All Stories

  1. Aircraft Cockpit Interaction in Virtual Reality with Visual, Auditive, and Vibrotactile Feedback
  2. ARound the Smartphone: Investigating the Effects of Virtually-Extended Display Size on Spatial Memory
  3. A Survey on Measuring Cognitive Workload in Human-Computer Interaction
  4. Re-locations: Augmenting Personal and Shared Workspaces to Support Remote Collaboration in Incongruent Spaces
  5. ReLive: Bridging In-Situ and Ex-Situ Visual Analytics for Analyzing Mixed Reality User Studies
  6. ViTT: Towards a Virtual Reality System that Supports the Learning of Ergonomic Patient Transfers
  7. IDIAR: Augmented Reality Dashboards to Supervise Mobile Intervention Studies
  8. Comparison Between Virtual Reality and Physical Flight Simulators for Cockpit Familiarization
  9. STREAM: Exploring the Combination of Spatially-Aware Tablets with Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays for Immersive Analytics
  10. Simo: Interactions with Distant Displays by Smartphones with Simultaneous Face and World Tracking
  11. "It's in my other hand!" – Studying the Interplay of Interaction Techniques and Multi-Tablet Activities
  12. NurseCare: Design and 'In-The-Wild' Evaluation of a Mobile System to Promote the Ergonomic Transfer of Patients
  13. Next Steps for Human-Computer Integration
  14. EGuide
  15. A Qualitative Comparison Between Augmented and Virtual Reality Collaboration with Handheld Devices
  16. Argus Vision: A Tracking Tool for Exhibition Designers
  17. Pocket6
  18. Studying Eye Movements as a Basis for Measuring Cognitive Load
  19. Clusters, Trends, and Outliers
  20. Opportunities and challenges for cross-device interactions in the wild
  21. Remote Collaboration With Mixed Reality Displays
  22. Is Two Enough?
  23. Memory in Motion
  24. Screen arrangements and interaction areas for large display work places
  25. Applying Guidelines for the Design of Distortions on Focus+Context Interfaces
  26. When Tablets meet Tabletops
  27. Diving in at the Deep End
  28. Harald Reiterer
  29. Supporting Self-Assembly
  30. Supporting Self-Assembly
  31. Measuring Cognitive Load using Eye Tracking Technology in Visual Computing
  32. Cross-Surface
  33. Immersive Analysis of Health-Related Data with Mixed Reality Interfaces
  34. Grand Challenge ,,Erhalt des digitalen Kulturerbes“
  35. Connichiwa
  36. Using Space
  37. An Experimental Comparison of Vertical and Horizontal Dynamic Peephole Navigation
  38. Cross-Surface
  39. Blended Interaction
  40. SpaceFold and PhysicLenses
  41. Back to tangibility
  42. Integrative workplace
  43. Employing Blended Interaction to Blend the Qualities of Digital and Physical Books / Anwendung von Blended Interaction zur Vermischung der Eigenschaften digitaler und physischer Bücher
  44. Theme issue on designing collaborative interactive spaces
  45. Blended Interaction: understanding natural human–computer interaction in post-WIMP interactive spaces
  46. Blended Interaction
  47. Blended Interaction
  48. Themenschwerpunkt Interaktive Oberflächen in Forschung und Praxis
  49. Themenschwerpunkt Interaktive Oberflächen in Forschung und Praxis
  50. TwisterSearch: A Distributed User Interface for Collaborative Web Search
  51. ITS 2013 workshop on visual adaptation of interfaces
  52. Body Panning
  53. Blended shelf
  54. Blended interaction
  55. Encouraging collaboration in hybrid therapy games for autistic children
  56. Die Wiederentdeckung analoger Interaktionsqualitäten in der digitalen Leitwarte / The return of physical interaction in future control rooms
  57. Die Wiederentdeckung analoger Interaktionsqualitäten in der digitalen Leitwarte / The return of physical interaction in future control rooms
  58. Kurzbericht zur Fachtagung “Mensch & Computer 2012” in Konstanz
  59. Design and Implementation of Post-WIMP Distributed User Interfaces with ZOIL
  60. Be-Gehbare Interaktion: Dynamische Persönliche Bereiche für Interaktive Tische
  61. Toward mixed-media design studios
  62. Mensch & Computer 2012: 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien. interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?
