All Stories

  1. Cost of groundwater protection: major groundwater basin protection zones in Poland
  2. Modelowanie geostatyczne osadów dennych zbiornika retencyjnego pod kątem oporności filtracyjnej
  3. Applying of numerical modelling in assessment of groundwater mining drainage
  4. Advanced numerical modelling of groundwater/dam reservoir interaction
  5. Numerical modelling as an advanced tool in protection of groundwater resources
  6. Numerical modelling of a protection zone for complex multi-aquifer system
  7. Chemometric Estimation of Natural Water Samples Using Toxicity Tests and Physicochemical Parameters
  8. Sediment-quality assessment by intelligent data analysis
  9. Integration of various data sources for transient groundwater modeling with spatio-temporally variable fluxes—Sardon study case, Spain
  10. Modeling of complex multi-aquifer systems for groundwater resources evaluation—Swidnica study case (Poland)
  11. Groundwater Renewal in the Middle Odra River Catchment Based on Flow Model and Isotopic Data - the Lubin Głogów Copper Region, Poland