All Stories

  1. Why Fermented Foods are the Promising Food Trends in the Future?
  2. Edible xanthan/propolis coating opens new avenues in bioactive packaging
  3. Nutritional Composition and Volatile Compounds of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Seed, Fatty Acid Composition and Tocopherols, Polyphenols, and Antioxidant Activity of Its Essential Oil
  4. Characterization of Volatile Flavor Compounds in Supercritical Fluid Separated and Identified in Gurum (Citrulluslanatus Var. colocynthoide) Seed Oil Using HSME and GC–MS
  5. Impact of a Carboxymethyl Cellulose Coating Incorporated with an Ethanolic Propolis Extract on the Quality Criteria of Chicken Breast Meat
  6. The effects of packaging type and storage temperature on some of UHT milk quality indexes
  7. Nutritional Profile and Health Benefits of Ganoderma lucidum “Lingzhi, Reishi, or Mannentake” as Functional Foods: Current Scenario and Future Perspectives
  8. How Does the Addition of Biostimulants Affect the Growth, Yield, and Quality Parameters of the Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)? How Is This Reflected in Its Nutritional Value?
  9. Bioprocessing of Horticultural Wastes by Solid-State Fermentation into Value-Added/Innovative Bioproducts: A Review
  10. Why the importance of geo-origin tracing of edible bird nests is arising?
  11. Westerdykella aquatica sp. nov., producing phytase
  12. Traditionally fermented pickles: How the microbial diversity associated with their nutritional and health benefits?
  13. Potential authentication of various meat‐based products using simple and efficient DNA extraction method
  14. Authentication approach using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of porcine substances
  15. Tracing insect pests: is there new potential in molecular techniques?
  16. DNAFoil: Novel technology for the rapid detection of food adulteration
  17. Molecular Detection of Mycotoxigenic Fungi in Foods: The Case for Using PCR-DGGE
  18. Molecular techniques reveal more secrets of fermented foods
  19. How to trace the geographic origin of mushrooms?
  20. Molecular beacon-based real-time PCR method for detection of porcine DNA in gelatin and gelatin capsules
  21. How to Determine the Geographical Origin of Food by Molecular Techniques
  22. Molecular Techniques and Lactic Acid-Fermented Fruits and Vegetables
  23. Molecular Characterization of Ochratoxigenic Fungal Flora as an Innovative Tool to Certify Coffee Origin
  24. Molecular Techniques for Making Recombinant Enzymes Used in Food Processing
  25. Advances in Genetic Engineering for Higher Production and Quality Improvement of Food and Beverages
  26. Authentication technologies using DNA-based approaches for meats and halal meats determination
  27. Medicinal Plants: Ethno-Uses to Biotechnology Era
  28. Traceability as a Key of Seafood Safety: Reassessment and Possible Applications
  29. Mixing Manure with Chemical Fertilizers, Why? and What is After?
  30. Food Safety Issues in Saudi Arabia
  31. Monoclonal antibodies specific to heat-treated porcine blood
  32. Modification of gelatin-DNA interaction for optimised DNA extraction from gelatin and gelatin capsule
  33. New Strategies for Tracing Foodstuffs: Biological Barcodes Utilising PCR-DGGE
  34. Potential impacts of bioprocessing of sweet potato: Review
  35. In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Crude Extracts of Some Medicinal Plants from Al-Baha Region in Saudi Arabia
  36. Is PCR-DGGE an Innovative Molecular Tool for the Detection of Microbial Plant Pathogens?
  37. How to Determine the Geographical Origin of Seafood?
  38. Application of PCR-DGGE to the study of dynamics and biodiversity of yeasts and potentially OTA producing fungi during coffee processing
  39. Determination of cheese origin by using 16S rDNA fingerprinting of bacteria communities by PCR–DGGE: Preliminary application to traditional Minas cheese
  40. Comparison of gene nature used in real-time PCR for porcine identification and quantification: A review
  41. Study of the microbial discrimination of fruits by PCR-DGGE: Application to the determination of the geographical origin of Physalis fruits from Colombia, Egypt, Uganda and Madagascar
  42. Fermented Fish and Fish Products
  43. A Biological Bar Code for Determining the Geographical Origin of Fruit by Using 28S rDNA Fingerprinting of Fungal Communities by PCR-DGGE: An Application to Physalis Fruits from Egypt
  44. Determination of fruit origin by using 28S rDNA fingerprinting of fungi communities by PCR-DGGE: an application to Physalis fruits from Egypt, Uganda and Colombia
  45. Biological bar code for determining the geographical origin of fruits using 28S rDNA fingerprinting of fungal communities by PCR-DGGE: an application to Shea tree fruits
  46. Main composition of Physalis (Physalis pubescensL.) fruit juice from Egypt
  48. Determination of fruit origin by using 26S rDNA fingerprinting of yeast communities by PCR-DGGE: preliminary application toPhysalisfruits from Egypt
  49. Quality of physalis (Physalis pubescenss L.) juice packaged in glass bottles and flexible laminated packs during storage at 5°c.