All Stories

  1. “Listen to me!” The role of family supervision and parental phubbing in youth cyberbullying
  2. Adult Training as a Quality Factor in Work Trajectory: Positive Effects of Adult Training on Seniority and Ageing at Work
  3. Burnout and mindfulness among social workers in Spain: A structural equation model of mindfulness and areas of worklife as burnout predictors
  4. Questioning gendered ageism in job-related non-formal training and informal learning
  5. Cybergossip and Problematic Internet Use in cyberaggression and cybervictimisation among adolescents
  6. Unpacking PIAAC’s cognitive skills measurements through engagement with Bloom’s taxonomy
  7. ¿Te importaría prestarme atención? El Phubbing en la adolescencia como reto educativo en la convivencia digital y presencial
  8. La formación como variable de calidad del envejecimiento en el empleo en entornos organizacionales tecnificados
  9. Netiquette, implication of online emotional content and empathy in adolescents according to gender
  10. Factores asociados al burnout y al engagement en profesionales de Enfermería
  11. Hacia una evaluación de la eficacia intercultural en el profesorado en formación
  12. Social, Family, and Educational Impacts on Anxiety and Cognitive Empathy Derived From the COVID-19: Study on Families With Children
  13. Emotional and Educational Accompaniment through Dialogic Literary Gatherings: A Volunteer Project for Families Who Suffer Digital Exclusion in the Context of COVID-19
  14. School Networks of Positive Relationships, Attitudes against Violence, and Prevention of Relational Bullying in Victim, Bystander, and Aggressor Agents
  15. Universitarios y Confinamiento. Factores Socio-personales que Influyen en sus Niveles de Ansiedad y Empatía
  16. Action Research in Age Management: The Quality of Ageing at Work Model
  17. Relations With the Educational Community and Transformative Beliefs Against Gender-Based Violence as Preventive Factors of Sexual Violence in Secondary Education
  18. Conceptualising, Analysing and Training in Adults in the Knowledge Society
  19. Ageing in Southern Europe. Emerging Perspectives and Challenges for Sociology
  20. Modelo estructural de concurrencia entre bullying y cyberbullying: víctimas, agresores y espectadores / Structural Model of Concurrence Among Relational Bullying and Cyberbullying: Victims, Aggressors and Bystanders
  21. Benefits of Adult Education Participation for Low-Educated Women
  22. Positive relationships for the prevention of bullying and cyberbullying: a study in Aragón (Spain)
  23. Twenty-First Century Skills for All: Adults and Problem Solving in Technology Rich Environments
  24. Bienestar en el Trabajo y Calidad del Empleo en Relación con la Edad. Aplicación y Resultados del Modelo Quality of Ageing at Work (QAW)
  25. The voice of nurses as a means to promote job engagement
  26. Overcoming age barriers: motivation for mature adults’ engagement in education
  27. Hacia una Sociedad de la Información inclusiva. Competencia tecnológica y habilidades relacionadas con las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) de los adultos maduros
  28. Engagement o compromiso en profesionales de enfermería: variables socio-demográficas y laborales asociadas
  29. “We Are Not a Small Island, We Are the Ocean”. Becoming a Student in Mature Age. An Exploratory Analysis on Italy and Spain
  30. Universities of the European Higher Education Area and the Undergraduate Dropout Rate: Causes and Strategic Proposals of Prevention
  31. How the Dialogue in Communicative Daily Life Stories Transforms Women’s Analyses of Why They Suffered Gender Violence
  32. Image-focused social media for a market analysis of tourism consumption
  33. Retales de la Historia de la SE en España: del Papel Reproductor al Compromiso con la Transformación Social
  34. Analysis of the Network of Relations of Organizations Set up at Walqa Technology Park
  35. Gender Equality in Entities Setup in Spanish Science and Technology Parks
  36. Las Redes de Apoyo Social editado por Félix Requena
  37. Romani Immigrants: Knocking Down the Walls