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  1. 23 The Economy of the City of Rome
  2. modern and ancient sources on Roman fishing and aquaculture activities
  3. Book review
  4. A Luxury Maritime Villa on the Sorrento Peninsula
  5. Roman arboriculture and the empress Livia
  6. Roman maritime trade in the imperial era
  7. The ‘Many Faces’ of the Roman Economy: Modern Preconceptions and Some Considerations on Capital, Technology, and Labour
  8. Possible climate change in Roman Northern Italy
  9. capital and organisation in fishing and fish salting activity in the Roman world
  10. Fish and Fishing in the Roman World
  11. Hugh Last Fellowships: Horticulture and élite identity in ancient Rome
  12. A STUDY OF IMPERIAL ESTATES - (M.) Maiuro Res Caesaris. Ricerche sulla proprietà imperiale nel Principato. (Pragmateiai 23.) Pp. 482. Bari: Edipuglia, 2012. Cased, €70. ISBN: 978-88-7228-655-5.
  13. C. Holleran, SHOPPING IN ANCIENT ROME: THE RETAIL TRADE IN THE LATE REPUBLIC AND THE PRINCIPATE. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xv + 304, illus. isbn9780199698219. £65.00.
  14. Trajanic building projects on base-metal denominations and audience targeting
  15. Costly display or economic investment? A quantitative approach to the study of marine aquaculture
  16. Maritime Villas and the Resources of the Sea