All Stories

  1. How to improve human delegation to AI with knowlegde
  2. Perceived input control on online platforms from the application developer perspective: conceptualisation and scale development
  3. Special Section: The Transformative Value of Cloud Computing: A Decoupling, Platformization, and Recombination Theoretical Framework
  4. Opening the Floodgates: The Implications of Increasing Platform Openness in Crowdfunding
  5. A configuration-based recommender system for supporting e-commerce decisions
  6. The effect of free sampling strategies on freemium conversion rates
  7. The emergence and effects of fake social information: Evidence from crowdfunding
  8. Effects of Social Interaction Dynamics on Platforms
  9. The role of software updates in information systems continuance — An experimental study from a user perspective
  10. The role of inter-organizational information systems in maritime transport chains
  11. Promotional Tactics for Online Viral Marketing Campaigns: How Scarcity and Personalization Affect Seed Stage Referrals
  12. Digital Transformation Strategies
  13. A Grounded Theory of Online Shopping Flow
  14. Kontrollmechanismen auf Software-Plattformen
  15. How open is this platform? The meaning and measurement of platform openness from the complementors’ perspective
  16. Web Personalization Cues and Their Differential Effects on User Assessments of Website Value
  17. Converting freemium customers from free to premium—the role of the perceived premium fit in the case of music as a service
  18. Geschäftsmodelle
  19. Music as a Service als Alternative für Musikpiraten?
  20. Effect Mechanisms of Perceptual Congruence Between Information Systems Professionals and Users on Satisfaction with Service
  21. IT-Outsourcing: Das Risiko einer Fehlinvestition ist oft hausgemacht
  22. The Advertising Effect of Free -- Do Free Basic Versions Promote Premium Versions within the Freemium Business Model of Music Services?
  23. Differential Effects of Provider Recommendations and Consumer Reviews in E-Commerce Transactions: An Experimental Study
  24. Zur Rolle versunkener Kosten in aufeinander folgenden IT-Outsourcing-Entscheidungen
  25. An Empirical Study of Volunteer Members' Perceived Turnover in Open Source Software Projects
  26. Is Perceived Domestic Market Attractiveness a Growth Impediment? Evidence from the German Software Industry
  27. Opportunities and risks of software-as-a-service: Findings from a survey of IT executives
  28. The Signaling Role of IT Features in Influencing Trust and Participation in Online Communities
  29. Software-as-a-Service
  30. Chancen und Risiken des Einsatzes von SaaS – Die Sicht der Anwender
  31. Das „as-a-Service“-Paradigma: Treiber von Veränderungen in der Software-Industrie?
  32. Pricing of Content Services – An Empirical Investigation of Music as a Service
  33. Drivers of SaaS-Adoption – An Empirical Study of Different Application Types
  34. Treiber der Adoption SaaS-basierter Anwendungen
  35. eCollaboration mit Social Software in der globalen Softwareentwicklung
  36. A contingency model for the allocation of media content in publishing companies
  37. Dissemination of Content Reutilization Practices in the German and U.S. Book Publishing Industry
  38. Verbreitung, Anwendungsfelder und Wirtschaftlichkeit von XML in Verlagen — Eine empirische Untersuchung
  39. Konstruktion eines Referenzmodells für das Online Content Syndication auf Basis einer Geschäftsmodellanalyse
  40. Shared-Content-Services in Medienunternehmen — Erfahrungen innovativer Print-Verlage
  41. Medientechnologien — Digitale Konzepte und ihre integrierte Nutzung