All Stories

  1. The tin content of lead inclusions in ancient tin-bronze artifacts: a time-dependent process?
  2. Dissolution–precipitation kinetics during C3S hydration: A hologra...
  3. A multi analytical characterization of a small bronze figurine from Gran Carro site (Bolsena Lake, Italy)
  4. The leaching behaviors of lead, zinc, and sulfate in pyrite ash contaminated soil: mineralogical assessments and environmental implications
  5. The sponge effect of phosphogypsum-based cemented paste backfill in the atmospheric carbon capture: Roles of fluorides, phosphates, and alkalinity
  6. Marble Architectural Elements and Liturgical Furniture of the Santa Giustina Basilica in Padova: New Archaeometric Data on the Importation of Proconnesian Marble in the Late Antique Adriatic
  7. Archaeometallurgical characterization of Mediterranean discoidal shaped copper alloy ingots retrieved from sea environment
  8. Assessing Cement Matrix Permeability by Neutron Dark Field Imaging
  9. Metals: Waste and Recovery
  10. Cementitious Materials
  11. Cementation processes of Roman pozzolanic binders from Caesarea Maritima (Israel)
  12. Retention of phosphorus and fluorine in phosphogypsum for cemented paste backfill: Experimental and numerical simulation studies
  13. A multitechnique approach for the identification of multiple contamination sources near a polluted industrial site
  14. Unusual Luminescence of Quartz from La Sassa, Tuscany: Insights on the Crystal and Defect Nanostructure of Quartz Further Developments
  15. Innovative Calcium Carbonate-Based Products to Repair Cracked Cement Mortars
  16. High‐performing mortar‐based materials from the late imperial baths of Aquileia: An outstanding example of Roman building tradition in Northern Italy
  17. Gaming in Pre-Roman Italy: Characterization of Early Ligurian and Etruscan Small Pieces, Including Dice
  18. Phasing the history of ancient buildings through PCA on mortars’ mineralogical profiles: the example of the Sarno Baths (Pompeii)
  19. An Atomistic Model Describing the Structure and Morphology of Cu-Doped C-S-H Hardening Accelerator Nanoparticles
  20. X-Ray Diffraction
  21. Unusual Luminescence of Quartz from La Sassa, Tuscany: Insights on the Crystal and Defect Nanostructure of Quartz
  22. A Fresh View on Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) Pastes
  23. Imaging with Neutrons
  24. Ochre-Based Pigments in the Tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary (Herculaneum, Italy) between Decorative Technology and Natural Disasters
  25. Cement-stabilized contaminated soil: Understanding Pb retention with XANES and Raman spectroscopy
  26. Pseudotachylyte Alteration and the Rapid Fade of Earthquake Scars From the Geological Record
  27. Technological transfers in the Mediterranean on the verge of Romanization: Insights from the waterproofing renders of Nora (Sardinia, Italy)
  28. The State-of-the-Art of Dating Techniques Applied to Ancient Mortars and Binders: A Review
  29. Role of fruit flesh cell morphology and MdPG1 allelotype in influencing juiciness and texture properties in apple
  30. Copper to Tuscany – Coals to Newcastle? The dynamics of metalwork exchange in early Italy
  31. Stabilization of lead contaminated soil with traditional and alternative binders
  32. Combining multispectral images with X-ray fluorescence to quantify the distribution of pigments in the frigidarium of the Sarno Baths, Pompeii
  33. Mineralogical clustering of the structural mortars from the Sarno Baths, Pompeii: A tool to interpret construction techniques and relative chronologies
  34. The pigments of the frigidarium in the Sarno Baths, Pompeii: Identification, stratigraphy and weathering
  35. Consecutive thermal and wet conditioning treatments of sedimentary stabilized cementitious materials from HPSS® technology: Effects on leaching and microstructure
  36. Foreword: The MACH Project and the case study of the Sarno Baths in Pompeii
  37. Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use
  38. Glass and other vitreous materials through history
  39. Moving metals IV: Swords, metal sources and trade networks in Bronze Age Europe
  40. The silver treasure of Marengo: silver provenancing and insights into late antiquity Roman and Gallo-Roman hoards
  41. Metal flow in the late Bronze Age across the Friuli-Venezia Giulia plain (Italy): new insights on Cervignano and Muscoli hoards by chemical and isotopic investigations
  42. Selecting the Most Reliable 14C Dating Material Inside Mortars: the Origin of the Padua Cathedral
  43. Probing the provenance of archaeological glaze colorants: Polychrome faunal reliefs of the Ishtar Gate and the Processional Way of Babylon
