All Stories

  1. Visualising Transformations of Geographical Time–Space by Transport Systems. The Case of Germany, 1990–2020
  2. Disposing of Daily Life Resources by Active Modes
  3. Mobility Hubs, an Innovative Concept for Sustainable Urban Mobility?
  4. The Integrated ANN-NPRT-HUB Algorithm for Rail-Transit Networks of Smart Cities: A TOD Case Study in Chengdu
  5. Exploring the concept of " mobility hubs " and assessing their impacts in two European cities
  6. Rockets shriveling the world
  7. Intermodal use of (e-)scooters with train in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region: towards extended train stations areas?
  8. A representation of geographical time-space
  9. The future of urban sound environments: Impacting mobility trends and insights for noise assessment and mitigation
  10. A metric with a context to describe all the geographical forms of distances
  11. Intermodality in European metropolises: The current state of the art, and the results of an expert survey covering Berlin, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Paris
  12. All geographical distances are optimal
  13. Low Appetite for High Tech
  14. What value do travelers put on connectivity to mobile phone and Internet networks in public transport? Empirical evidence from the Paris region
  15. Contribution de la future ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse Tours-Bordeaux au développement des réseaux des villes, une évaluation par le potentiel de contact
  16. Societal Trends Influencing Mobility and Logistics in Europe: A Comprehensive Analysis
  17. Using contact potential measurements to analyse future intercity links made possible by the Tours–Bordeaux High-Speed Rail line
  18. A Multi-criteria approach for choosing a new public transport system linked to urban development: a method developed in the Bahn.Ville project for a tram-train scenario in the Saint-Étienne region
  19. Geographical distances are often misunderstood in scientific literature
  20. The counter intuitive idea that detour and break optimise distances
  21. Transport and Land Use Interaction: A French Case of Suburban Development in the Lille Metropolitan Area (LMA)
  22. a definition of accessibility in the context of inter-modal mobility
  23. Graph Theory and Representation of Distances: Chronomaps and Other Representations
  24. Theoretical Models of Time-Space: The Role of Transport Networks in the Shrinking and Shrivelling of Geographical Space
  25. Simulation des temps de parcours du transport ferroviaire régional du bassin de vie stéphanois dans le cadre du projet Bahn.Ville
  26. The shrivelled USA: representing time–space in the context of metropolitanization and the development of high-speed transport
  27. Urbanisme et transport dans les régions urbaines. Enjeux et perspectives d'un urbanisme orienté vers le rail
  28. Lille, une métropole sans aéroport international ? Analyse de la performance territoriale du noeud air-fer à grande vitesse de Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle pour l'accessibilité lilloise
  29. Assessing Spatial Planning Policy with Accessibility Indicators: The Case of Lille’s Metropolis Scenario
  30. De l'espace contracté à l'espace chiffonné. Apports de l'animation à la cartographie en relief des distances-temps modifiées par les réseaux de transport rapides
  31. Projets de grande vitesse ferroviaire en Grande-Bretagne : lignes ou réseau ?