All Stories

  1. Structural Vulnerability and Human Suffering: Pesticides and Self-Reported Pain Among Farmworkers in the United States
  2. Reflections of a Chicano social scientist
  3. The contribution of physical exertion to heat-related illness and death in the Arizona borderlands
  4. The Symbolic Criminalization of Asylum: Navigating Encounters with US Customs and Border Protection Officials
  5. Linked fate, cumulative discrimination, and panethnic identification: awareness and use of ‘Latinx’ among a nationally representative sample of Hispanics/Latinos
  6. Climate impact or policy choice? The spatiotemporality of thermoregulation and border crosser mortality in southern Arizona
  7. The Racialized Dimensions of Contemporary Immigration and Border Enforcement Policies and Practices
  8. The Correlates of Panethnic Identification: Assessing Similarities and Differences among Latinos and Asians in the United States
  9. Skeletal evidence of structural violence among undocumented migrants from Mexico and Central America
  10. Postremoval Geographies: Immigration Enforcement and Organized Crime on the U.S.–Mexico Border
  11. “Latino” or “Hispanic”? The Sociodemographic Correlates of Panethnic Label Preferences among U.S. Latinos/Hispanics
  12. A Study and Analysis of the Treatment of Mexican Unaccompanied Minors by Customs and Border Protection
  13. Panethnicity as a reactive identity: primary panethnic identification among Latino-Hispanics in the United States
  14. Destination Intentions of Unauthorized Mexican Border Crossers and Familial Ties to US Citizens
  15. Canicide by Cop: A geographical analysis of canine killings by police in Los Angeles
  16. The Rise of Mass Deportation in the United States
  17. The Shadow of the Wall
  18. Repeat Migration in the Age of the “Unauthorized Permanent Resident”
  19. What Makes a Good Human Smuggler? The Differences between Satisfaction with and Recommendation of Coyotes on the U.S.-Mexico Border
  20. Recent Police Killings in the United States: A Three-City Comparison
  21. Sanctuary Policies and City-Level Incidents of Violence, 1990 to 2010
  22. Providing Sanctuary or Fostering Crime? A Review of the Research on “Sanctuary Cities” and Crime​
  23. The Geography of Migrant Death: Implications for Policy and Forensic Science
  24. Agency and Resilience Along the Arizona-Sonora Border: How Unauthorized Migrants Become Aware of and Resist Contemporary U.S. Nativist Mobilization
  25. Loading... Making Immigrants into Criminals
  26. The Migrant Border Crossing Study: A methodological overview of research along the Sonora–Arizona border
  27. Deported: Immigrant Policing, Disposable Labor, and Global Capitalism. By Tanya Maria Golash-Boza. New York: New York University Press, 2015. Pp. xiii+301. $28.00 (paper).
  28. Making Immigrants into Criminals: Legal Processes of Criminalization in the Post-IIRIRA Era
  29. To Study, to Party, or Both? Assessing Risk Factors for Non-Prescribed Stimulant Use among Middle and High School Students
  30. Framing Human Trafficking: A Content Analysis of Recent U.S. Newspaper Articles
  31. The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States
  32. Collaborative Research on the United States-Mexico Border: Social Media, Activism, and the Impact of Scholarship
  33. When I Wear My Alligator Boots: Narco-Culture in the U.S.-Mexico BorderlandsWhen I Wear My Alligator Boots: Narco-Culture in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, by MuehlmannShaylih. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014. 226 pp. $27.95 paper. ISBN: 9...
  34. Coyoteuse in an era of heightened border enforcement: New evidence from the Arizona-Sonora border
  35. Family Separation and Border Enforcement Practices
  36. Enforcement Overdrive: A Comprehensive Assessment of ICE's Criminal Alien Program
  37. Structural Violence and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona: Data from the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner, 1990–2013
  38. Structural Violence and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona: Data from the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner, 1990-2013
  39. What Part of “Illegal” Don’t You Understand? The Social Consequences of Criminalizing Unauthorized Mexican Migrants in the United States
  40. Immigration, Latinos, and Crime: A Ward-Level Exploratory Assessment of Washington DC Property and Violent Crime Rates
  41. Methods of Violence: Researcher Safety and Adaptability in Times of Conflict
  42. Bicultural Stress and Adolescent Risk Behaviors in a Community Sample of Latinos and Non-Latino European Americans