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  1. Investigating positive/negative bias in Canadian newspapers through translation: a study of ‘confidence’ in a corpus of business news
  2. Media translation and politics in multilingual contexts
  3. Government ideologies in translation:
  4. Review of Altmanova, Centrella & Russo (2018): Terminology & Discourse/Terminologie et discours [Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication]
  5. The translation of ‘transparency’ in the Canadian press: an inquiry into symbolic power *
  6. La traduction des discours politiques classiques de l’histoire du temps présent
  7. Presentation
  8. How to approach translation in a financial news corpus?
  9. The translation of ‘transparency’ in the Canadian press: an inquiry into symbolic power
  10. Financial Innovation and Institutional Voices in the Canadian Press: A Look at the Roaring 2000s
  11. Political translation in Canada
  12. Les anglicismes dans les discours politiques au Québec et au Canada
  13. January/February 1977: Independence, Secession, Political Duels or Lévesque and Trudeau in the United States¹
  14. Language policies and politics in Québec's and Canada's political parties
  15. Traduction et politique canadienne : quel est le rôle des journalistes entre 1942 et 1995 ?
  16. Forsyth, Louise H., dir. (2010) : Anthology of Québec Women’s Plays in English Translation. Volume III (1997-2009). Toronto : Playwrights Canada Press, 510 p.
  17. Kyle Conway. Everyone Says No: Public Service Broadcasting and the Failure of Translation. Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011, 217 p.
  18. La visibilité de la traduction au Canada en journalisme politique : mythe ou réalité ?
  19. Political translation
  20. Language plurality as power struggle
  21. Versus: la version réfléchie
  22. The GREVIS Project: Revise or Court Calamity
  23. Chantal Gagnon, Montreal: Speeches In Translation: A Canadian Context
  24. Ideologies in the History of Translation: