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  1. Community Pharmacists’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Professional Practice Behaviors Towards Dietary Supplements: Results from Multi-Center Survey in Ethiopia
  2. Medication-related quality of life among Ethiopian elderly patients with polypharmacy: A cross-sectional study in an Ethiopia university hospital
  3. The effectiveness of pictogram intervention in the identification and reporting of adverse drug reactions in naïve HIV patients in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
  4. Medication therapy management services in emergency and ambulatory care of Gondar University Hospital, northwest Ethiopia
  5. Ethiopian health care professionals’ knowledge, attitude, and interests toward pharmacogenomics
  6. The role of community pharmacists in patient counseling and health education: a survey of their knowledge and level of involvement in relation to type 2 diabetes mellitus
  7. Patient safety attitudes of pharmacy students in an Ethiopian university: a cross-sectional study
  8. Cancer Pain Management and Pain Interference with Daily Functioning among Cancer Patients in Gondar University Hospital
  9. Potential drug-drug interactions in pediatric
  10. Antithrombotic Therapy in Elderly patients
  11. Potential Drug-Drug Interactions in Pediatric Wards of Gondar University Hospital, Ethiopia: A Cross Sectional Study
  12. Evaluation of preceptors and skills achievement by clinical pharmacy clerkship students during their clinical rotations at University of Gondar, Ethiopia
  13. Drug dosage adjustment in hospitalized patients with renal impairment at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia