All Stories

  1. Applying qualitative youth and adult perspectives to investigate quantitative survey components with a novel “crosswalk” analysis
  2. IDNs in Education: Skills for Future Generations
  3. Discovering IDN Authoring Strategies: Novices Anchor Choice Design Through Character Development with Player Feedback
  4. Tensions between norms of everyday narrating and legal narrating
  5. Intersubjective Pivots in Interactive Digital Narrative Design Learning
  6. Pre-adolescents narrate classroom experience
  7. What Is Social Inclusion? Insights From Interventions With Youth Across Migration Systems
  8. Imagining the Other for Interactive Digital Narrative Design Learning in Real Time in Sherlock
  9. Narrating Crisis From War Zones to Disease Zones
  10. Understanding what is important to youth displaced by violence
  11. Meta-communication Between Designers and Players of Interactive Digital Narratives
  12. Interactive Imagining in Interactive Digital Narrative
  13. Developing with Diversity into the Third Decade of Life and Beyond
  14. A Relational Approach to Human Development Research and Practice in 21st Century Violence and Displacement
  15. Minority educators discuss a public story that challenges social inclusion
  16. Narrating participation and power relations in a social inclusion program
  17. Clinicians’ Perspective of the Relational Processes for Family and Individual Development During the Mediation of Religious and Sexual Identity Disclosure
  18. Outcomes of Narrative Inquiry
  19. Designing Dynamic Narrative Research
  20. The Appeal of Narrative in Research
  21. Values Analysis
  22. Living history by youth in post-war situations
  23. Trouble — In, around, and between narratives
  24. Young people's stories of conflict and development in Post-war Croatia
  25. Negotiating Violence Prevention
  26. Social-Relational Wisdom: Developmental Diversity in Children’s Written Narratives About Social Conflict
  27. Making Sense of the Sense-Making Function of Narrative Evaluation
  28. Making Sense of the Sense-Making Function of Narrative Evaluation