All Stories

  1. Our Model Achieves Excellent Performance on MovieLens: What Does It Mean?
  2. DP-GCN: Node Classification by Connectivity and Local Topology Structure on Real-World Network
  3. DiffuRec: A Diffusion Model for Sequential Recommendation
  4. The 1st Workshop on Recommendation with Generative Models
  5. On Challenges of Evaluating Recommender Systems in an Offline Setting
  6. A Preference Learning Decoupling Framework for User Cold-Start Recommendation
  7. Take a Fresh Look at Recommender Systems from an Evaluation Standpoint
  8. SelfCF: A Simple Framework for Self-supervised Collaborative Filtering
  9. DOCoR: Document-level OpenIE with Coreference Resolution
  10. A Critical Study on Data Leakage in Recommender System Offline Evaluation
  11. Do Loyal Users Enjoy Better Recommendations?
  12. Automatic Expert Selection for Multi-Scenario and Multi-Task Search
  13. An Attribute-Driven Mirror Graph Network for Session-based Recommendation
  14. Improving Conversational Recommender Systems via Transformer-based Sequential Modelling
  15. Generative Inverse Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Recommendation
  16. Pre-training Graph Transformer with Multimodal Side Information for Recommendation
  17. Video Corpus Moment Retrieval with Contrastive Learning
  18. Incremental Community Detection on Large Complex Attributed Network
  19. Tweet-aware News Summarization with Dual-Attention Mechanism
  20. CATN
  21. A Re-visit of the Popularity Baseline in Recommender Systems
  22. Collective Named Entity Recognition in User Comments via Parameterized Label Propagation
  23. Deep Learning Based Recommender System
  24. A Study on Agreement in PICO Span Annotations
  25. Pair-Linking for Collective Entity Disambiguation: Two Could Be Better Than All
  26. Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Adaptive Seed Minimization
