All Stories

  1. Impact of knowledge-based organizational support on organizational performance through project management
  2. Firm innovativeness and work-life balance
  3. Organizational learning capability and organizational citizenship behaviour in the health sector: examining the role of happiness at work from a gender perspective
  4. The relationship between knowledge search strategies and absorptive capacity: A deeper look
  5. Determinants of Innovation Culture: a Study of Textile Industry in Santa Catarina
  6. Are altruistic leaders worthy? The role of organizational learning capability
  7. Adoption and use of work-life initiatives: Looking at the influence of institutional pressures and gender
  8. Depth and breadth of external knowledge search and performance: The mediating role of absorptive capacity
  9. Unraveling the link between managerial risk-taking and innovation: The mediating role of a risk-taking climate
  10. Entrepreneurial orientation and export intensity: Examining the interplay of organizational learning and innovation
  11. Organicity and performance in excellent HRM organizations: the importance of organizational learning capability
  12. The Influence of Entrepreneurial Learning in New Firms’ Performance: A Study in Costa Rica
  13. Is R&D Enough to Take Advantage From External Knowledge?: Focusing on Coordination Mechanisms
  14. Relación entre el Dinamismo Percibido, la Postura Tecnológica y los Resultados de Innovación
  16. IT competency and the commercial success of innovation
  17. Los emprendedores surgidos de las empresas multinacionales de inversión extranjera directa: un estudio exploratorio en Costa Rica
  18. The role of knowledge and learning in internationalization
  19. Exploring the role of knowledge management practices on exports: A dynamic capabilities view
  20. Managing Risk-Taking to Enhance Innovation in Organizations
  21. Knowledge management and innovation performance in a high-tech SMEs industry
  22. Organizational Learning, Innovation and Internationalization: A Complex System Model
  23. Design management capability and product innovation in SMEs
  24. Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: The Role of Organizational Learning Capability and Innovation Performance
  25. Orientación Emprendedora, Capacidad de Aprendizaje Organizativo y Desempeño Innovador
  26. Organisational learning capability, product innovation performance and export intensity
  27. Information technology competency, knowledge processes and firm performance
  28. Unravelling the moderating effects of size and experience on product innovations and exports: a study in a medium knowledge-intensive industry
  29. A study into the integration of ict into a business management course: challenges and achievements
  30. The importance of management innovation and consultant services on ERP implementation success
  31. Towards a methodology to assess organizational learning capability
  32. Reshaping the Boundaries of the Firm in an Era of Global Interdependence
  33. Introduction
  34. Organizational Learning Capability and Job Satisfaction: an Empirical Assessment in the Ceramic Tile Industry
  35. Investment in Design and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Design Management
  36. Measuring innovation in long product development cycle industries: an insight in biotechnology
  37. Adaptive and Generative Learning: Implications from Complexity Theories
  38. Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: the role of organizational learning capability
  39. Assessing the impact of organizational learning capability on product innovation performance: An empirical test
  40. Linking design management skills and design function organization: An empirical study of Spanish and Italian ceramic tile producers
  41. Measuring organisational learning capability among the workforce
  42. Analysing the link between export intensity, innovation and firm size in a science-based industry
  43. A measurement scale for product innovation performance
  45. Organisational learning styles and organisational values in the ceramic tile sector
  46. Linking operations strategy and product innovation: an empirical study of Spanish ceramic tile producers
  47. A model of product design management in the Spanish ceramic sector
  48. Role of information systems on the business network formation process: an empirical analysis of the automotive sector
  49. Design management approaches in the Spanish ceramic sector: a comparative case study
  50. Alignment between product innovation and competitive priorities
  51. Information System Outsourcin Decision
  52. Information System Outsourcin Decision