All Stories

  1. Donna Jackson-Maldonado. A life dedicated to joining theory and practice in language development research
  2. Bilingual Morality: Beyond Language Influence
  3. Trait anxiety slows speed of processing but does not affect specific components of executive control
  4. Language acquisition in a post-pandemic context: the impact of measures against COVID-19 on early language development
  5. Introduction to Language Development in Children: Description to Detect and Prevent Language Difficulties
  6. Retrospective bullying trajectories in adults with self‐reported oral language difficulties
  7. Associations Between Self, Peer, and Teacher Reports of Victimization and Social Skills in School in Children With Language Disorders
  8. Growing up in a socially bilingual environment: simultaneous acquisition of a typologically close language (Crecer en un entorno social bilingüe: adquisición de una lengua de forma simultánea a otra lengua tipológicamente similar)
  9. Influence of qualifications in initial training on the professional development and motivation of primary teachers in the Balearic Islands
  10. Sociodemographic and Pre-Linguistic Factors in Early Vocabulary Acquisition
  11. Les variables socials com a factors de risc, factors de protecció i dificultats consegüents al trastorn del desenvolupament del llenguatge: Una visió holística
  12. Impact of the Use of Media Devices within the Family Context on the Language of Preteens
  13. Competencias profesionales para el trabajo con población multilingüe y multicultural en España: creencias, prácticas y necesidades de los/las logopedas
  14. Prácticas en logopedia infantil en entornos bilingües y multilingües. Recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia
  15. Behavioral, Emotional and School Adjustment in Adolescents with and without Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Is Related to Family Involvement
  16. Latent variable evidence on the interplay between language switching frequency and executive control in Spanish-Catalan bilinguals
  17. Associations of natural language switching with executive control in early bilinguals
  18. Del trastorn específic del llenguatge (TEL) al trastorn del desenvolupament del llenguatge (TDL): un canvi de concepció sobre els trastorns del llenguatge
  19. Atypical language development in Romance languages
  20. Speech profiles of Spanish-Catalan children with developmental language disorder
  21. Academic Outcomes in Bilingual Children With Developmental Language Disorder: A Longitudinal Study
  22. Uso del índice digital D2:D4 como indicador biológico del trastorno específico del lenguaje
  23. Is bilingualism losing its advantage? A bibliometric approach
  24. Longitudinal trajectories of the representation and access to phonological information in bilingual children with specific language impairment
  25. Habilidades sociales en preadolescentes con trastorno específico del lenguaje
  26. Oral morphosyntactic competence as a predictor of reading comprehension in children with specific language impairment
  27. Referential communication in bilingual Catalan-Spanish children with Specific Language Impairment
  28. Reading skills in young adolescents with a history of Specific Language Impairment: The role of early semantic capacity
  29. Early preschool processing abilities predict subsequent reading outcomes in bilingual Spanish–Catalan children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)
  30. La relación entre el aprendizaje léxico y el desarrollo gramatical
  31. Influence of phonology on morpho‐syntax in Romance languages in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)
  32. The Incidence of Phonological Competence on the Morpho-Syntax of Children With Specific Language Impairment: A Longitudinal Study
  33. Phonological Profile of Spanish-Catalan Children with Specific Language Impairment at Age 4
  34. A comparative study of the phonology of pre-school children with specific language impairment (SLI), language delay (LD) and normal acquisition