All Stories

  1. Conceptualising, Analysing and Training in Adults in the Knowledge Society
  2. Ageing in Southern Europe. Emerging Perspectives and Challenges for Sociology
  3. Benefits of Adult Education Participation for Low-Educated Women
  4. Bienestar en el Trabajo y Calidad del Empleo en Relación con la Edad. Aplicación y Resultados del Modelo Quality of Ageing at Work (QAW)
  5. Overcoming age barriers: motivation for mature adults’ engagement in education
  6. Hacia un entorno laboral saludable e inclusivo. Gestión del envejecimiento en el trabajo a través del Quality of Ageing at Work (QAW-q)
  7. Modelos lineales multinivel en SPSS y su aplicaci�n en investigaci�n educativa
  8. Participación de los adultos maduros en actividades educativas en España: obstáculos y factores motivacionales
  9. “We Are Not a Small Island, We Are the Ocean”. Becoming a Student in Mature Age. An Exploratory Analysis on Italy and Spain
  10. Surveying the Quality of Ageing at Work: Tools and Findings to Support HRM Processes
  11. A Participatory Governance Model Towards the Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities. An Action Research Experience in Italy
  12. Migrant trade union membership, employment status and citizenship practices. A comparison of different European countries
  13. Le età al lavoro. La gestione dell'age-diversity analizzando i processi di invecchiamento nelle organizzazioni