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  1. Spike-wave seizures, slow-wave sleep EEG and morphology of substantia nigra pars compacta in WAG/Rij rats with genetic predisposition to absence epilepsy
  2. Sensory Inflow from Whiskers Modulates Development of Absence Epilepsy in WAG/Rij Rats
  3. Active avoidance learning in WAG/Rij rats with genetic predisposition to absence epilepsy
  4. Slow‐wave activity preceding the onset of 10–15‐Hz sleep spindles and 5–9‐Hz oscillations in electroencephalograms in rats with and without absence seizures
  5. Diagnostic principles of immature epileptic (proepileptic) EEG activity in rats with genetic predisposition to absence epilepsy
  6. Sleep spindles in absence epilepsy
  7. Recognizing of stereotypic patterns in epileptic EEG using empirical modes and wavelets
  8. Maternal care affects EEG properties of spike-wave seizures (including pre- and post ictal periods) in adult WAG/Rij rats with genetic predisposition to absence epilepsy
  9. Compensatory Changes in the Brain Dopaminergic System of WAG/Rij Rats Genetically Predisposed to Absence Epilepsy
  10. Coexistence of intermittencies in the neuronal network of the epileptic brain
  11. Rhythmic activity in EEG and sleep in rats with absence epilepsy
  12. Таламо-кортикальные механизмы инициации, поддержания и прекращения пик-волновых разрядов у крыс WAG/Rij
  13. Intermittency of intermittencies in characteristic oscillatory patterns on epileptic electroencephalograms
  14. Time-frequency dynamics during sleep spindles on the EEG in rodents with a genetic predisposition to absence epilepsy (WAG/Rij rats)
  15. Time-frequency analysis of epileptic EEG patterns by means of empirical modes and wavelets
  16. Age-dependent seizures of absence epilepsy and sleep spindles dynamics in WAG/Rij rats
  17. Reduction of epileptic spike-wave activity in WAG/Rij rats fostered by Wistar dams
  18. Time-frequency analysis of characteristic patterns of the activity of neuron ensembles in the brain by means of continuous wavelet transform
  19. Application of adaptive nonlinear Granger causality: Disclosing network changes before and after absence seizure onset in a genetic rat model
  20. Developmental Changes in the Frequency-Time Structure of Sleep Spindles on the EEG in Rats with a Genetic Predisposition to Absence Epilepsy (WAG/Rij)
  21. Decreases in Neuron Density in the Compact Zone of the Substantia Nigra Correlate with Low Peak-Wave Activity in WAG/Rij Rats
  22. ЭЭГ незрелорождающихся птенцов мухоловки-пеструшки при состояниях, связанных с циклом естественного поведения
  23. Time-frequency characteristics and dynamics of sleep spindles in WAG/Rij rats with absence epilepsy
  24. Age-Dependent Increase of Absence Seizures and Intrinsic Frequency Dynamics of Sleep Spindles in Rats
  25. Corrigendum
  26. Serial identification of EEG patterns using adaptive wavelet-based analysis
  27. Adaptive wavelet transform-based method for recognizing characteristic oscillatory patterns
  28. Adaptive wavelet-based recognition of oscillatory patterns on electroencephalograms
  29. On-off intermittency of thalamo-cortical neuronal network oscillations in the electroencephalogram of rodents with genetic predisposition to absence epilepsy
  30. Automatic extraction and analysis of oscillatory patterns on nonstationary EEG signals by means of wavelet transform and the empirical modes method
  31. Wavelet analysis in neurodynamics
  32. Effects of Early Sensory Experience on the Formation of the Functional Properties of Neurons in the Whisker Projection Area in the Rat Neocortex
  33. On–off intermittency of thalamo-cortical oscillations in the electroencephalogram of rats with genetic predisposition to absence epilepsy
  34. Spike–wave discharges in WAG/Rij rats are preceded by delta and theta precursor activity in cortex and thalamus
  35. On the Origin and Suddenness of Absences in Genetic Absence Models
  36. Neonatal sensory deprivation promotes development of absence seizures in adult rats with genetic predisposition to epilepsy
  37. Thalamo-cortical mechanisms of sleep spindles and spike–wave discharges in rat model of absence epilepsy (a review)
  38. The Lemniscal and Paralemniscal Pathways of the Trigeminal System in Rodents Are Integrated at the Level of the Somatosensory Cortex
  39. Sleep spindles and spike–wave discharges in EEG: Their generic features, similarities and distinctions disclosed with Fourier transform and continuous wavelet analysis
  40. Electroencephalographic precursors of spike-wave discharges in a genetic rat model of absence epilepsy: Power spectrum and coherence EEG analyses
  41. Granger causality: Cortico-thalamic interdependencies during absence seizures in WAG/Rij rats
  42. Electroencephalographic Characterization of Spike-Wave Discharges in Cortex and Thalamus in WAG/Rij Rats
  43. Simulation of sleep spindles and spike and wave discharges using a novel method for the calculation of field potentials in rats
  44. On-off intermittency in time series of spontaneous paroxysmal activity in rats with genetic absence epilepsy
  45. Cortical and thalamic coherence during spike–wave seizures in WAG/Rij rats
  46. Regularities of alternate behavior in spontaneous nonconvulsive seizure activity in rats
  47. Global and focal aspects of absence epilepsy: The contribution of genetic models
  48. Reduction of adrenergic neurotransmission with clonidine aggravates spike-wave seizures and alters activity in the cortex and the thalamus in WAG/Rij rats
  49. Cortical control of generalized absence seizures: effect of lidocaine applied to the somatosensory cortex in WAG/Rij rats