust Estimators on Dependent Data
  142. The Asymptotic Distribution Theory of the Empiric CDF for Mixing Stochastic Processes
  143. On Bounding Moments from Grouped Data
  144. On Bounding Moments from Grouped Data
  145. Statistical Measures of Earnings Differentials
  146. The estimation of a family of measures of economic inequality
  147. Statistical Measures of Earnings Differentials
  148. Comment
  149. Adaptive Robust Procedures: A Partial Review and Some Suggestions for Future Applications and Theory: Comment
  150. Large Sample Theory of Some Measures of Income Inequality
  151. The Estimation of the Lorenz Curve and Gini Index
  152. On the Sign Test for Symmetry
  153. On the Sign Test for Symmetry
  154. Effect of Dependence on the Level of Some One-Sample Tests
  155. Effect of Dependence on the Level of Some One-Sample Tests
  156. A General Definition of the Lorenz Curve
  157. Distribution-Free Statistical Tests.
  158. On Robust Linear Estimators
  159. An Elementary Method for Obtaining Lower Bounds on the Asymptotic Power of Rank Tests
  160. On a Simple Estimate of the Reciprocal of the Density Function
  161. Asymptotic Distribution of Linear Combinations of Functions of Order Statistics with Applications to Estimation
  162. On Robust Procedures
  163. On Robust Procedures
  164. Percentile Modifications of Two Sample Rank Tests
  165. Percentile Modifications of Two Sample Rank Tests
  166. Asymptotically Most Powerful Rank Tests for the Two-Sample Problem with Censored Data
  167. On a telephone traffic system with several kinds of service distributions
  168. Statistical Considerations Support the Supreme Court’s Decision in Matrixx Initiatives V. Siracusano
  169. How Accurate are the Power Calculations Relied Upon the SEC in its Regulatory Deliberations?
  170. A Fairer Approach than TARP to Alleviate the Effect of the Credit Crunch on the Typical Taxpayer and Small Business
  171. Should Law and Public Policy Adopt 'Practical Causality' as the Appropriate Criteria for Deciding Product Liability Cases and Public Policy?
  172. The Need to Carefully Interpret the Statistics Reporting the Accuracy of a Narcotics Detection Dog: Application to South Dakota v. Nguyen, State of Florida v. Harris and Similar Cases
  173. A Robust Gini Type-Index Better Detects Shifts in the Income Distribution: A Reanalysis of Income Inequality in the United States from 1967-2011
  174. Case Comment: The Need for Careful Analysis of the Statistical Summary in the Response to the Complaint in the Sec v. Goldman Sachs Case
  175. Formal Statistical Analysis of the Data in Disparate Impact Cases Provides Sounder Inferences than the Government’s 'Four-Fifths' Rule: Examining the Statistical Evidence in Ricci v. Destephano
  176. Some Important Statistical Issues Courts Should Consider in Their Assessment of Statistical Analyses Submitted in Class Certification Motions: Implications for Dukes v. Wal-Mart
  177. Estimating the Fraction of 'Questionable' Artwork by Henry Moore for Sale on Ebay: Application of Latent Class Screening Test Methodology
  178. Statistical Measures and Methods for Assessing the Representativeness of Juries: A Reanalysis of the Data in Berghuis v. Smith