All Stories

  1. A cultural theory of regimes
  2. Correction to: Emancipating Sexuality: Breakthroughs into a Bulwark of Tradition
  3. Dimensions and Dynamics of National Culture: Synthesizing Hofstede With Inglehart
  4. Got Milk? How Freedoms Evolved From Dairying Climates
  5. The Diffusion of Values among Democracies and Autocracies
  6. Misconceptions of Measurement Equivalence
  7. Emancipating Sexuality: Breakthroughs into a Bulwark of Tradition
  8. Declining willingness to fight for one’s country
  9. Freedom Rising: Human Empowerment and the Quest for Emancipation
  10. Eroding patriarchy: the co-evolution of women's rights and emancipative values
  11. Evolution, Empowerment, and Emancipation: How Societies Climb the Freedom Ladder
  12. The Radius of Trust Problem Remains Resolved
  13. Subverting autocracy: emancipative mass values in competitive authoritarian regimes
  14. Personal values and political activism: A cross‐national study
  15. The Civic Culture Transformed
  16. Basic Personal Values Underlie and Give Coherence to Political Values: A Cross National Study in 15 Countries
  17. China and the European Union
  18. Freedom Rising
  19. The Myth of Asian Exceptionalism: Response to Bomhoff and Gu
  20. Measuring effective democracy: A defense
  21. Emancipative Values and Non-Violent Protest: The Importance of ‘Ecological’ Effects
  22. How General Is Trust in “Most People”? Solving the Radius of Trust Problem
  23. Islam and patriarchy: how robust is Muslim support for patriarchal values?
  24. Measuring Effective Democracy: The Human Empowerment Approach
  25. The Asian Values Thesis Revisited: Evidence from the World Values Surveys
  26. Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie 2010
  27. Changing Mass Priorities: The Link between Modernization and Democracy
  28. Empowering Women: The Role of Emancipative Beliefs
  29. Agency, Values, and Well-Being: A Human Development Model
  30. How Selfish Are Self-Expression Values? A Civicness Test
  31. Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie 2009
  32. Mass Beliefs and Democratic Institutions
  33. The China Puzzle: Falling Happiness in a Rising Economy
  34. The Role of Ordinary People in Democratization
  35. Chapter Eight. Civic values and value change in Austria and Germany
  36. Are Levels of Democracy Affected by Mass Attitudes? Testing Attainment and Sustainment Effects on Democracy
  37. Individual Modernity
  38. Democratization In The Human Development Perspective
  39. Democratization as an emancipative process: The neglected role of mass motivations
  40. Emancipative values and democracy: Response to Hadenius and Teorell
  41. Democratization in the Human Development Perspective
  42. Democratization as the Growth of Freedom: The Human Development Perspective
  43. Commentary on Widmalm: A rebuttal
  44. Exploring the Unknown: Predicting the Responses of Publics not yet Surveyed
  45. Liberalism, Postmaterialism, and the Growth of Freedom
  46. Demokratisierung und Freiheitsstreben: Die Perspektive der Humanentwicklung
  47. Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy
  48. Demokratie und Humanentwicklung: Grundeinsichten für Bildung und Lehre
  49. Political Culture and Democracy: Analyzing Cross-Level Linkages
  50. Exemplary versus statistical evidence? Response to Berg-Schlosser
  51. The theory of human development: A cross-cultural analysis
  52. Irrtümer bei der Interpretation des „ökologischen Fehlschlusses“: Zur Aussagekraft aggregierter Umfragedaten
  53. Gender Equality and Democracy
  54. Effective Democracy, Mass Culture, and the Quality of Elites: The Human Development Perspective
  55. Ideologie
  56. Modernisierung und Partizipation: Kontroversen und Befunde zur Partizipationsthese
