All Stories

  1. Salud ósea en el síndrome de Down
  2. Epigenetic Regulation of Sost/sclerostin Expression
  3. How to interpret epigenetic association studies: a guide for clinicians
  4. Clinical, biochemical and genetic spectrum of low alkaline phosphatase levels in adults
  5. Genetic and acquired factors influencing the effectiveness and toxicity of drug therapy in osteoporosis
  6. Clinical spectrum of patients with spontaneous retroperitoneal hematomas
  7. Perfil clínico de los pacientes con hematomas retroperitoneales espontáneos
  8. Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulating Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation
  9. Epigenetics of Osteoporosis: Critical Analysis of Epigenetic Epidemiology Studies
  10. Exon array analysis reveals genetic heterogeneity in atypical femoral fractures. A pilot study
  11. The Role of DNA Methylation in Common Skeletal Disorders
  12. Simulación clínica de alto realismo: una experiencia en el pregrado
  13. Pharmacogenomics of osteoporosis: a pathway approach
  14. Do Epigenetic Marks Govern Bone Mass and Homeostasis?
  15. Enfermedades complejas y análisis genéticos por el método GWAS. Ventajas y limitaciones
  16. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) in Complex Diseases: Advantages and Limitations
  17. Genetic Polymorphisms of the Wnt Receptor LRP5 are Differentially Associated with Trochanteric and Cervical Hip Fractures
  18. Mecanismos de interacción osteoblasto-osteoclasto
  19. Síndrome calcio-alcalinos: actualización de un antiguo problema clínico
  20. Expression and functional role of nitric oxide synthase in osteoblast-like cells
  21. Alcoholización: una opción para el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo
  22. Age-Related Differences in Cytokine Secretion
  24. Genetics of osteoporosis
  25. Siete preguntas sobre la osteopenia
  26. Role of the Klotho Gene in Bone and Mineral Metabolism
  27. Síndrome metabólico, ¿también del hueso?
  28. Pharmacogenomics of Osteoporosis
  29. Autoría de artículos científicos
  30. Forensic efficiency of microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms on the X chromosome
  31. Polymorphisms in the CYP19 gene that influence bone mineral density
  32. Authorship of Scientific Articles
  33. Baja sensibilidad diagnóstica de los modelos clínicos de predicción de embolia pulmonar
  34. Adenocarcinoma pulmonar con ginecomastia dependiente de aromatasa
  35. Bisfosfonatos intravenosos
  36. Age-related influence of common aromatase gene polymorphisms on bone mass of healthy men
  37. Atrial fibrillation as a risk factor for stroke recurrence
  38. Stroke severity in patients with atrial fibrillation
  39. Utilidad de los glucocorticoides inhalados en la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica: revisión sistemática
  40. Expression of Opioid Receptors in Osteoblast-Like MG-63 Cells, and Effects of Different Opioid Agonists on Alkaline Phosphatase and Osteocalcin Secretion by These Cells
  41. Eficacia de los glucocorticoides en las reagudizaciones de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica: metaanálisis de los estudios publicados
  42. Bronchiolitis Obliterans and IgA Nephropathy
  43. The superficial femoral vein: a cause of therapeutic error
  44. Fascioliasis in Developed Countries: A Review of Classic and Aberrant Forms of the Disease
  45. Cytokine production by peripheral blood cells in postmenopausal osteoporosis
  46. Endocarditis due to Listeria monocytogenes and human immunodeficiency virus infection