All Stories

  1. Enteric Methane Emission from Sheep Fed with Rhodes Grass Hay (Chloris gayana) Alone or Supplemented with Dried Distillers’ Grains with Solubles
  2. Salt stress on Lotus tenuis triggers cell wall polysaccharide changes affecting their digestibility by ruminants
  3. Enteric methane mitigation strategies for ruminant livestock systems in the Latin America and Caribbean region: A meta-analysis
  4. Pre-incubation of ruminal inocula to assess in vitro gas production and digestibility
  5. Microbial populations and ruminal fermentation of sheep and llamas fed low quality forages
  6. Lactation and body composition responses to fat and protein supplies during the dry period in under-conditioned dairy cows
  7. Methane production and in vitro digestibility of low quality forages treated with a protease or a cellulase
  8. Prediction of the Ym factor for livestock from on-farm accessible data
  9. Assessment of an indirect technique to predict hay and silage storage dry matter losses through Monte Carlo simulation
  10. Ensiling natural meadow forage in «Tierra del Fuego», Argentina
  11. In vitro digestion of fresh alfalfa under different conditions of ruminal pH
  12. Association of body weight, loinlongissimus dorsiand backfat with body condition score in dry and lactating Holstein dairy cows
  13. Efficiency of microbial protein synthesis on red clover and ryegrass silages supplemented with barley by rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC)
  14. Contribution of storage and structural polysaccharides to the fermentation process and nutritive value of lucerne ensiled alone or mixed with cereal grains