  57. Vom selektiven Umgang mit kritischer Distanz: Eine Antwort auf Werner Patzelts Reaktion auf meine Kritik
  58. Volkserziehung oder Institutionenreform? Ein Kommentar zu Werner Patzelts Bürgerschelte in der PVS 4/1998
  59. Demokratiemessung
  60. Wohin steuert das politische System?
  61. Humanentwicklung und Demokratie: Welcher Index erfasst die „humane“ Dimension der Demokratie am besten?
  62. Grundfragen, Probleme und Perspektiven der Demokratiemessung
  63. Näherung oder Richtung? Der Theorienstreit der Wahlforschung aus der Sicht politischer Repräsentation
  64. Humanentwicklung und der Phasenwechsel der Zivilgesellschaft: Ziviles Engagement in 50 Nationen
  65. Demokratischer Elitenwandel
  66. Einleitung
  67. Blockierte demokratische Gegeneliten in der DDR
  68. Zusammenfassende Interpretation der Ergebnisse
  69. Das Status-Motiv-Muster demokratischer Gegeneliten
  70. Rekrutierung und Regimepräferenzen der ostdeutschen Elite
  71. Rekrutierung und Sozialisation der ostdeutschen Elite. Aufstieg einer demokratischen Gegenelite?
  72. Systemwechsel in der globalen Systemkonkurrenz: Ein evolutionstheoretischer Erklärungsversuch
  73. Preface
  74. Preface and Acknowledgments
  75. Political Culture and Value Change
  76. Enlightening People
  77. From Allegiant to Assertive Citizens
  78. Werte- und Wertewandelforschung
  79. Islam’s Patriarchal Effect: Spurious or Genuine?
  80. Introduction
  81. Mapping Differences
  82. Multilevel Drivers
  83. Tracing Change
  84. Intrinsic Qualities
  85. Benign Individualism*
  86. Collective Action*
  87. Entitling People*
  88. The Rights Revolution*
  89. The Sustainability Challenge
  90. Conclusion
  91. References
  92. Dedication
  93. Introduction
  94. Bibliography
  95. Human Development
  96. Political Culture
  97. Human Development and Generalized Trust: Multilevel Evidence
  98. Corruption and Social Values: Do Postmaterialists Justify Bribery?
  99. Reinventing the Kantean Peace: The Emerging Mass Basis of Global Security
  100. Measuring Effective Democracy: The Human Empowerment Approach
  101. Evidencing and Explaining Democratic Congruence: The Perspective of 'Substantive' Democracy
  102. Measuring Effective Democracy: A Defense
  103. Generalizing Trust: How Outgroup-Trust Grows Beyond Ingroup-Trust
  104. What Insights Can Multi-Country Surveys Provide About People and Societies?
  105. Foreword
  106. Allegiance Eroding
  107. A Theory of Emancipation
  108. References
  109. The Paradox of Democracy*
  110. The Redirection of Civilization*
  111. Foreword by Hans-Dieter Klingemann
  112. Intergenerational Value Change
  113. A Revised Theory of Modernization
  114. Value Changes over Time
  115. The Implications of Human Development
  116. Evolution, Empowerment and Emancipation: How Societies Ascend the Utility Ladder of Freedoms
  117. Rising Support for Reproductive Freedoms: Emancipatory Breakthroughs into a Bulwark of Tradition
  118. Genes, Security, Tolerance and Happiness
  119. Islam and Patriarchy: How Robust is Muslim Support for Patriarchal Values?
  120. Value Change and the Persistence of Cultural Traditions
  121. Exploring the Unknown: Predicting Mass Responses
  122. Individualism, Self-Expression Values, and Civic Virtues
  123. The Causal Link between Democratic Values and Democratic Institutions: Theoretical Discussion
  124. The Causal Link between Democratic Values and Democratic Institutions: Empirical Analyses
  125. Social Forces, Collective Action, and International Events
  126. Individual-Level Values and System-Level Democracy: The Problem of Cross-Level Analysis
  127. Components of a Prodemocratic Civic Culture
  128. Gender Equality, Emancipative Values, and Democracy
  129. Conclusion: An Emancipative Theory of Democracy
  130. Value Patterns in Europe and the United States: Is There a Transatlantic Rift?