All Stories

  1. Mixed and conflicted: The role of ambivalence in romantic relationships in light of attractive alternatives.
  2. Lightening the load: Perceived partner responsiveness fosters more positive appraisals of relational sacrifices.
  3. Growing desire or growing apart? Consequences of personal self-expansion for romantic passion.
  4. Trajectories of sexual well-being among couples in the transition to parenthood.
  5. Interdependence and cooperation in daily life.
  6. Do people realize how their partners make them feel? Relationship enhancement motives and stress determine the link between implicitly assessed partner attitudes and relationship satisfaction.
  7. The bittersweet taste of sacrifice: Consequences for ambivalence and mixed reactions.
  8. Sacrifices in relationships: positive or negative for well-being?
  9. A nice surprise: Sacrifice expectations and partner appreciation in romantic relationships
  10. Sacrifice in close relationships: Motives, emotions, and relationship outcomes
  11. I Gave Too Much