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  1. Conceptualising examinable physical education in the Irish context: Leaving Certificate Physical Education
  2. Digital technology in physical education teacher education
  3. Prediction model for the inclusion of key competences in the primary school curriculum through the teachers’ perceptions in the Region de Murcia / Modelo de predicción para la inclusión de las competencias en el currículo de educación primaria según la...
  4. Original intentions and unintended consequences: the ‘contentious’ role of assessment in the development of Leaving Certificate Physical Education in Ireland
  5. Improvement in game performance and adherence after an aligned TGfU floorball unit in physical education
  6. Primary school student and teacher perceptions of competency-based learning / Percepción de alumnado y profesorado de Educación Primaria sobre el aprendizaje de los estudiantes basado en competencias