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  1. Zonal Structure of Tropical Pacific Surface Salinity Anomalies Affects the Eastern and Central Pacific El Niños Differently
  2. Decreasing surface chlorophyll in the tropical ocean as an indicator of anthropogenic greenhouse effect during 1998–2020
  3. Increasing Shortwave Penetration Through the Bottom of the Oceanic Mixed Layer in a Warmer Climate
  4. Impact of the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum in the Equatorial Pacific as Revealed in a Coupled Ocean GCM‐Ecosystem Model
  5. Zonal structure of tropical Pacific surface salinity anomalies affects ENSO intensity and asymmetry
  6. Rectified Effects of Interannual Chlorophyll Variability on the Tropical Pacific Climate Revealed by a Hybrid Coupled Physics‐Biology Model
  7. Indian Ocean warming as a potential trigger for super phytoplankton blooms in the eastern equatorial Pacific from El Niño to La Niña transitions
  8. Coupling ocean–atmosphere intensity determines ocean chlorophyll-induced SST change in the tropical Pacific
  9. Interannual‐to‐Decadal Variations of Particulate Organic Carbon and the Contribution of Phytoplankton in the Tropical Pacific During 1981–2016: A Model Study
  10. Effects on Ocean Biology Induced by El Niño‐Accompanied Positive Freshwater Flux Anomalies in the Tropical Pacific
  11. Observed structural relationships between ocean chlorophyll variability and its heating effects on the ENSO
  12. Factors affecting interdecadal variability of air–sea CO2 fluxes in the tropical Pacific, revealed by an ocean physical–biogeochemical model
  13. A Positive Feedback Onto ENSO Due to Tropical Instability Wave (TIW)‐Induced Chlorophyll Effects in the Pacific
  14. A New Hybrid Coupled Model of Atmosphere, Ocean Physics, and Ocean Biogeochemistry to Represent Biogeophysical Feedback Effects in the Tropical Pacific
  15. A Coupled Ocean Physics-Biology Modeling Study on Tropical Instability Wave-Induced Chlorophyll Impacts in the Pacific
  16. Ocean Chlorophyll-Induced Heating Feedbacks on ENSO in a Coupled Ocean Physics–Biology Model Forced by Prescribed Wind Anomalies