  63. Mensch & Computer 2012 – Workshopband
  64. Designing collaborative interactive spaces
  65. Perspective+detail
  66. Content-aware navigation for large displays in context of traffic control rooms
  67. Harnessing the benefits of bimanual and multi-finger input for supporting grouping tasks on interactive tabletops
  68. IdeaVis
  69. Human-computer interaction groupUniversity of Konstanz, Germany
  70. Holistic Workspace - Den Leitstand der Zukunft gestalten!
  71. The concept maps method as a tool to evaluate the usability of APIs
  72. Materializing the query with facet-streams
  73. PaperSketch
  74. Designing reality-based interfaces for creative group work
  75. AffinityTable - A Hybrid Surface for Supporting Affinity Diagramming
  76. Hidden Details of Negotiation: The Mechanics of Reality-Based Collaboration in Information Seeking
  77. Lessons Learned from the Design and Implementation of Distributed Post-WIMP User Interfaces
  78. ZOIL: A Design Paradigm and Software Framework for Post-WIMP Distributed User Interfaces
  79. Adaptive personal territories for co-located tabletop interaction in a museum setting
  80. Visualisierung auf Großbildschirmen
  81. Interactive design of multimodal user interfaces
  82. Can "touch" get annoying?
  83. Blended Library – Neue Interaktionsformen für die Bibliothek der Zukunft
  84. Primitive interaction tasks for multi-display environments (PrIME)
  85. Collaborative sketching with distributed displays and multimodal interfaces
  86. Pocket Bee
  87. Supporting creativity workshops with interactive tabletops and digital pen and paper
  88. ScatterTouch
  89. Model-Based Design and Implementation of Interactive Spaces for Information Interaction
  90. A cross-device spatial workspace supporting artifact-mediated collaboration in interaction design
  91. Using concept maps to evaluate the usability of APIs
  92. Eye and pointer coordination in search and selection tasks
  93. Tactile feedback enhanced hand gesture interaction at large, high-resolution displays
  94. Enhancing input device evaluation
  95. Squidy
  96. Adaptive pointing
  97. Inspector: Interactive UI Specification Tool
  98. Zero-One Laws
  99. Zoomable User Interface (ZUI)
  100. Adaptive Pointing – Design and Evaluation of a Precision Enhancing Technique for Absolute Pointing Devices
  101. Gaze-Assisted Pointing for Wall-Sized Displays
  102. Zoom interaction design for pen-operated portable devices
  103. Model-Driven Prototyping for Corporate Software Specification
  104. Blended Museum – Perspektiven für eine vielfältige Besuchererfahrung (Enhancing Visitor Experience through Information Design and Interaction)
  105. An innovative user interface concept for large hierarchical data spaces by example of the EPDM domain
  106. Laserpointer-interaction between art and science
  107. MedioVis
  108. Dynamic Text Filtering for Improving the Usability of Alphasliders on Small Screens
  109. Visualisierungs- und Navigationskonzepte zur Darstellung komplexer Informationsräume auf dem PDA (Visualization and Navigation Concepts for Presenting Complex Information on PDAs)
  110. ZUI Konzepte für Navigation und Suche in komplexen Informationsräumen (ZUI Concepts for Navigating and Searching Complex Information Spaces)
  111. User Interaction with Scatterplots on Small Screens - A Comparative Evaluation of Geometric-Semantic Zoom and Fisheye Distortion
  112. Knowledge Media Design
  113. Visuelle Exploration digitaler Datenbestände
  114. Vorwort
  115. Usability of overview-supported zooming on small screens with regard to individual differences in spatial ability
  116. The CircleSegmentView: a visualization for query preview and visual filtering
  117. INSYDER: a content-based visual-information-seeking system for the Web
  118. MedioVis – A User-Centred Library Metadata Browser
  119. ZuiScat
  120. 〟Visualisierung vernetzter Strukturen〞 – Erfahrungsbericht eines Workshops der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2002 in Hamburg
  121. Ein visueller Metadaten Browser für die explorative Erkundung großer Datenmengen
  122. Use and Reuse of HCI Knowledge in the Software Development Lifecycle
  123. Evidence-Based Usability Engineering
  124. Tools for Working with Guidelines in Different Interface Design Approaches
  125. Kommunikationsdesign und Visualisierung von Informationen
  126. A Visual Information Seeking System for Web Search
  127. INSYDER --- an information assistant for business intelligence
  128. Software evaluation using the 9241 evaluator
  129. Die IDA-Entwicklungsumgebung
  130. IDA
  131. IDA - A Design Environment for Ergonomic User Interfaces
  132. Unterstützungswerkzeuge für Entwickler von graphischen Benutzungsoberflächen
  133. Evaluation of user interfaces: EVADIS II— a comprehensive evaluation approach
  134. A Human factors based user interface design
  135. Einleitung
  136. Zusammenfassung
  137. Umsetzung der ergonomischen Kriterien mittels Methoden und Werkzeugen im Gestaltungsprozess
  138. Einführung in die ergonomische Gestaltung von Bürosystemen
  139. Was ist das „Neue“ an heutigen Bürosystemen?
  140. Kriterien zur Gestaltung und Bewertung menschengerechter Arbeit
  141. Methoden und Werkzeuge für die ergonomische Gestaltung von Bürosystemen
  142. Agile Usability Engineering
  143. Visuelle Spezifikation interaktiver Softwaresysteme
  144. 11. Die Blended Library: Benutzerorientierte Verschmelzung von virtuellen und realen Bibliotheksdiensten
  145. C 6 Mensch-Computer-Interaktion
  146. B 5 Informationsvisualisierung
  147. HyperGrid — Accessing Complex Information Spaces
  148. Multi-fidelity User Interface Specifications
  149. Laserpointer-Interaktion für große, hochauflösende Displays
  150. Fördern realitätsbasierte UIs kollaborative Rechercheaktivitäten?
  151. INVISIP: Usage of Information Visualization Techniques to Access Geospatial Data Archives
  152. CRUISER: A Cross-Discipline User Interface and Software Enginee ring Lifecycle
  153. ZEUS – Zoomable Explorative User Interface for Searching and Object Presentation
  154. Agile Methods and Visual Specification in Software Development: A Chance to Ensure Universal Access
  155. Employing Blended Interaction to Blend the Qualities of Digital and Physical Books
  156. Die Leitwarte von heute verstehen – die Leitwarte von morgen gestalten!
  157. Dynamic Force Fields zur Präzisionserhöhung von Zeigegeräten