  44. The Contribution of Mineralogy to Cultural Heritage
  45. Shall we abandon sedimentation methods for particle size analysis in soils?
  46. Introduction: The role of modern mineralogy in cultural heritage studies
  47. The Vitruvian legacy: Mortars and binders before and after the Roman world
  48. Radiocarbon dating reveals the timing of formation and development of pedogenic calcium carbonate concretions in Central Sudan during the Holocene
  49. On the preparation of concentrated gypsum slurry to reuse sulfate-process TiO2 byproduct stream
  50. A universal curve of apatite crystallinity for the assessment of bone integrity and preservation
  51. Use of nanocomposites as permeability reducing admixtures
  52. Lime-based injection grouts with reduced water content: An assessment of the effects of the water-reducing agents ovalbumin and ethanol on the mineralogical evolution and properties of grouts
  53. Raman hyperspectral imaging as an effective and highly informative tool to study the diagenetic alteration of fossil bones
  54. Lead isotope systematics in ophiolite-associated sulphide deposits from the Western Alps and Northern Apennine (Italy)
  55. Role of Polycarboxylate-ether superplasticizers on cement hydration kinetics and microstructural development
  56. Correction: Long-distance connections in the Copper Age: New evidence from the Alpine Iceman's copper axe
  57. Mortar Dating Methodology: Assessing Recurrent Issues and Needs for Further Research
  58. Provenancing ancient pigments: Lead isotope analyses of the copper compound of egyptian blue pigments from ancient mediterranean artefacts
  59. NEARCHOS. Networked Archaeological Open Science: Advances in Archaeology Through Field Analytics and Scientific Community Sharing
  60. Preparation and Dating of Mortar Samples—Mortar Dating Inter-Comparison Study (MODIS)
  61. Metals and Metalworking Residues
  62. Long-distance connections in the Copper Age: New evidence from the Alpine Iceman’s copper axe
  63. The Evolution of the Vitruvian Recipes over 500 Years of Floor-Making Techniques: The Case Studies of theDomus delle Bestie Feriteand theDomus di Tito Macro(Aquileia, Italy)
  64. Recent Advances in the Scientific Research on Ancient Glass and Glaze. Edited by Qinghui Li and Julian Henderson. World Scientific, 2016. Pp. 572. ISBN 978-981-4630-28-3. Price GBP 43.00 (softcover).
  65. Late Bronze Age copper smelting in the southeastern Alps: how standardized was the smelting process? Evidence from Transacqua and Segonzano, Trentino, Italy
  66. Neutron diffraction of Cu–Zn–Sn ternary alloys: non-invasive assessment of the compositions of historical bronze/brass copper ternary alloys
  67. Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Evidence of Prostatic Stones at Al Khiday Cemetery, Central Sudan
  68. X-Ray Diffraction, Studies of Inorganic Compounds and Minerals
  69. Improving the performance of PCE superplasticizers in early stiffening Portland cement
  70. Differentiating between long and short range disorder in infra-red spectra: on the meaning of “crystallinity” in silica
  71. Bone diagenesis variability among multiple burial phases at Al Khiday (Sudan) investigated by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy
  72. A lead-isotope database of copper ores from the Southeastern Alps: A tool for the investigation of prehistoric copper metallurgy
  73. Morphological reconstruction of Roman styli from Iulia Concordia—Italy
  74. X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
  75. The Contribution of Geoscience to Cultural Heritage Studies
  76. Kinetic Model of Calcium-Silicate Hydrate Nucleation and Growth in the Presence of PCE Superplasticizers
  77. Eneolithic copper smelting slags in the Eastern Alps: Local patterns of metallurgical exploitation in the Copper Age
  78. Late Bronze Age Copper Smelting Slags from Luserna (Trentino, Italy): Interpretation of the Metallurgical Process
  79. Non-invasive assessment of the formation of tourmaline nodules by X-ray microtomography and computer modeling
  80. In‐Situ XRD Measurement and Quantitative Analysis of Hydrating Cement: Implications for Sulfate Incorporation in C–S–H
  81. Direct Imaging of Nucleation Mechanisms by Synchrotron Diffraction Micro-Tomography: Superplasticizer-Induced Change of C–S–H Nucleation in Cement
