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  1. Early-Life Exposure to Lipopolysaccharide Induces Persistent Changes in Gene Expression Profiles in the Liver and Spleen of Female FVB/N Mice
  2. Mastitis: Impact of Dry Period, Pathogens, and Immune Responses on Etiopathogenesis of Disease and its Association with Periparturient Diseases
  3. Association of High Somatic Cell Counts Prior to Dry off to the Incidence of Periparturient Diseases in Holstein Dairy Cows
  4. Mastitis: What It Is, Current Diagnostics, and the Potential of Metabolomics to Identify New Predictive Biomarkers
  5. Combination of mouse prion protein with detoxified lipopolysaccharide triggers colon genes related to inflammatory, antibacterial, and apoptotic responses
  6. Identification of Serum-Predictive Biomarkers for Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows and New Insights into the Pathobiology of the Disease
  7. Blood Metabolomic Phenotyping of Dry Cows Could Predict the High Milk Somatic Cells in Early Lactation—Preliminary Results
  8. Mice Treated Subcutaneously with Mouse LPS-Converted PrPres or LPS Alone Showed Brain Gene Expression Profiles Characteristic of Prion Disease
  9. A Targeted Serum Metabolomics GC-MS Approach Identifies Predictive Blood Biomarkers for Retained Placenta in Holstein Dairy Cows
  10. A Multi-Platform Metabolomics Approach Identifies Urinary Metabolite Signatures That Differentiate Ketotic From Healthy Dairy Cows
  11. Reproductive Tract Infections in Dairy Cows: Can Probiotics Curb Down the Incidence Rate?
  12. Serum metabolomics identifies metabolite panels that differentiate lame dairy cows from healthy ones
  13. Bacterial Endotoxins and Their Role in Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows: Mucosal Vaccine Perspectives
  14. Ketosis an Old Story Under a New Approach
  15. Mass-spec-based urinary metabotyping around parturition identifies screening biomarkers for subclinical mastitis in dairy cows
  16. Milk Metabotyping Identifies Metabolite Alterations in the Whole Raw Milk of Dairy Cows with Lameness
  17. Serum metabolic fingerprinting of pre-lameness dairy cows by GC–MS reveals typical profiles that can identify susceptible cows
  18. Urinary metabolomics fingerprinting around parturition identifies metabolites that differentiate lame dairy cows from healthy ones
  19. Mineral Elements in the Raw Milk of Several Dairy Farms in the Province of Alberta
  20. Chemical Composition of Commercial Cow’s Milk
  21. Feeding red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea) to beef heifers fed a high-grain diet affected feed intake and total tract digestibility
  22. Identification of serum metabolites associated with the risk of metritis in transition dairy cows
  23. Minerals and Heavy Metals in the Whole Raw Milk of Dairy Cows from Different Management Systems and Countries of Origin: A Meta-Analytical Study
  24. Urine metabolic fingerprinting can be used to predict the risk of metritis and highlight the pathobiology of the disease in dairy cows
  25. Milk fever in dairy cows is preceded by activation of innate immunity and alterations in carbohydrate metabolism prior to disease occurrence
  26. Reprint of Milk fever in dairy cows is preceded by activation of innate immunity and alterations in carbohydrate metabolism prior to disease occurrence
  27. Targeted metabolomics: new insights into pathobiology of retained placenta in dairy cows and potential risk biomarkers
  28. DI/LC-MS/MS-Based Metabolic Profiling for Identification of Early Predictive Serum Biomarkers of Metritis in Transition Dairy Cows
  29. Metallotyping of ketotic dairy cows reveals major alterations preceding, associating, and following the disease occurrence
  30. Metabotyping reveals distinct metabolic alterations in ketotic cows and identifies early predictive serum biomarkers for the risk of disease
  31. Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows
  32. Retained Placenta: A Systems Veterinary Approach
  33. Milk Fever: Reductionist Versus Systems Veterinary Approach
  34. Ketosis Under a Systems Veterinary Medicine Perspective
  35. An Omics Approach to Transition Cow Immunity
  36. Cattle Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiota in Health and Disease
  37. GC–MS Metabolomics Identifies Metabolite Alterations That Precede Subclinical Mastitis in the Blood of Transition Dairy Cows
  38. Dairy cows affected by ketosis show alterations in innate immunity and lipid and carbohydrate metabolism during the dry off period and postpartum
  39. Invited review: Role of bacterial endotoxins in the etiopathogenesis of periparturient diseases of transition dairy cows
  40. Occurrence of retained placenta is preceded by an inflammatory state and alterations of energy metabolism in transition dairy cows
  41. Alterations in innate immunity reactants and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism precede occurrence of metritis in transition dairy cows
  42. Intravaginal probiotics modulated metabolic status and improved milk production and composition of transition dairy cows1
  43. Intravaginally administered lactic acid bacteria expedited uterine involution and modulated hormonal profiles of transition dairy cows
  44. Alterations of Innate Immunity Reactants in Transition Dairy Cows before Clinical Signs of Lameness
  45. Intravaginal Lactic Acid Bacteria Modulated Local and Systemic Immune Responses and Lowered the Incidence of Uterine Infections in Periparturient Dairy Cows
  46. Recombinant mouse prion protein alone or in combination with lipopolysaccharide alters expression of innate immunity genes in the colon of mice
  47. Repeated Oronasal Exposure to Lipopolysaccharide Induced Mucosal IgA Responses in Periparturient Dairy Cows
  48. Identification of predictive biomarkers of disease state in transition dairy cows
