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  1. Childhood Adversity and COVID-19 Outcomes: Findings from the UK Biobank
  2. Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Amygdala and Hippocampus Subdivisions in Children and Adolescents
  3. "How childhood adversity can impact cognitive function: Study finds factors for better outcomes"
  4. Probing Multiple Algorithms to Calculate Brain Age: Examining Reliability, Relations with Demographics, and Predictive Power
  5. Parental socioeconomic status is linked to cortical microstructure and language abilities in children and adolescents
  6. Parental socioeconomic status is linked to cortical microstructure and language abilities in children and adolescents
  7. Low household income and neurodevelopment from infancy through adolescence
  8. Early life stress relates to brain connectivity and learning
  9. Variations in structural MRI quality significantly impact commonly used measures of brain anatomy
  10. Lower neural value signaling in the prefrontal cortex is related to childhood family income and depressive symptomatology during adolescence
  11. Variations in Structural MRI Quality Significantly Impact Commonly-Used Measures of Brain Anatomy
  12. Amygdala Allostasis and Early Life Adversity: Considering Excitotoxicity and Inescapability in the Sequelae of Stress
  13. Instrumental Learning and Cognitive Flexibility Processes are Impaired in Children Exposed to Early Life Stress
  14. Quantifying Numerical and Spatial Reliability of Amygdala and Hippocampal Subdivisions in FreeSurfer
  15. Cumulative early childhood adversity and later antisocial behavior: The mediating role of passive avoidance
  16. Variations in Structural MRI Quality Significantly Impact Commonly-Used Measures of Brain Anatomy
  17. Individual differences in executive function partially explain the socioeconomic gradient in middle-school academic achievement
  18. A Family Focused Intervention Influences Hippocampal‐Prefrontal Connectivity Through Gains in Self‐Regulation
  19. Dimensions of deprivation and threat, psychopathology, and potential mediators: A multi-year longitudinal analysis.
  20. Heightened connectivity between the ventral striatum and medial prefrontal cortex as a biomarker for stress-related psychopathology: understanding interactive effects of early and more recent stress
  21. Instrumental learning and cognitive flexibility processes are impaired in children exposed to early life stress
  22. Integrative Structural Brain Network Analysis in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
  23. Early adversity and learning: implications for typical and atypical behavioral development
  24. Individual differences in regulatory focus predict neural response to reward
  25. Lower structural integrity of the uncinate fasciculus is associated with a history of child maltreatment and future psychological vulnerability to stress
  26. Blunted Ventral Striatum Development in Adolescence Reflects Emotional Neglect and Predicts Depressive Symptoms
  27. Cumulative stress in childhood is associated with blunted reward-related brain activity in adulthood
  28. Association of Child Poverty, Brain Development, and Academic Achievement
  29. Persistent Homology in Sparse Regression and Its Application to Brain Morphometry
  30. Preschool Externalizing Behavior Predicts Gender-Specific Variation in Adolescent Neural Structure
  31. Behavioral Problems After Early Life Stress: Contributions of the Hippocampus and Amygdala
  32. Reduced hippocampal and medial prefrontal gray matter mediate the association between reported childhood maltreatment and trait anxiety in adulthood and predict sensitivity to future life stress
  33. Family Poverty Affects the Rate of Human Infant Brain Growth
  34. Early Neglect Is Associated With Alterations in White Matter Integrity and Cognitive Functioning
  35. Persistent Homological Sparse Network Approach to Detecting White Matter Abnormality in Maltreated Children: MRI and DTI Multimodal Study
  36. Structural Variations in Prefrontal Cortex Mediate the Relationship between Early Childhood Stress and Spatial Working Memory
  38. Agreement between the white matter connectivity based on the tensor-based morphometry and the volumetric white matter parcellations based on diffusion tensor imaging
  39. Robust Automated Amygdala Segmentation via Multi-Atlas Diffeomorphic Registration
  40. Association between Income and the Hippocampus
  41. Structural connectivity via the tensor-based morphometry
  42. Early Stress Is Associated with Alterations in the Orbitofrontal Cortex: A Tensor-Based Morphometry Investigation of Brain Structure and Behavioral Risk
  43. Cerebellar Volume and Cognitive Functioning in Children Who Experienced Early Deprivation
  44. Hormonal reactivity to MRI scanning in adolescents