  82. Examining microstructural evolution of Portland cements by in-situ synchrotron micro-tomography
  83. In the footsteps of Pliny: tracing the sources of Garamantian carnelian from Fazzan, south-west Libya
  84. Bone diagenesis at the micro-scale: Bone alteration patterns during multiple burial phases at Al Khiday (Khartoum, Sudan) between the Early Holocene and the II century AD
  85. Cellular glass–ceramics from a self foaming mixture of glass and basalt scoria
  86. Crystal chemistry of clinker relicts from aged cementitious materials
  87. Simulation of the hydration kinetics and elastic moduli of cement mortars by microstructural modelling
  88. Powder Diffraction and Synchrotron Radiation
  89. Imaging of nano-seeded nucleation in cement pastes by X-ray diffraction tomography
  90. Morphological reconstruction of Roman arrowheads from Iulia Concordia: Italy
  91. Discriminating pottery production by image analysis: a case study of Mesolithic and Neolithic pottery from Al Khiday (Khartoum, Sudan)
  92. Residual strain mapping of Roman styli from Iulia Concordia, Italy
  93. Cement hydration: the role of adsorption and crystal growth
  94. Crystal chemistry of cement-asbestos
  95. Evolution of Vitreous Materials in Bronze Age Italy
  96. Understanding cement hydration at the microscale: new opportunities from `pencil-beam' synchrotron X-ray diffraction tomography
  97. Science for the cultural heritage: the contribution of X-ray diffraction
  98. New milarite/osumilite-type phase formed during ancient glazing of an Egyptian scarab
  99. Multifractal Analysis of Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C–S–H) Mapped by X‐ray Diffraction Microtomography
  100. Role of Phosphate Species and Speciation Kinetics in Detergency Solutions
  101. Lead isotope systematics in hydrothermal sulphide deposits from the central-eastern Southalpine (northern Italy)
  102. 3D imaging of complex materials: the case of cement
  103. Mineralogy and archaeometry: fatal attraction
  104. Growth morphology of gypsum in the presence of copolymers
  106. Fundamentals of Crystallography
  107. Experimental methods in X‐ray and neutron crystallography
  108. Towards three-dimensional quantitative reconstruction of cement microstructure by X-ray diffraction microtomography
  109. The mystery of the discolored flints. New molecules turn prehistoric lithic artifacts blue
  110. Vingt ans de recherches à Saint-Véran, Hautes Alpes: état des connaissances de l’activité de production de cuivre à l’âge du Bronze ancien
  111. Mineralogy and Cultural Heritage
  112. Molecular H2O in armenite, BaCa2Al6Si9O30·2H2O, and epididymite, Na2Be2Si6O15·H2O: Heat capacity, entropy and local-bonding behavior of confined H2O in microporous silicates
  113. Introduction
  114. Scientific Methods and Cultural Heritage
  115. Overview of the analytical techniques
  116. Present and future trends: analytical strategies and problems
  117. Materials and case studies: how to meet the needs
  118. X-ray diffraction microtomography (XRD-CT), a novel tool for non-invasive mapping of phase development in cement materials
  119. Improving the quality of 63Cu/65Cu ratio determination by ICP-QMS through a careful evaluation of instrumental performances
  121. Thermal expansion and stability of Ti2SC in air and inert atmospheres
  122. Secondary phosphates in the ceramic materials from Frattesina (Rovigo, North-Eastern Italy)
  123. Study of the negative thermal expansion of cuprite-type structures by means of temperature-dependent pair distribution function analysis: Preliminary results
  124. Evidence of calcium carbonates in coastal (Talos Dome and Ross Sea area) East Antarctica snow and firn: Environmental and climatic implications
  125. Tricalcium aluminate hydration in additivated systems. A crystallographic study by SR-XRPD
  126. Crystals and phase transitions in protohistoric glass materials
  127. High-temperature behaviour of melilite: in situ X-ray diffraction study of gehlenite–åkermanite–Na melilite solid solution
  128. Local lattice dynamics and negative thermal expansion in crystals
  129. High temperature reactions in mold flux slags: Kinetic versus composition control
  130. Non-ideality and defectivity of the akermanite-gehlenite solid solution: An X-ray diffraction and TEM study
  131. The early hydration and the set of Portland cements:In situX-ray powder diffraction studies
