All Stories

  1. gesel: a JavaScript package for client-side gene set enrichment
  2. Powering single-cell analyses in the browser with WebAssembly
  3. Single-cell data analysis in the browser
  4. Interactive exploratory data analysis of Integrative Human Microbiome Project data using Metaviz
  5. Epiviz File Server: Query, transform and interactively explore data from indexed genomic files
  6. Interactive exploratory data analysis of Integrative Human Microbiome Project data using Metaviz
  7. Evolution of cellular diversity in primary motor cortex of human, marmoset monkey, and mouse
  8. An integrated transcriptomic and epigenomic atlas of mouse primary motor cortex cell types
  9. Evidence-Based Network Approach to Recommending Targeted Cancer Therapies
  10. Epiviz File Server: Query, Transform and Interactively Explore Data from Indexed Genomic Files
  11. Proactive Visual and Statistical Analysis of Genomic Data in Epiviz
  12. scGAIN: Single Cell RNA-seq Data Imputation using Generative Adversarial Networks
  13. Sherpa: Leveraging User Attention for Computational Steering in Visual Analytics
  14. An evidence-based network approach to recommending targeted cancer therapies
  15. metagenomeFeatures: an R package for working with 16S rRNA reference databases and marker-gene survey feature data
  16. Epiviz Web Components: reusable and extensible component library to visualize functional genomic datasets
  17. metagenomeFeatures: An R package for working with 16S rRNA reference databases and marker-gene survey feature data.
  18. Metaviz: interactive statistical and visual analysis of metagenomic data
  19. A framework and case studies for evaluation of enzyme ontogeny in children’s health risk evaluation
  20. Metaviz: interactive statistical and visual analysis of metagenomic data
  21. ToxCast Chemical Landscape: Paving the Road to 21st Century Toxicology
  22. CERAPP: Collaborative Estrogen Receptor Activity Prediction Project