  49. Intravaginal administration of lactic acid bacteria modulated the incidence of purulent vaginal discharges, plasma haptoglobin concentrations, and milk production in dairy cows
  50. Lipopolysaccharide induced conversion of recombinant prion protein
  51. Intermittently-induced endotoxaemia has no effect on post-challenge plasma metabolites, but increases body temperature and cortisol concentrations in periparturient dairy cows
  52. Oral administration of LPS and lipoteichoic acid prepartum modulated reactants of innate and humoral immunity in periparturient dairy cows
  53. Peripartal alterations of calcitonin gene‐related peptide and minerals in dairy cows affected by milk fever
  54. Characterisation of the bacterial microbiota of the vagina of dairy cows and isolation of pediocin-producing Pediococcus acidilactici
  55. A metabolomics approach to uncover the effects of grain diets on rumen health in dairy cows
  56. Oral challenge with increasing doses of LPS modulated the patterns of plasma metabolites and minerals in periparturient dairy cows
  57. The Bovine Ruminal Fluid Metabolome
  58. Barley grain-based diet treated with lactic acid and heat modulated plasma metabolites and acute phase response in dairy cows1
  59. Meta-analysis reveals threshold level of rapidly fermentable dietary concentrate that triggers systemic inflammation in cattle
  60. Invited review: Role of physically effective fiber and estimation of dietary fiber adequacy in high-producing dairy cattle
  61. Treating barley grain with lactic acid and heat prevented sub-acute ruminal acidosis and increased milk fat content in dairy cows
  62. Repeated oral administration of lipopolysaccharide fromEscherichia coli0111:B4 modulated humoral immune responses in periparturient dairy cows
  63. Intraruminal administration ofMegasphaera elsdeniimodulated rumen fermentation profile in mid-lactation dairy cows
  64. Intermittent parenteral administration of endotoxin triggers metabolic and immunological alterations typically associated with displaced abomasum and retained placenta in periparturient dairy cows
  65. Perturbations of plasma metabolites correlated with the rise of rumen endotoxin in dairy cows fed diets rich in easily degradable carbohydrates
  66. Feeding rolled barley grain steeped in lactic acid modulated energy status and innate immunity in dairy cows
  67. A model to optimise the requirements of lactating dairy cows for physically effective neutral detergent fibre
  68. Nutrition, microbiota, and endotoxin-related diseases in dairy cows
  69. Dose response to eugenol supplementation in growing beef cattle: Ruminal fermentation and intestinal digestion
  70. Cinnamaldehyde in feedlot cattle diets: Intake, growth performance, carcass characteristics, and blood metabolites1
  71. Dose response to cinnamaldehyde supplementation in growing beef heifers: Ruminal and intestinal digestion1
  72. Balancing diets for physically effective fibre and ruminally degradable starch: A key to lower the risk of sub-acute rumen acidosis and improve productivity of dairy cattle
  73. Dietary supplementation of n‐3 PUFA reduces weight gain and improves postprandial lipaemia and the associated inflammatory response in the obese JCR:LA‐cp rat
  74. Maize silage particle length modulates feeding patterns and milk composition in loose-housed lactating Holstein cows
  75. Relationships between rumen lipopolysaccharide and mediators of inflammatory response with milk fat production and efficiency in dairy cows
  76. Backgrounding and finishing diets are associated with inflammatory responses in feedlot steers1
  77. Feeding high proportions of barley grain in a total mixed ration perturbs diurnal patterns of plasma metabolites in lactating dairy cows
  78. Evaluation of the Response of Ruminal Fermentation and Activities of Nonstarch Polysaccharide-Degrading Enzymes to Particle Length of Corn Silage in Dairy Cows
  79. Modeling the Adequacy of Dietary Fiber in Dairy Cows Based on the Responses of Ruminal pH and Milk Fat Production to Composition of the Diet
  80. Effects of Garlic and Juniper Berry Essential Oils on Ruminal Fermentation and on the Site and Extent of Digestion in Lactating Cows
  81. Feeding a combination of lactate-utilizing and lactate producing bacteria modulates acute phase response in feedlot steers
  82. Feeding live cultures of Enterococcus faecium and Saccharomyces cerevisiae induces an inflammatory response in feedlot steers
  83. High grain diets perturb rumen and plasma metabolites and induce inflammatory responses in early lactation dairy cows
  84. Parenteral Administration of Glutamine Modulates Acute Phase Response in Postparturient Dairy Cows
  85. Prevention of Fatty Liver in Transition Dairy Cows by Subcutaneous Injections of Glucagon
  86. Strong relationships between mediators of the acute phase response and fatty liver in dairy cows
  87. Potential Treatment of Fatty Liver with 14-Day Subcutaneous Injections of Glucagon
  88. Effects of Exogenous Glucagon on Lipids in Lipoproteins and Liver of Lactating Dairy Cows
  89. Metabolic Responses of Lactating Dairy Cows to Single and Multiple Subcutaneous Injections of Glucagon
  90. Effect of Sample Preparation, Length of Time, and Sample Size on Quantification of Total Lipids from Bovine Liver
  91. Presence of Acute Phase Response in Normal and Milk Fever Dairy Cows Around Parturition
  92. <title>Ultrasound image texture processing for evaluating fatty liver in peripartal dairy cows</title>
  93. Effects of Retinoic Acid and 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 on IFN-gamma Secretion by Mononuclear Leukocytes from Nulliparous and Postparturient Dairy Cattle
  94. Dietary Vitamin A Modulates the Concentrations of RRR-α-tocopherol in Plasma Lipoproteins from Calves Fed Milk Replacer
  95. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 inhibits secretion of interferon-γ by mitogen- and antigen-stimulated bovine mononuclear leukocytes