All Stories

  1. Evaluation of Indonesian asphalt porous performance made with polyurethane-asphalt binder
  2. Effect of energy compaction on Marshall performance of asphalt concrete wearing course
  3. Analysis of vehicle operating costs and optimal vehicle speeds using the PCI method on primary arterial road and toll road: Surabaya–Malang
  5. Latex can minimize the use of asphalt in asphalt pavement.
  6. Crumb rubber modified to enhance the Marshall characteristics of asphalt pavement.
  7. the effects of bureaucracy on the performance of regency roads in Indonesia.
  8. AHP can be an alternative tool for organizing priorities in district road maintenance processes.
  9. Maintenance priority of district road using PCI and Road Note 1
  10. Improving of Water Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Using Latex-Bitumen Binder
  11. The Effect of Latex on Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course
  12. Marshall properties of asphalt concrete using crumb rubber modified of motorcycle tire waste
  13. Evaluation of moisture damage in asphalt concrete with CRM motorcycle tire waste passing #50 sieve size
  14. Water Resistance Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Made with Crumb Rubber of Motorcycle Tire Waste
  15. Improving the physical properties of asphalt concrete wearing course using latex DRC60