All Stories

  1. Designing a medicalized wellness service: balancing hospitality and hospital features
  2. Translation strategies, contradiction, and the theory of social representations: Why discussing needles may improve blood donor retention
  3. The impact of the context and recruitment materials on nondonors' willingness to donate blood
  4. Social Influence and Blood Donation: Cultural Differences Between Scotland and Australia
  5. Donor Research in Australia: Challenges and Promise
  6. Everyday Cognitive Functioning in Cardiac Patients: Relationships Between Self-report, Report of a Significant Other and Cognitive Test Performance
  7. The bi-pedal ape: Plasticity and asymmetry in footedness
  8. Working memory in event‐ and time‐based prospective memory tasks: Effects of secondary demand and age
  9. The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ): Normative data and latent structure in a large non-clinical sample
  10. Prospective and retrospective memory in normal aging and dementia: An experimental study
  11. Footedness in world soccer: an analysis of France '98
  12. Prospective and retrospective memory in normal ageing and dementia: A questionnaire study
  13. Use of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Over-the-counter and Illicit Substances among Indigenous Students Participating in Australian Secondary Students Alcohol and Drug Survey 2008