All Stories

  1. Nurse perceptions of the use of seclusion in mental health inpatient facilities: have attitudes to Māori changed?
  2. Development, implementation and evaluation of nurse-led integrated, person-centred care with long-term conditions
  3. Toward Developing a Nurse Endoscopist Role in New Zealand
  4. Discharge Planning: Screening Older Patients for Multidisciplinary Team Referral
  5. Changes in Health Perceptions of Male Prisoners Following a Smoking Cessation Program
  6. Nursing students' experiences of ethical issues in clinical practice: A New Zealand study
  7. Exercise Treadmill Tests in Patients with Low Cardiovascular Risk: Are We Wasting Our Time?
  8. Early Mobilization After Femoral Approach Diagnostic Coronary Angiography to Reduce Back Pain
  9. Barriers and Enablers to Emergency Department Nurses' Management of Patients' Pain
  10. Factors Influencing Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Attendance
  11. Exploring New Zealand Orthopaedic Nursesʼ Knowledge of Osteoporosis
  12. A new taxonomic system for the sub-classification of cricket bowling actions
  13. New Zealand nurses’ views on preceptoring international nurses
  14. A twenty-segment kinematics and kinetics model for analysing golf swing mechanics
  15. Biomechanical risk factors and mechanisms of knee injury in golfers
  16. Kinematic and kinetic energy analysis of segmental sequencing in cricket fast bowling
  17. Mental health nurses' beliefs about smoking by mental health facility inpatients
  18. Centre of mass kinematics of fast bowling in cricket
  19. Distribution of modern cricket bowling actions in New Zealand
  20. Three-dimensional lumbar segment kinetics of fast bowling in cricket
  21. Response of hamstring muscles to a perturbation in people with chronic anterior cruciate ligament deficiency
  22. Relationships between Ground Reaction Force Impulse and Kinematics of Sprint-Running Acceleration
  23. Segment-interaction analysis of the stance limb in sprint running
  24. A kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic comparison of stooped sheep shearing techniques and shearing with a sheep manipulator
  25. Interaction of Step Length and Step Rate during Sprint Running
  26. Force-Velocity Analysis of Strength-Training Techniques and Load
  27. Cricket
  28. Lunge performance and its determinants
  29. The effects of bungy weight training on muscle function and functional performance
  30. Force-Velocity Analysis of Strength-Training Techniques and Load: Implications for Training Strategy and Research
  31. Power absorption and production during slow, large-amplitude stretch-shorten cycle motions
  32. Effects of power and flexibility training on vertical jump technique
  33. Magnitude and decay of stretch-induced enhancement of power output
  34. Velocity specificity, combination training and sport specific tasks
  35. Developing explosive power: A comparison of technique and training
  36. The role of maximal strength and load on initial power production
  37. Algorithms to determine event timing during normal walking using kinematic data
  38. Long-axis rotation: The missing link in proximal-to-distal segmental sequencing
  39. Three-dimensional measurement of lumbar spine kinematics for fast bowlers in cricket
  40. Thoracolumbar disc degeneration in young fast bowlers in cricket: a follow-up study
  41. Swelling of the knee joint: Effects of exercise on quadriceps muscle strength
  42. The role of upper limb segment rotations in the development of racket‐head speed in the squash forehand
  43. Transfer movement strategies of individuals with spinal cord injuries
  44. Contributions of Upper Limb Segment Rotations during the Power Serve in Tennis
  45. The effect of a 12‐over spell on fast bowling technique in cricket
  46. Knee joint effusion and proprioception
  47. Muscle activation patterns during transfers in individuals with spinal cord injury
  48. Chapter 12 Adaptation of arm movements to altered loads: Implications for sensorimotor transformations
  49. The effect of body position on bioelectrical resistance in individuals with spinal cord injury
  50. Kinematic and kinetic parameters associated with running in different shoes.
  51. Knee effusion and quadriceps muscle strength
  52. A three-dimensional kinematic method for determining the effectiveness of arm segment rotations in producing racquet-head speed
  53. Skeletal muscle mechanics in osteoporotic and nonosteoporotic postmenopausal women
  54. Joint position sense in swollen knees
  55. Functional knee extensor differences between post-menopausal women with and without osteoporosis
  56. The effects of intraarticular administration of hyaluronan in a model of early osteoarthritis in sheep I. Gait analysis and radiological and morphological studies
  57. Hip arthrodesis: kineatic and kinetic effects in locomotion
  58. The effectiveness of upper limb rotations in producing racket-head speed in racket sports
  59. EMG signal amplitude normalization technique in stretch-shortening cycle movements
  60. XIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics
  61. Animal Models of Early Osteoarthritis: Their Use for the Evaluation of Potential Chondroprotective Agents
  62. Stiffness of the hamstring muscles and its relationship to function in anterior cruciate ligament deficient individuals
  63. Knee effusion and quadriceps muscles strength
  64. Determining the contributions that the anatomical rotations of the arm segment make to racket head speed
  65. Muscle mechanics in post-menopausal osteoporotic and non-osteoporotic females
  66. Quadriceps strength deficit associated with rectus fernoris rupture: a case report
  67. Effects of arthrodeses on walking: kinemati and kinetic studies of subtalar and knee arthrodesis
  68. Functional torque-velocity and power-velocity characteristics of elite athletes
  69. Performance objectives in the stance phase of human pathological walking
  70. Three-dimensional surfaces for human muscle kinetics
  71. Effects of ankle arthrodesis on walking: kinematic and kinetic studies
  72. Performance objectives in human movement: A review and application to the stance phase of normal walking
  73. Gait of subjects with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency
  74. Object Surface Coordinates From A Single Camera And Two Mirrors
  75. 3D muscle activation surfaces — Linear relationships
  76. Ankle arthrodesis — Kinematic and kinetic effects in locomotion
  77. 3D muscle activation surfaces — Angular relationships
  78. Muscle torque and velocity relationships in elite power and endurance athletes
  79. Optimal control of pathological locomotion
  80. The accuracy of DLT extrapolation in three-dimensional film analysis
  81. Performance criteria in normal human locomotion
  82. A general Newtonian simulation of an N-segment open chain model
  83. Morphological and Biochemical Comparison of Convex and Concave Articular Surfaces from Adult Subtalar and Midtarsal Joints