  132. Crystallographic texture analysis of archaeological metals: interpretation of manufacturing techniques
  133. High‐Temperature Thermal Expansion and Stability of V2AlC Up To 950°C
  134. surface reactivity of minerals
  135. High temperature structural and thermoelastic behaviour of mantle orthopyroxene: an in situ neutron powder diffraction study
  136. Negative thermal expansion in cuprite-type compounds: A combined synchrotron XRPD, EXAFS, and computational study of Cu2O and Ag2O
  137. Negative thermal expansion and local dynamics inCu2OandAg2O
  138. Neutrons in cultural heritage research
  139. Crystal chemistry, cation ordering and thermoelastic behaviour of CoMgSiO4 olivine at high temperature as studied by in situ neutron powder diffraction
  140. Thermal expansion and phase transitions in åkermanite and gehlenite
  142. In situsimultaneous synchrotron powder diffraction and mass spectrometry study of methane anaerobic combustion on iron-oxide-based oxygen carrier
  143. Microscopic strain in synthetic pyrope-grossular solid solutions determined by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction at 5 K: The relationship to enthalpy of mixing behavior
  144. EXAFS and XRD Study of Local Dynamics in Cu2O and Ag2O
  145. Chemical analyses of Bronze Age glasses from Frattesina di Rovigo, Northern Italy
  146. The effect of oxidation and reduction on thermal expansion of magnetite from 298 to 1173K at different vacuum conditions
  147. Thermal Expansion and Excess Properties of Åkermanite-Gehlenite Synthetic Solid Solution Series
  148. Thermal expansion in cuprite-type structures from 10 K to decomposition temperature: Cu2O and Ag2O
  149. Template Burning inside TS-1 and Fe-MFI Molecular Sieves:  An in Situ XRPD Study
  150. Molecular resolution images of the surfaces of natural zeolites by atomic force microscopy
  151. The crystal chemistry of julgoldite-Fe3+from Bombay, India, studied using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy
  152. Kinetic study of the dehydroxylation of chrysotile asbestos with temperature by in situ XRPD
  153. The thermal behaviour of cuprite: An XRD–EXAFS combined approach
  154. The grid-work texture of authigenic microcrystalline quartz in siliceous crust-type (SCT) mineralized horizons
  155. The nature of disorder in montmorillonite by simulation of X-ray powder patterns
  156. Kinetics of nucleation and growth of zeolite LTA from clear solution by in situ and ex situ XRPD
  157. Pressure-Induced Volume Expansion of Zeolites in the Natrolite Family
  158. Single-crystal neutron diffraction
  159. High-Pressure Raman Spectroscopic Study of Spinel (ZnCr2O4)
  160. First Structural Investigation of a Super-Hydrated Zeolite
  161. Multipurpose imaging-plate camera forin situpowder XRD at the GILDA beamline
  162. Synthesis and characterization of white micas in the join muscovite–aluminoceladonite
  163. Ti Location in the MFI Framework of Ti−Silicalite-1:  A Neutron Powder Diffraction Study
  164. Quantitative Phase Analysis of Natural Raw Materials Containing Montmorillonite
  165. In situ dehydration of yugawaralite
  166. Octahedral cation ordering in olivine at high temperature. II: an in situ neutron powder diffraction study on synthetic MgFeSiO 4 (Fa50)
  167. Octahedral cation ordering in olivine at high temperature. I: in situ neutron single-crystal diffraction studies on natural mantle olivines (Fa12 and Fa10)
  168. Orthorhombic to monoclinic phase transition in high-Ti-loaded TS-1: an attempt to locate Ti in the MFI framework by low temperature XRD
  169. Characterisation of defective silicalites †
  170. The crystal structure of Mg8(Mg2Al2)Al8Si12(O,OH)56pumpellyite and its relevance in ultramafic systems at high pressure
  171. Microstructure imaging of C54–TiSi2 polycrystalline thin films by micro-Raman spectroscopy
  172. Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of (Bi,Pb)1.64Sr1.43Ca1.57Mn2O9, Mn-Analogue of BSCCO-2212 Superconductor
  173. On the space group of garronite
  174. High temperature dehydroxylation of muscovite-2M 1 : a kinetic study by in situ XRPD
  175. Structural Characterization of Ti-Silicalite-1: A Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study
  176. Chromium crystal chemistry mullite–spinel refractory ceramics
  177. Cation partitioning versus temperature in (Mg 0.70 Fe 0.23 )Al 1.97 O 4 synthetic spinel by in situ neutron powder diffraction
