All Stories

  1. Varme mødesteder i Cold Hawaii? Tillid, mødesteder og løsning af kollektive handlingsproblemer i et lokalsamfund
  2. How did trade norms evolve in Scandinavia? Long-distance trade and social trust in the Viking age
  3. The Puzzle of the Scandinavian Welfare State and Social Trust
  4. Associational autonomy or political influence? The case of the cooperation between the Danish Dairies' Buttermark Association and the Danish state, 1900–1912
  5. “Blue” social capital and work performance: anthropological fieldwork among crew members at four Danish international ships
  6. Social networks offer 'unconventional alliances' for development of social capital
  7. Public Libraries as Breeding Grounds for Bonding, Bridging and Institutional Social Capital: The Case of Branch Libraries in Rural Denmark
  8. Organizational Networks and Social Capital
  9. ‘The Rotten Banana’ fires back: The story of a Danish discourse of inclusive rurality in the making
  10. Agricultural Cooperatives and Social Capital.
  11. On the capitalization and cultivation of social capital: Towards a neo-capital general science?
  12. Bridge Over Troubled Water? Migration and Social Capital
  13. The Global Development Race and the Samaritan's Dilemma: Development Aid Discourse in Danish Agriculture, 1960–1970
  14. There's more to the picture than meets the eye: Measuring tangible and intangible capital in two marginal communities in rural Denmark
  15. Studying social capital in situ: A qualitative approach
  16. The right to development: construction of a non-agriculturalist discourse of rurality in Denmark