All Stories

  1. Visualcy: the progenitor of literacy and numeracy
  2. The Drive to Draw: Perceptual Attention and Communicative Intention
  3. Drawing matters
  4. Egological meets ecological: Drawing aspects in perspective(s)
  5. A contemporary pedagogy of drawing
  6. The case for the primacy of visualcy within a neoliberal Artschool curriculum
  7. Drawing as central to visual arts pedagogy.
  8. Drawing explained as a language, using systemic-functional semiotics.
  9. Aesthetic cognitivism: Towards a concise case for doctoral research through practices in the visual arts
  10. Teaching drawing in art schools
  11. How drawing can enhance creativity in art students.
  12. Are portrait artists superior face recognizers? Limited impact of adult experience on face recognition ability.
  13. Drawing practice informed by perception and communication theories.
  14. Introduction
  16. Scratching the surface: Practice, personality, approaches to learning, and the acquisition of high-level representational drawing ability.
  17. Drawing on the right side of the brain: A voxel-based morphometry analysis of observational drawing
  18. Channels of vision and the poetics of drawing: Strategies for teaching
  19. Drawing and emerging research: The acquisition of experiential knowledge through drawing as a methodological strategy
  20. Multimodal Epistemologies
  21. Cain’s house task revisited and revived: Extending theory and methodology for quantifying drawing accuracy.
  22. A comparison between Chinese and European systems of geometry in drawings of landscape.
  23. Drivers of Creativity
  24. The Gendered Image
  25. Local processing enhancements associated with superior observational drawing are due to enhanced perceptual functioning, not weak central coherence
  26. Visual art and social structure: the social semiotics of relational art
  27. The social semiotic potential of gestural drawing
  28. Editorial statement to contextualize the papers from the Drawing Symposium held at Swansea Metropolitan University, 18 November 2011
  29. ‘Drawing: Land and Sky’, interview with Mary-Ann Kokoska on the occasion of her exhibition at the Elysium Gallery, Swansea
  30. Making an essay: Inclusive learning, a new assessment for visual learners
  31. On the structure of textual and visual dissertations
  32. Does Shape Constancy Relate to Drawing Ability? Two Failures to Replicate
  33. Relational Art as Social Semiotic
  34. Art students who cannot draw: Exploring the relations between drawing ability, visual memory, accuracy of copying, and dyslexia.
  35. Making Sense of Art
  36. An Art Pedagogy for a Changing Art world
  37. Beyond the horizon: future directions for the teaching of visual arts practice
  38. The multimodal matrix – a laboratory of devices: film and the Formalist legacy
  39. A review of Gray & Malins book, 'Visualising Research...'
  40. Perceptual Modes, Semiotic Codes, Social Mores: A Contribution towards a Social Semiotics of Drawing
  41. Review of book on digital art.
  42. Drawing as a means of ‘firing practice’, empowering students’ ways of seeing.
  43. Strategy for teaching drawing.