All Stories

  1. Energy poverty and mental distress in South Africa: Assessing linkages and potential pathways
  2. Informal care and financial stress: Longitudinal evidence from Australia
  3. The role of teacher support in students' academic performance in low- and high-stakes assessments
  4. Non-farm entrepreneurship, caste, and energy poverty in rural India
  5. Trust in banks, financial inclusion and the mediating role of borrower discouragement
  6. Financial inclusion, vulnerability coping strategies and multidimensional poverty: Does conceptualisation of financial inclusion matter?
  7. Borrower discouragement and multidimensional child deprivation in Ghana
  8. Private supplementary tutoring expenditures and children’s learning outcomes: Gender and locational evidence from Ghana
  9. Relationships between Farmer Psychological Profiles and Farm Business Performance amongst Smallholder Beef and Poultry Farmers in South Africa
  10. Psychological profiles of South African smallholder farmers
  11. Financial inclusion and multidimensional child poverty
  12. Transport poverty and obesity: The mediating roles of social capital and physical activity
  13. Financial inclusion and food insecurity: Examining linkages and potential pathways
  14. Effect of Financial Literacy on Poverty Reduction Across Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda
  15. Reducing children's malnutrition by increasing mothers' health insurance coverage: A focus on stunting and underweight across 32 sub-Saharan African countries
  16. Financial Capability in Africa: Innovation Through Evidence, Practice, and Policy
  17. How does ethnic diversity affect energy poverty? Insights from South Africa
  18. Can financial inclusion improve children’s learning outcomes and late school enrolment in a developing country?
  19. Employment precarity and energy poverty in post-apartheid South Africa: Exploring the racial and ethnic dimensions
  20. Mobile money and entrepreneurship in East Africa: the mediating roles of digital savings and access to digital credit
  21. The role of financial literacy in households’ asset accumulation process: evidence from Ghana
  22. Gambling and Financial Stress
  23. Parental Time Poverty, Child Work and School Attendance in Ghana
  24. Introducing the Disease Outbreak Resilience Index (DORI) Using the Demographic and Health Surveys Data from sub-Saharan Africa
  25. Impact of climate change adaptation on farm productivity and household welfare
  26. How financial resilience shapes social and public health policy choices in sub-Saharan Africa: Empirical insights from the COVID-19 pandemic
  27. Effect of financial inclusion on out-of-pocket health expenditure: empirics from Ghana
  28. Mobile money adoption and response to idiosyncratic shocks: Empirics from five selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa
  29. Ethnic Diversity and Food Insecurity: Evidence from Ghana
  30. Adoption of integrated crop-livestock management practices (ICLMPs) among men and women smallholder farmers in Ghana
  31. Addressing the Burden of Education Financing in Low and Lower-Middle-Income Countries: The Role of Savings Accounts, Cash Transfers, and Other Income Sources
  32. Accelerating the impact of financial literacy training programmes on household consumption by empowering women
  33. Financial inclusion and energy poverty: Empirical evidence from Ghana
  34. Re–examining Bhagwati hypothesis: the case of some selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
  35. How does school travel time impact children’s learning outcomes in a developing country?
  36. Improving productivity among smallholder farmers in Ghana: does financial inclusion matter?
  37. State Fragility and Resilience in sub-Saharan Africa
  38. Effect of Financial Inclusion on Poverty and Vulnerability to Poverty: Evidence Using a Multidimensional Measure of Financial Inclusion
  39. Analysis of Crop Yield Volatility Among Smallholder Farmers in Ghana
  40. Adoption of Mobile Money for Healthcare Utilization and Spending in Rural Ghana
  41. Financial sector development convergence in Africa: Evidence from bank- and market-based measures
  42. Intensifying financial inclusion through the provision of financial literacy training: a gendered perspective
  43. Firm size differences in financial returns from flexible work arrangements (FWAs)
  44. Employment security and workers' moonlighting behavior in Ghana
  45. Financial Inclusion and Growth of Non-farm Enterprises in Ghana
  46. Financial globalisation uncertainty/instability is good for financial development
  47. Household Deficiency in Demand for Water: Do Water Source and Travel Time Matter?
  48. Relative Contribution of Child Labour to Household Farm and Non-Farm Income in Ghana: Simulation with Child's Education
  49. Loan refusal, household income and savings in Ghana: a dominance analysis approach
  50. Savings, entrepreneurial trait and self-employment: evidence from selected Ghanaian Universities
  51. Economic Drivers of Domestic Violence among Women