  27. Aspect-level Sentiment Analysis using AS-Capsules
  28. Learning Travel Time Distributions with Deep Generative Model
  29. Learning-Based Outdoor Localization Exploiting Crowd-Labeled WiFi Hotspots
  30. Seed-Guided Topic Model for Document Filtering and Classification
  31. Collecting event-related tweets from twitter stream
  32. Towards Effective Extraction and Linking of Software Mentions from User-Generated Support Tickets
  33. A Survey of Location Prediction on Twitter
  34. To Do or Not To Do: Distill crowdsourced negative caveats to augment api documentation
  35. LinkLive: discovering Web learning resources for developers from Q&A discussions
  36. API Caveat Explorer -- Surfacing Negative Usages from Practice
  37. CoNEREL
  38. Killing Two Birds With One Stone
  39. Seed-driven Document Ranking for Systematic Reviews in Evidence-Based Medicine
  40. Learning to answer programming questions with software documentation through social context embedding
  41. Efficient algorithms for adaptive influence maximization
  42. Linking Fine-Grained Locations in User Comments (Extended Abstract)
  43. Semi-Supervised Spam Detection in Twitter Stream
  44. Linking Fine-Grained Locations in User Comments
  45. Joint Implicit and Explicit Neural Networks for Question Recommendation in CQA Services
  46. A study on a new type of citations called Prestigious Citations
  47. NeuPL
  48. Semi-Supervised Event-related Tweet Identification with Dynamic Keyword Generation
  49. A time-aware trajectory embedding model for next-location recommendation
  50. Enhancing Topic Modeling for Short Texts with Auxiliary Word Embeddings
  51. Mean Average Distance to Resolver: An Evaluation Metric for Ticket Routing in Expert Network
  52. Cross-Device User Linking
  53. Searching for the internet of things: where it is and what it looks like
  54. An analysis of 14 Million tweets on hashtag-oriented spamming*
  55. Extracting fine-grained location with temporal awareness in tweets: A two-stage approach
  56. Exploring prestigious citations sourced from top universities across disciplines
  57. Entity Recognition by Distant Supervision with Soft List Constraint
  58. Time Expression Analysis and Recognition Using Syntactic Token Types and General Heuristic Rules
  59. Annotating Points of Interest with Geo-tagged Tweets
  60. Effective Document Labeling with Very Few Seed Words
  61. Topic Modeling for Short Texts with Auxiliary Word Embeddings
  62. Discovering Neighborhood Pattern Queries by sample answers in knowledge base
  63. Joint Recognition and Linking of Fine-Grained Locations from Tweets
  64. When MetaMap Meets Social Media in Healthcare: Are the Word Labels Correct?
  65. Did You Know? A Rule-Based Approach to Finding Similar Questions on Online Health Forums
  66. HSpam14
  67. PRISM
  68. Mobile phone name extraction from internet forums: a semi-supervised approach
  69. Who, Where, When, and What
  70. Tweet Segmentation and Its Application to Named Entity Recognition
  71. A Study of Visual and Semantic Similarity for Social Image Search Recommendation
  72. Conformity-aware influence maximization in online social networks
  73. Summarizing social image search results
  74. Exploiting Geographical Neighborhood Characteristics for Location Recommendation
  75. Fine-grained location extraction from tweets with temporal awareness
  76. Graph-based Point-of-interest Recommendation with Geographical and Temporal Influences
  77. Hashtag recommendation for hyperlinked tweets
  78. PRISM
  79. Tagging Your Tweets
  80. Towards context-aware search with right click
  81. Why not, WINE?
  82. Your neighbors affect your ratings
  83. Why not, WINE?
  84. Who, where, when and what
  85. On predicting the popularity of newly emerging hashtags in Twitter
  86. TSDW: Two-stage word sense disambiguation using Wikipedia
  87. Affinity-driven blog cascade analysis and prediction
  88. Crest: Cluster-based Representation Enrichment for Short Text Classification
  89. Are Most-Viewed News Articles Most-Shared?
  90. CINEMA
  91. Exploiting hybrid contexts for Tweet segmentation
  93. Predicting event-relatedness of popular queries
  94. Time-aware point-of-interest recommendation
  95. Content is still king
  96. Lessons from learner experiences in a field-based inquiry in geography using mobile devices
  97. An evaluation of classification models for question topic categorization
  98. CASIS
  99. Category hierarchy maintenance
  100. Short text classification using very few words
  101. Topic-driven reader comments summarization
  102. Twevent
  103. TwiNER
  104. Will this #hashtag be popular tomorrow?
  105. Web classification of conceptual entities using co-training
  106. Tag-based social image retrieval: An empirical evaluation
  107. Query-Guided Event Detection From News and Blog Streams
  108. Mining latent relations in peer-production environments: a case study with Wikipedia article similarity and controversy
  109. Detecting spam blogs from blog search results
  110. Managing Social Image Tags: Methods and Applications
  111. CASINO
  112. Semantic tag recommendation using concept model
  113. Visualizing and querying semantic social networks
  114. Enhancing search in a geospatial multimedia annotation system
  115. Investigating Perceptions of a Location-Based Annotation System
  116. Visualizing and Exploring Evolving Information Networks in Wikipedia
  117. Affinity-driven prediction and ranking of products in online product review sites
  118. Do Wikipedians follow domain experts?
  119. Managing Media Rich Geo-spatial Annotations for a Map-Based Mobile Application Using Clustering
  120. Quantifying tag representativeness of visual content of social images
  121. On strategies for imbalanced text classification using SVM: A comparative study
  122. To Trust or Not to Trust? Predicting Online Trusts Using Trust Antecedent Framework
  123. Sharing Mobile Multimedia Annotations to Support Inquiry-Based Learning Using MobiTOP
  124. Blog cascade affinity
  125. Exploring Hierarchically Organized Georeferenced Multimedia Annotations in the MobiTOP System
  126. Image tag clarity
  127. Imbalanced text classification: A term weighting approach
  128. Quality-aware collaborative question answering
  129. SSnetViz
  130. Sharing Hierarchical Mobile Multimedia Content Using the MobiTOP System
  131. Trust relationship prediction using online product review data
  132. What makes categories difficult to classify?
  133. TagNSearch: Searching and Navigating Geo-referenced Collections of Photographs
  134. Comments-oriented document summarization
  135. Event detection with common user interests
  136. On profiling blogs with representative entries
  137. On ranking controversies in wikipedia
  138. Online spam-blog detection through blog search
  139. Predicting trusts among users of online communities
  140. Representative entry selection for profiling blogs
  141. Measuring article quality in wikipedia
  142. Mobile G-Portal supporting collaborative sharing and learning in geography fieldwork
  143. Mobile digital libraries for geography education
  144. On improving wikipedia search using article quality
  145. SLOQUE
  146. Social bookmarking in digital library systems
  147. Measuring Qualities of Articles Contributed by Online Communities
  148. An energy-efficient and access latency optimized indexing scheme for wireless data broadcast
  149. Fast and Scalable Access to Advance Resource Reservation Data in Future Cellular Networks
  150. i Wed: An Integrated Multigraph Cut-Based Approach for Detecting Events from a Website
  151. Web unit-based mining of homepage relationships
  152. Discovery of concept entities from web sites using web unit mining
  153. Web data extraction based on structural similarity
  154. Managing Geography Learning Objects Using Personalized Project Spaces in G-Portal
  155. Finding and classifying web units in websites
  156. Blocking reduction strategies in hierarchical text classification
  157. Performance measurement framework for hierarchical text classification