  178. XAFS characterization of the structural site of Yb in synthetic pyrope and grossular garnets
  179. In Situ Structural and Kinetic Powder Diffraction Studies of Aluminosilicates
  180. Inorganic Compounds and Minerals Studied Using X-ray Diffraction
  181. Inorganic Compounds and Minerals Studied Using X-Ray Diffraction*
  182. On the Crystal Structure and Cation Valence of Mn in Mn-Substituted Ba-β-Al2O3
  183. Thermal Expansion of Chromites and Zinc Spinels
  184. Thermal Expansion of C3S and Mg-Doped Alite
  185. Dehydroxylation Kinetics of Muscovite-2M1
  186. Cation Partitioning in Mg0.70Fe0.23Al1.97O4 Synthetic Spinels by in situ Neutron Powder Diffraction
  187. In situ powder diffraction studies of temperature induced transformations in minerals
  188. Dehydration dynamics of stilbite using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction
  189. Site Differentiation by Synchrotron Radiation Resonant Scattering:  Case Study of BaZn2Ge2
  190. A temperature dependent X-ray Absorption Fine Structure study of dynamic X-site disorder in almandine: a comparison to diffraction data
  191. Kinetics of formation of zeolite Na-A [LTA] from natural kaolinites
  192. Kinetic study of hydroxysodalite formation from natural kaolinites by time-resolved synchrotron powder diffraction
  193. Temperature Dependence of Disorder and Correlation Effets in the Almandine X-Site
  194. Lattice parameters determination from powder diffraction data: Results from a round robin project
  195. The Dehydration Process in the Natural Zeolite Laumontite: A Real-Time Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study
  196. Single-crystal pulsed neutron diffraction of a highly hydrous beryl
  197. Kinetic study of the kaolinite-mullite reaction sequence. Part I: Kaolinite dehydroxylation
  198. Kinetic study of the kaolinite-mullite reaction sequence. Part II: Mullite formation
  199. Nature of Structural Disorder in Natural Kaolinites: A New Model Based on Computer Simulation of Powder Diffraction Data and Electrostatic Energy Calculation
  200. Low-Ca pyroxenes from LL group chondritic meteorites: crystal structural studies and implications for their thermal histories
  201. High-temperaturein situRietveld study of Fe,Mg cation partitioning in olivine
  202. Gobbinsite from Magheramorne Quarry, Northern Ireland
  203. The Crystal Structures of Orthorhombic and Monoclinic Palygorskite
  204. High Temperature Phase Transition of Muscovite-2M1: Angle and Energy Dispersive Powder Diffraction Studies
  205. The crystal chemistry of pumpellyite: An X-ray Rietveld refinement and 57Fe M�ssbauer study
  206. 57Fe-Mössbauer investigation on garnets from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone
  207. Packing analysis of racket-like molecules: C6H5MX (M=metal, X=Cl, Br, I). Crystal structure determination of microcrystalline C6H5HgCl by XRD
  208. X-ray absorption study at the Fe K-edge of garnets from the Ivrea-Verbano zone
  209. Fully hydrated laumontite: A structure study by flat-plate and capillary powder diffraction techniques
  210. Chemical and mineralogical studies on hominid remains from Sangiran, Central Java (Indonesia)
  211. The crystal chemistry of cowlesite
  212. Characterization of the Natural Zeolite Gonnardite. Structure Analysis of Natural and Cation Exchanged Species by the Rietveld Method
  213. Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of partially dehydrated laumontite at 15 K
  214. Crystal structure of coesite, a high-pressure form of silica, at 15 and 298 K from single-crystal neutron and x-ray diffraction data: test of bonding models
  215. Neutron diffraction structure refinement of the zeolite gismondine at 15 K
  216. X-ray structure refinement of mesolite
  217. Neutron diffraction study of the zeolite yugawaralite at 13 K*
  218. Multiple hydrogen positions in the zeolite brewsterite, (Sr0.95,Ba0.05)Al2Si6O16.5H2O
  219. Crystal structure of AlPO4-21, a framework aluminophosphate containing tetrahedral phosphorus and both tetrahedral and trigonal-bipyramidal aluminum in 3-, 4-, 5-, and 8-rings
  220. Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Hydrogen Bonding and Water Molecules in Zeolites
  221. Segregation Vesicles, Gas Filter-Pressing, and Igneous Differentiation
  222. Atomic displacement parameters from diffraction studies