All Stories

  1. Holocene amphibians and reptiles from Voroncha (Belarus): Comparative osteology, paleopathology and paleobiogeography
  2. Variation in the ilium of central European water frogs Pelophylax (Amphibia, Ranidae) and its implications for species-level identification of fragmentary anuran fossils
  3. Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental context of the Early Pleistocene hominins from Dmanisi (Georgia, Lesser Caucasus) inferred from the herpetofaunal assemblage
  4. Middle to Late Pleistocene herpetofauna from Scladina and Sous-Saint-Paul caves (Namur, Belgium)
  5. Biochronological data inferred from the Early Pleistocene small mammals of the Barranc de la Boella site (Tarragona, north-eastern Spain)
  6. Fish fauna of the Camp dels Ninots locality (Pliocene; Caldes de Malavella, province of Girona, Spain) – first results with notes on palaeoecology and taphonomy
  7. Environment and climate during MIS 7 and their implications for the late Middle Pleistocene hominins: The contribution of Mollet cave, Serinyà, Girona, northeastern Iberian Peninsula
  8. Climate and environments during Marine Isotope Stage 11 in the central Iberian Peninsula: the herpetofaunal assemblage from the Acheulean site of Áridos-1, Madrid
  9. Biochronology of the first hominid remains in Europe using the voleMimomys savini: Fuente Nueva 3 and Barranco León D, Guadix-Baza Basin, south-eastern Spain
  10. Environmental and climatic context of Neanderthal occupation in southwestern Europe during MIS3 inferred from the small-vertebrate assemblages
  11. Manzanares Valley (Madrid, Spain): A good country for Proboscideans and Neanderthals
  12. The early Middle Pleistocene archeopaleontological site of Wadi Sarrat (Tunisia) and the earliest record of Bos primigenius
  13. Climate and landscape during Heinrich Event 3 in south-western Europe: the small-vertebrate association from Galls Carboners cave (Mont-ral, Tarragona, north-eastern Iberia)
  14. Mimomys savini size evolution in the Early Pleistocene of south-western Europe and possible biochronological implications
  15. Amphibians and squamate reptiles from the late Miocene (Vallesian) of eastern Morocco (Guefaït-1, Jerada Province)
  16. Pleistocene evolutionary trends in dental morphology of Mimomys savini (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Iberian peninsula and discussion about the origin of the genus Arvicola
  17. Reconstitution paléoenvironnementale et paléoclimatique du Pléistocène supérieur ancien (MIS 5a) dans le centre de l’Espagne : les petits vertébrés (Amphibia, Reptilia & Mammalia) des gisements de Hat et Preresa (sud-est de Madrid)
  18. Un assemblage de petits vertébrés hautement diversifié de la fin du MIS 5 dans un environnement montagnard au centre de l’Espagne (Cueva del Camino, Pinilla del Valle, Communauté autonome de Madrid)
  19. MIS 5/4 transition in a mountain environment: herpetofaunal assemblages from Cueva del Camino, central Spain
  20. The small mammals of Sima del Elefante (Atapuerca, Spain) and the first entrance of Homo in Western Europe
  21. Early Pleistocene environments and vertebrate dispersals in Western Europe: The case of Barranco de los Conejos (Guadix-Baza Basin, SE Spain)
  22. Climatic conditions for the last Neanderthals: Herpetofaunal record of Gorham's Cave, Gibraltar
  23. Early Pleistocene palaeoenvironments at the time of the Homo antecessor settlement in the Gran Dolina cave (Atapuerca, Spain)
  24. New data on Sicilian prehistoric and historic evolution in a mountain context, Vallone Inferno (Scillato, Italy)
  25. Youngest agamid lizards from Western Europe (Sierra de Quibas, Spain, late Early Pleistocene)
  26. Ancient habitats for the Neanderthals of central Spain from El Camino cave
  27. Biochronological data inferred from the early Pleistocene Arvicolinae (Mammalia, Rodentia) of the El Chaparral site (Sierra del Chaparral, Cádiz, southwestern Spain)
  28. Characterization of a rapid climate shift at the MIS 8/7 transition in central Spain (Valdocarros II, Autonomous Region of Madrid) by means of the herpetological assemblages
  29. A multidisciplinary approach to reconstructing the chronology and environment of southwestern European Neanderthals: the contribution of Teixoneres cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain)
