All Stories

  1. Lebensphasen von Communities of Practice – Eine Fallstudie
  2. E-commerce for SMEs: empirical insights from three countries
  3. A conceptualized investment model of crowdfunding
  4. Innovation Framework
  5. Evolution of Innovation Management
  6. Digitale Ökosysteme und deren Geschäftsmodelle: Analyse und Implikationen für klassische Buchverlage
  7. Wissensmanagement in der F&E — Ergebnisse einer Best-Practice-Studie
  8. Learning from Failure: Case Insights into a UK-India Technology Transfer Project
  9. Marketing of new technologies: the case of renewable energies in the UK
  10. Linking innovation and entrepreneurship – literature overview and introduction of a process-oriented framework
  11. Innovation Management and Marketing in the High-Tech Sector: A Content Analysis of Advertisements
  12. The Term Innovation and its Front End – Is There a Specific Asian View?
  13. Integrated Idea Management in Emerging Technology Ventures
  14. Integriertes Ideenmanagement als strategischer Erfolgsfaktor junger Technologieunternehmen
  15. Case Study as a Teaching Tool
  16. Opportunities and Challenges for Open Innovation in the Automotive Industry