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  1. Lightweight cellular concretes
  2. The use of southern Algeria dune sand in cellular lightweight concrete manufacturing: effect of lime and aluminium content on porosity, compressive strength and thermal conductivity of elaborated materials
  3. Study of the Effect of Aluminum Content and C / S Ratio on the Physico-Mechanical and Thermal Properties of a Lightweight Concrete Made From Sand Dune
  4. Study of pathological cases in the District OF Zguegue Elhedjaj in Laghouat
  5. Behaviour of polypropylene fibre mortars conserved in different environments
  6. Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor Computation by Using Xfem Formulation
  7. Amélioration des propriétés d’un tuf naturel utilisé en technique routière saharienne par ajout d’un sable calcaire
  8. Behaviour of unsaturated tuff- calcareous sand mixture on drying-wetting and triaxial paths
  9. Study of the Reinforcement of Limestone Mortars by Polypropylene Fibers Waste
  10. The study of the physico mechanical behaviour of a concrete with limestone sand renforced by synthetic fibers
  11. Isothermal moisture properties of Clayey Cellular Concretes elaborated from clayey waste, cement and aluminium powder
  12. Influence of hygrothermal conditions on the thermophysical properties of clayey cellular concretes
  13. Estimation of the capillary transport coefficient of Clayey Aerated Concrete using a gravimetric technique
  14. Effective thermal conductivity of clayey aerated concrete in the dry state: experimental results and modelling
  15. The measurement of the thermal conductivity of solid aggregates using the transient plane source technique