  30. Chronological and environmental context of the Middle Pleistocene human tooth from Mollet Cave (Serinyà, NE Iberian Peninsula)
  31. Palaeoecology of Neanderthals during Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles in northeastern Iberia (Abric Romaní): From regional to global scale
  32. Neanderthal Landscapes and Their Home Environment: Flora and Fauna Records from Level J
  33. Climate and landscape during the Last Glacial Maximum in southwestern Iberia: The small-vertebrate association from the Sala de las Chimeneas, Maltravieso, Extremadura
  34. Palaeoenvironment of the Xaragalls cave based on multiproxy data
  35. Earliest evidence for human consumption of tortoises in the European Early Pleistocene from Sima del Elefante, Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain
  36. The Early Pleistocene paleontological site in the Sierra del Chaparral (Villaluenga del Rosario, Cádiz, Southwestern Spain)
  37. The late Neogene-early Quaternary small vertebrate succession from the Almenara-Casablanca karst complex (Castellón, Eastern Spain): Chronologic and paleoclimatic context
  38. Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic proxies to the Early Pleistocene hominids of Barranco León D and Fuente Nueva 3 (Granada, Spain) by means of their amphibian and reptile assemblages
  39. A coastal reservoir of terrestrial resources for neanderthal populations in north-eastern Iberia: palaeoenvironmental data inferred from the small-vertebrate assemblage of Cova del Gegant, Sitges, Barcelona
  40. Palaeoenvironment for the mosuterian-aurignacian transition in Asturias based on faunal assemblages
  41. A very diverse amphibian and reptile assemblage from the late Middle Pleistocene of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Sima del Elefante, Burgos, Northwestern Spain)
  42. Small vertebrates (Amphibia, Squamata, Mammalia) from the late Pleistocene-Holocene of the Valdavara-1 cave (Galicia, northwestern Spain)
  43. First report of a green toad (Bufo viridis sensu lato) in the Early Pleistocene of Spain: Palaeobiogeographical and palaeoecological implications
  44. Climate and environment of the earliest West European hominins inferred from amphibian and squamate reptile assemblages: Sima del Elefante Lower Red Unit, Atapuerca, Spain
  45. The early Pleistocene small vertebrate succession from the Orce region (Guadix-Baza Basin, SE Spain) and its bearing on the first human occupation of Europe
  46. Amphibians and squamate reptiles from the latest Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of Blasi 2 (Huesca, Spain)
  47. First fossil evidence of an “interglacial refugium” in the Pyrenean region
  48. Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the Latest Pleistocene of El Portalón Site, Sierra de Atapuerca, northwestern Spain
  49. Biochronology of Spanish Quaternary small vertebrate faunas
  50. Early Pleistocene hominin dispersals in Eurasia: East-West or North-South? The small vertebrate approach
  51. Climate forcing of first hominid dispersal in Western Europe
  52. Première mise en évidence fossile du chioglosse portugais Chioglossa lusitanica (Amphibia, Caudata) et son implication pour l’histoire biogéographique de l’espèce
  53. Nuevas fechas radiométricas para la Prehistoria del noroeste de la Península Ibérica: la cueva de Valdavara (Becerreá, Lugo)
  54. Estudio transdisciplinar de la fosa EE1 de la Cova Colomera (Prepirineo de Lleida): implicaciones domésticas y paleoambientales en el Bronce Antiguo del noreste de la Península Ibérica
  55. Long-term climate record inferred from early-middle Pleistocene amphibian and squamate reptile assemblages at the Gran Dolina Cave, Atapuerca, Spain
  56. Chronological, environmental, and climatic precisions on the Neanderthal site of the Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona, Spain)
  57. The Early–Middle Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental change based on the squamate reptile and amphibian proxies at the Gran Dolina site, Atapuerca, Spain
  58. Faunes de reptiles et changements climatiques en Europe occidentale autour de la limite Plio-Pléistocène
  59. Amphibians and squamate reptiles from the early Upper Pleistocene of Bois Roche Cave (Charente, southwestern France)
  60. Les amphibiens et les reptiles des couches du Pléistocène supérieur ancien du gisement d'Artenac (Charente, France)